1949 Men's Tennis - Year In Review

1949 Men's Tennis - Year In Review

Coaching Staff
Don Loucks, Head Coach

Click here for team picture

Click here to see individual mug shots

1949 Florida State Signees/Newcomers

1949 Roster - By Name

T                                       PY
R Name                  Hgt   Wgt  Cl   Ltr  Hometown (Prior School)
* Lawson Bevis                               
* Dick Bradley                     Fr        Tampa
* Jim Costello          6-3   194  Jr   *    Miami
* George Diamond                             
* Larry Dickson         6-2   167  So   *    Tampa (Jefferson)
* Oscar Jackson                              
* Bobby Jarratt                    Jr   *    Pensacola
* George Newman         5-10  165  Jr        Eau Gallie
* Herb Quay                        Jr        Saint Petersburg
* George Scott                               
* Murray Voth                                Fort Pierce
Lettermen from the 1950 FSU Football Media Guide, page 43.
From the 1950 FSU Football Media Guide, page 43.

Dixie Conference champions. Won 11 matches, lost 2.

Lettermen - Captain Jim Costello, Dick Bradley, Larry Dickson, Oscar Jackson, Bobby Jarratt, George Newman, Herb Quay and George Scott. Manager James Murray.

Dixie Conference individual titles won by FSU players - Class B singles, Jim Costello; Class B doubles, Costello and Bobby Jarratt.

1949 Conference Awards

Jim Costello             Dixie Conference - No. 3 Singles Flight Champion
                         Dixie Conference - No. 2 Doubles Flight Champion

Bobby Jarratt            Dixie Conference - No. 2 Doubles Flight Champion

All-Conference -  2

1949 Schedule and Results

W 6-1
W 6-1
Mississippi College
W 9-0
Millsaps College
W 9-0
Coll of Charleston
W 5-3
W 5-4
Mississippi College
W 8-1
Mississippi College
W 7-2
L 3-5
L 4-5
W 5-2
W 9-0
W 6-3
Dixie Conference Championship
May 20-21, 1949, Macon, Ga.
1st Place
EOY Stats Ref

                Overall   Home    Away   Neutral
FSU record is   11- 2     8- 0     3- 2     0- 0

1949 Dixie Conference Results
 1  Florida State          22
 2  Stetson                18
 3  Southern               16
 4  Mercer                  4
 5t Oglethorpe              3
 5t Howard                  3

Individual Results        Highest   vs          3    Fall/Spring
Name                        Rank   Rank Dixie  Sets  Tournaments   1     2     3     4     5     6    NCAA Total
------------------------- ------- ----- ----- -----  ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Lawson Bevis                             1-0                                              1-0               1-0
Dick Bradley                             2-0   1-0                                        1-0   1-0         2-0
Jim Costello                             9-0   3-0        3-0           2-0  11-0                          16-0
George Diamond                           3-0                                              1-0   2-0         3-0
Larry Dickson                            8-1   0-2        1-1     2-1   8-2                                11-4
Oscar Jackson                            5-2   0-2        1-1                       2-0   5-3   0-1         8-5
Bobby Jarratt                            2-1   1-2        3-1                             2-0   1-3         6-4
George Newman                            8-0   0-1        2-1                 2-0   9-1                    13-2
Herb Quay                                6-1   2-0        1-1     7-3   1-0                                 9-4
George Scott                             3-0   1-0                                  1-0         2-0         3-0
Murray Voth                              0-1   0-1                                              0-1         0-1
Totals                                                   11-5     9-4  11-2  13-0  12-1  10-3   6-5        72-20

Doubles Results Highest vs 3 Fall/Spring Name Rank Rank Dixie Sets Tournaments 1 2 3 NCAA Total --------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Lawson Bevis/Dick Bradley 2-0 1-0 1-0 2-0 Lawson Bevis/George Diamond 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Lawson Bevis/Murray Voth 0-1 0-1 0-1 Dick Bradley/Jim Costello 1-0 1-0 1-0 Dick Bradley/George Newman 1-0 1-0 1-0 Dick Bradley/George Scott 0-1 0-1 Jim Costello/Larry Dickson 2-0 0-1 3-1 3-1 Jim Costello/Oscar Jackson 1-0 1-0 1-0 Jim Costello/Bobby Jarratt 1-0 2-0 1-0 3-0 Jim Costello/Herb Quay 1-0 1-0 1-0 George Diamond/George Newman 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 George Diamond/George Scott 0-1 0-1 0-1 Larry Dickson/Herb Quay 3-0 1-0 1-1 4-0 5-1 Oscar Jackson/Bobby Jarratt 0-1 0-1 0-1 Oscar Jackson/George Newman 4-1 1-0 1-1 1-0 4-1 6-2 Bobby Jarratt/Herb Quay 0-2 1-0 1-3 1-3 George Scott/Murray Voth 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Totals 4-2 7-6 9-3 5-3 25-14

Lawson Bevis
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/18/1949            5  Brigance                  Mississippi College  W   6-2, 6-3               1-0   1-0   1-0

Dick Bradley
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/02/1949            6  Stoller                   Oglethorpe           W   6-4, 6-1               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/19/1949            5  Ahrens                    Mississippi College  W   6-4, 4-6, 6-4          2-0   2-0   2-0

Jim Costello
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            3  Charlie Thomas            Mercer               W   6-1, 6-1               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/02/1949            3  J. E. Smith               Oglethorpe           W   6-0, 6-0               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/08/1949            3  Cook                      Mississippi College  W   6-2, 6-0               3-0   3-0   3-0
04/09/1949            3  Davis                     Millsaps College     W   6-0, 6-3               4-0   4-0   4-0
04/13/1949            3  Puckhaber                 Coll of Charleston   W   6-8, 7-5, 6-2          5-0   5-0
04/15/1949            3  Gregg                     Southern             W   6-4, 6-4               6-0   6-0
04/18/1949            2  Wilson                    Mississippi College  W   6-3, 6-1               7-0   7-0   5-0
04/19/1949            2  Wilson                    Mississippi College  W   6-2, 6-2               8-0   8-0   6-0
04/22/1949            3  Gregg                     Southern             W   6-2, 2-6, 6-4          9-0   9-0
04/23/1949            3  Maynard                   Stetson              W   6-1, 6-2              10-0  10-0   7-0
04/30/1949            3  Gelburd                   Emory                W   6-3, 6-2              11-0  11-0
05/07/1949            3  Sonny Tharpe              Mercer               W   6-1, 6-3              12-0  12-0   8-0
05/14/1949            3  Kirk                      Stetson              W   6-3, 6-1              13-0  13-0   9-0
05/20/1949            T  H Smith                   Mercer               W   6-1, 6-1              14-0
05/21/1949            T  Sam Gregg                 Southern             W   6-4, 4-6, 6-1         15-0
05/21/1949            T  George Newman             Florida State        W   6-0, 6-1              16-0

George Diamond
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/02/1949            5  W. Smith                  Oglethorpe           W   6-2, 6-0               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/18/1949            6  Kitchings                 Mississippi College  W   6-1, 6-4               2-0   2-0   2-0
05/07/1949            6  Matthews                  Mercer               W   7-5, 6-2               3-0   3-0   3-0

Larry Dickson
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            2  Smith                     Mercer               W   6-1, 6-0               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/02/1949            2  John Smith                Oglethorpe           W   6-0, 6-4               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/08/1949            2  Wendt                     Mississippi College  W   6-1, 6-3               3-0   3-0   3-0
04/09/1949            2  Wilson                    Millsaps College     W   6-1, 6-0               4-0   4-0   4-0
04/13/1949            2  Rughelmer                 Coll of Charleston   W   6-4, 8-6               5-0   5-0
04/15/1949            2  Feld                      Southern               L 6-2, 6-2               5-1   5-1
04/18/1949            1  Davis                     Mississippi College  W   6-0, 6-0               6-1   6-1   5-0
04/19/1949            1  Brigance                  Mississippi College  W   6-0, 6-1               7-1   7-1   6-0
04/22/1949            2  Feld                      Southern               L 4-6, 6-3, 6-0          7-2   7-2
04/23/1949            2  Uthlant                   Stetson              W   6-1, 7-5               8-2   8-2   7-0
04/30/1949            2  Haldi                     Emory                W   8-6, 6-0               9-2   9-2
05/07/1949            2  Ben O'Neal                Mercer               W   6-1, 6-1              10-2  10-2   8-0
05/14/1949            1  Zipprer                   Stetson                L 6-3, 6-4              10-3  10-3   8-1
05/20/1949            T  Parker                    Mercer               W   6-3, 6-1              11-3
05/20/1949            T  Feld                      Southern               L 6-2, 3-6, 6-4         11-4

Oscar Jackson
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            4  Trevitt                   Mercer               W   6-4, 6-2               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/08/1949            5  Woods                     Mississippi College  W   6-2, 6-1               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/09/1949            5  Kitchenzs                 Millsaps College     W   6-0, 6-2               3-0   3-0   3-0
04/13/1949            5  Wells                     Coll of Charleston     L 6-3, 6-4               3-1   3-1
04/15/1949            5  White                     Southern             W   6-3, 6-2               4-1   4-1
04/18/1949            4  Ahrens                    Mississippi College  W   6-0, 6-1               5-1   5-1   4-0
04/22/1949            5  Holland                   Southern               L 4-6, 9-7, 7-5          5-2   5-2
04/23/1949            5  Perkins                   Stetson                L 6-4, 6-3               5-3   5-3   4-1
04/30/1949            5  Rowell                    Emory                W   6-2, 6-0               6-3   6-3
05/07/1949            5  L Smith                   Mercer               W   6-0, 6-3               7-3   7-3   5-1
05/14/1949            6  Mathews                   Stetson                L 6-4, 6-3               7-4   7-4   5-2
05/20/1949            T  Tharpe                    Mercer               W   6-2, 6-1               8-4
05/21/1949            T  Perkins                   Stetson                L 7-9, 8-6, 6-1          8-5

Bobby Jarratt
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            5  Andrews                   Mercer               W   6-4, 6-2               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/13/1949            6  Lee                       Coll of Charleston   W   8-6, 6-3               2-0   2-0
04/15/1949            6  Owsley                    Southern               L 6-2, 1-6, 6-4          2-1   2-1
04/22/1949            6  Owsley                    Southern               L 6-3, 6-2               2-2   2-2
04/23/1949            6  Matthews                  Stetson                L 6-3, 7-9, 6-2          2-3   2-3   1-1
05/14/1949            5  Grisby                    Stetson              W   6-2, 6-3               3-3   3-3   2-1
05/20/1949            T  W Smith                   Oglethorpe           W   6-1, 6-3               4-3
05/20/1949            T  Owsley                    Southern             W   3-6, 6-2, 6-2          5-3
05/21/1949            T  Matteus                   Stetson              W   6-2, 6-3               6-3
05/21/1949            T  Perkins                   Stetson                L 6-3, 6-3               6-4

George Newman
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/02/1949            4  Backs                     Oglethorpe           W   6-0, 6-1               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/08/1949            4  Gulledge                  Mississippi College  W   6-1, 6-0               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/09/1949            4  Allen                     Millsaps College     W   6-2, 6-1               3-0   3-0   3-0
04/13/1949            4  Wolfe                     Coll of Charleston     L 6-2, 4-6, 6-2          3-1   3-1
04/15/1949            4  Holland                   Southern             W   6-1, 6-1               4-1   4-1
04/18/1949            3  McKee                     Mississippi College  W   6-0, 6-1               5-1   5-1   4-0
04/19/1949            3  Davis                     Mississippi College  W   6-1, 6-1               6-1   6-1   5-0
04/22/1949            4  White                     Southern             W   6-1, 7-5               7-1   7-1
04/23/1949            4  Kirk                      Stetson              W   6-4, 6-3               8-1   8-1   6-0
04/30/1949            4  Johnson                   Emory                W   6-1, 6-1               9-1   9-1
05/07/1949            4  Andrews                   Mercer               W   6-1, 6-3              10-1  10-1   7-0
05/14/1949            4  Maynard                   Stetson              W   6-4, 7-5              11-1  11-1   8-0
05/20/1949            T  Darden                    Oglethorpe           W   6-1, 6-4              12-1
05/21/1949            T  Kirk                      Stetson              W   6-1, 6-4              13-1
05/21/1949            T  Jim Costello              Florida State          L 6-0, 6-1              13-2

Herb Quay
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            1  O'Neal                    Mercer               W   6-3, 6-1               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/02/1949            1  Scott                     Oglethorpe           W   6-0, 6-4               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/08/1949            1  Ed Ball                   Millsaps College     W   6-8, 6-3, 6-3          3-0   3-0   3-0
04/09/1949            1  Evans                                          W   6-1, 6-1               4-0   4-0   4-0
04/13/1949            1  Parker                    Coll of Charleston   W   9-7, 4-6, 6-4          5-0   5-0
04/15/1949            1  Winchell                  Southern               L 6-3, 6-2               5-1   5-1
04/22/1949            1  Winchell                  Southern               L 6-3, 11-9              5-2   5-2
04/23/1949            1  Pinky Zipprer             Stetson                L 7-5, 6-1               5-3   5-3   4-1
04/30/1949            1  Kocan                     Emory                W   6-3, 6-3               6-3   6-3
05/07/1949            1  Harry Smith               Mercer               W   6-0, 6-2               7-3   7-3   5-1
05/14/1949            2  Uthlaut                   Stetson              W   6-3, 6-4               8-3   8-3   6-1
05/20/1949            T  Peebles                   Howard               W   8-6, 6-2               9-3
05/21/1949            T  George Winchell           Southern               L 8-6, 6-2               9-4

George Scott
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/08/1949            6  Beard                     Mississippi College  W   6-2, 7-5               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/09/1949            6  Brigance                  Millsaps College     W   6-3, 6-1               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/19/1949            4  McKee                     Mississippi College  W   6-2, 6-2               3-0   3-0   3-0

Murray Voth
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/19/1949            6  Kitching                  Mississippi College    L 7-5, 4-6, 6-2          0-1   0-1   0-1

Lawson Bevis
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            2  Dick Bradley              Tharpe/Trevitt                           Mercer               W   6-4, 7-5               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/18/1949            1  Dick Bradley              Davis/Wilson                             Mississippi College  W   6-4, 6-2               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/19/1949            3  George Diamond            Brigance/Kitching                        Mississippi College    L 1-6, 9-7, 6-4          2-1   2-1   2-1
04/30/1949            2  Murray Voth               Gelburd/Johnson                          Emory                  L 6-4, 5-7, 6-3          2-2   2-2

Dick Bradley
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            2  Lawson Bevis              Tharpe/Trevitt                           Mercer               W   6-4, 7-5               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/08/1949            2  Jim Costello              Gulledge/Wendt                           Mississippi College  W   6-1, 6-3               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/09/1949            3  George Newman             Brigance/Kitchenzs                       Millsaps College     W   6-4, 6-1               3-0   3-0   3-0
04/13/1949            2  George Scott              Lee/Wells                                Coll of Charleston     L 6-2, 6-2               3-1   3-1
04/18/1949            1  Lawson Bevis              Davis/Wilson                             Mississippi College  W   6-4, 6-2               4-1   4-1   4-0

Jim Costello
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/08/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Bell-Cook                                Mississippi College  W   7-5, 6-2               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/08/1949            2  Dick Bradley              Gulledge/Wendt                           Mississippi College  W   6-1, 6-3               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/09/1949            2  Oscar Jackson             Allen/Davis                              Millsaps College     W   6-2, 6-1               3-0   3-0   3-0
04/13/1949            3  Bobby Jarratt             Puckhaber/Wolfe                          Coll of Charleston   dnf 5-7, 8-6 dnf           3-0   3-0
04/15/1949            2  Larry Dickson             Gregg/Holland                            Southern             W   6-2, 6-0               4-0   4-0
04/22/1949            2  Larry Dickson             Feld/Gregg                               Southern               L 6-2, 1-6, 6-2          4-1   4-1
04/23/1949            2  Larry Dickson             Kirk/Uthlant                             Stetson              W   6-0, 7-5               5-1   5-1   4-0
05/07/1949            2  Bobby Jarratt             Ben O'Neal/Harry Smith                   Mercer               W   7-5, 6-2               6-1   6-1   5-0
05/14/1949            2  Larry Dickson             Kirk/Uthlaut                             Stetson              W   6-1, 6-3               7-1   7-1   6-0
05/20/1949            T  Bobby Jarratt             Gregg/Holland                            Southern             W   8-6, 6-3               8-1
05/21/1949            T  Bobby Jarratt             Kirk/Uthlaut                             Stetson              W   6-2, 6-2               9-1

George Diamond
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            1  George Newman             O'Neal/Smith                             Mercer                 L 6-2, 6-0               0-1   0-1   0-1
04/18/1949            2  George Newman             Ahrens/McKee                             Mississippi College  W   6-4, 6-1               1-1   1-1   1-1
04/19/1949            3  Lawson Bevis              Brigance/Kitching                        Mississippi College    L 1-6, 9-7, 6-4          1-2   1-2   1-2
04/30/1949            1  George Scott              Haldi/Kocan                              Emory                  L 7-5, 6-8, 6-2          1-3   1-3

Larry Dickson
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/09/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Evans/Wilson                             Millsaps College     W   6-2, 6-1               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/13/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Parker/Rugheimer                         Coll of Charleston   W   1-6, 6-2, 6-1          2-0   2-0
04/15/1949            2  Jim Costello              Gregg/Holland                            Southern             W   6-2, 6-0               3-0   3-0
04/19/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Davis/Wilson                             Mississippi College  W   6-3, 6-3               4-0   4-0   2-0
04/22/1949            2  Jim Costello              Feld/Gregg                               Southern               L 6-2, 1-6, 6-2          4-1   4-1
04/23/1949            2  Jim Costello              Kirk/Uthlant                             Stetson              W   6-0, 7-5               5-1   5-1   3-0
05/07/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Matthews/Sonny Tharpe                    Mercer               W   def                    6-1   6-1   4-0
05/14/1949            2  Jim Costello              Kirk/Uthlaut                             Stetson              W   6-1, 6-3               7-1   7-1   5-0
05/20/1949            T  Herb Quay                 Maynard/Zipperer                         Stetson              W   10-8, 9-7              8-1
05/21/1949            T  Herb Quay                 Feld/George Winchell                     Southern               L 6-3, 6-4               8-2

Oscar Jackson
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/02/1949            1  Bobby Jarratt             Scott/J. E. Smith                        Oglethorpe             L 6-1, 6-4               0-1   0-1   0-1
04/08/1949            3  George Newman             Beard/Woods                              Mississippi College  W   7-5, 0-6, 6-0          1-1   1-1   1-1
04/09/1949            2  Jim Costello              Allen/Davis                              Millsaps College     W   6-2, 6-1               2-1   2-1   2-1
04/15/1949            3  George Newman             Owsley/White                             Southern             W   6-2, 6-3               3-1   3-1
04/19/1949            2  George Newman             Ahens/McKee                              Mississippi College  W   6-3, 6-3               4-1   4-1   3-1
04/23/1949            3  George Newman             Matthews/Perkins                         Stetson                L 6-3, 6-2               4-2   4-2   3-2
05/07/1949            3  George Newman             Andrews/L Smith                          Mercer               W   6-2, 7-5               5-2   5-2   4-2
05/14/1949            3  George Newman             Grigsby/Mathews                          Stetson              W   6-3, 6-3               6-2   6-2   5-2
05/20/1949            T  George Newman             Darden/W Smith                           Oglethorpe           W   6-2, 6-3               7-2
05/21/1949            T  George Newman             Matteus/Perkins                          Stetson                L 6-1, 6-4               7-3

Bobby Jarratt
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/02/1949            1  Oscar Jackson             Scott/J. E. Smith                        Oglethorpe             L 6-1, 6-4               0-1   0-1   0-1
04/13/1949            3  Jim Costello              Puckhaber/Wolfe                          Coll of Charleston   dnf 5-7, 8-6 dnf           0-1   0-1
04/15/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Feld/Winchell                            Southern               L 6-2, 6-3               0-2   0-2
04/22/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Owsley/Winchell                          Southern             W   4-6, 8-6, 6-0          1-2   1-2
04/23/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Maynard/Zipprer                          Stetson                L 6-4, 6-2               1-3   1-3   0-2
05/07/1949            2  Jim Costello              Ben O'Neal/Harry Smith                   Mercer               W   7-5, 6-2               2-3   2-3   1-2
05/14/1949            1  Herb Quay                 Maynard/Zipprer                          Stetson                L 6-2, 6-2               2-4   2-4   1-3
05/20/1949            T  Jim Costello              Gregg/Holland                            Southern             W   8-6, 6-3               3-4
05/21/1949            T  Jim Costello              Kirk/Uthlaut                             Stetson              W   6-2, 6-2               4-4

George Newman
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/01/1949            1  George Diamond            O'Neal/Smith                             Mercer                 L 6-2, 6-0               0-1   0-1   0-1
04/08/1949            3  Oscar Jackson             Beard/Woods                              Mississippi College  W   7-5, 0-6, 6-0          1-1   1-1   1-1
04/09/1949            3  Dick Bradley              Brigance/Kitchenzs                       Millsaps College     W   6-4, 6-1               2-1   2-1   2-1
04/15/1949            3  Oscar Jackson             Owsley/White                             Southern             W   6-2, 6-3               3-1   3-1
04/18/1949            2  George Diamond            Ahrens/McKee                             Mississippi College  W   6-4, 6-1               4-1   4-1   3-1
04/19/1949            2  Oscar Jackson             Ahens/McKee                              Mississippi College  W   6-3, 6-3               5-1   5-1   4-1
04/23/1949            3  Oscar Jackson             Matthews/Perkins                         Stetson                L 6-3, 6-2               5-2   5-2   4-2
05/07/1949            3  Oscar Jackson             Andrews/L Smith                          Mercer               W   6-2, 7-5               6-2   6-2   5-2
05/14/1949            3  Oscar Jackson             Grigsby/Mathews                          Stetson              W   6-3, 6-3               7-2   7-2   6-2
05/20/1949            T  Oscar Jackson             Darden/W Smith                           Oglethorpe           W   6-2, 6-3               8-2
05/21/1949            T  Oscar Jackson             Matteus/Perkins                          Stetson                L 6-1, 6-4               8-3

Herb Quay
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/08/1949            1  Jim Costello              Bell-Cook                                Mississippi College  W   7-5, 6-2               1-0   1-0   1-0
04/09/1949            1  Larry Dickson             Evans/Wilson                             Millsaps College     W   6-2, 6-1               2-0   2-0   2-0
04/13/1949            1  Larry Dickson             Parker/Rugheimer                         Coll of Charleston   W   1-6, 6-2, 6-1          3-0   3-0
04/15/1949            1  Bobby Jarratt             Feld/Winchell                            Southern               L 6-2, 6-3               3-1   3-1
04/19/1949            1  Larry Dickson             Davis/Wilson                             Mississippi College  W   6-3, 6-3               4-1   4-1   3-0
04/22/1949            1  Bobby Jarratt             Owsley/Winchell                          Southern             W   4-6, 8-6, 6-0          5-1   5-1
04/23/1949            1  Bobby Jarratt             Maynard/Zipprer                          Stetson                L 6-4, 6-2               5-2   5-2   3-1
05/07/1949            1  Larry Dickson             Matthews/Sonny Tharpe                    Mercer               W   def                    6-2   6-2   4-1
05/14/1949            1  Bobby Jarratt             Maynard/Zipprer                          Stetson                L 6-2, 6-2               6-3   6-3   4-2
05/20/1949            T  Larry Dickson             Maynard/Zipperer                         Stetson              W   10-8, 9-7              7-3
05/21/1949            T  Larry Dickson             Feld/George Winchell                     Southern               L 6-3, 6-4               7-4

George Scott
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/13/1949            2  Dick Bradley              Lee/Wells                                Coll of Charleston     L 6-2, 6-2               0-1   0-1
04/18/1949            3  Murray Voth               Brigance/Kitchings                       Mississippi College    L 7-5, 3-6, 6-4          0-2   0-2   0-1
04/30/1949            1  George Diamond            Haldi/Kocan                              Emory                  L 7-5, 6-8, 6-2          0-3   0-3

Murray Voth
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/18/1949            3  George Scott              Brigance/Kitchings                       Mississippi College    L 7-5, 3-6, 6-4          0-1   0-1   0-1
04/30/1949            2  Lawson Bevis              Gelburd/Johnson                          Emory                  L 6-4, 5-7, 6-3          0-2   0-2

Florida State 6, Mercer 1
04/01/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

Mercer had a five-man team.

No. 1: O'Neal/Smith (MU) d. George Diamond/George Newman (FSU) 6-2, 6-0
No. 2: Lawson Bevis/Dick Bradley (FSU) d. Tharpe/Trevitt (MU) 6-4, 7-5
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. O'Neal (MU) 6-3, 6-1
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Smith (MU) 6-1, 6-0
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Charlie Thomas (MU) 6-1, 6-1
No. 4: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Trevitt (MU) 6-4, 6-2
No. 5: Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Andrews (MU) 6-4, 6-2

Florida State 6, Oglethorpe 1
04/02/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

No 2 and 3 doubles did not finish because of rain.

No. 1: Scott/J. E. Smith (OU) d. Oscar Jackson/Bobby Jarratt (FSU) 6-1, 6-4
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Scott (OU) 6-0, 6-4
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. John Smith (OU) 6-0, 6-4
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. J. E. Smith (OU) 6-0, 6-0
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Backs (OU) 6-0, 6-1
No. 5: George Diamond (FSU) d. W. Smith (OU) 6-2, 6-0
No. 6: Dick Bradley (FSU) d. Stoller (OU) 6-4, 6-1

Florida State 9, Mississippi College 0
04/08/1949, Clinton, Miss.

No. 1: Jim Costello/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Bell-Cook (MsC) 7-5, 6-2
No. 2: Dick Bradley/Jim Costello (FSU) d. Gulledge/Wendt (MsC) 6-1, 6-3
No. 3: Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) d. Beard/Woods (MsC) 7-5, 0-6, 6-0
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Ed Ball (MC) 6-8, 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Wendt (MsC) 6-1, 6-3
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Cook (MsC) 6-2, 6-0
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Gulledge (MsC) 6-1, 6-0
No. 5: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Woods (MsC) 6-2, 6-1
No. 6: George Scott (FSU) d. Beard (MsC) 6-2, 7-5

Florida State 9, Millsaps College 0
04/09/1949, Jackson, Miss.

No. 1: Larry Dickson/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Evans/Wilson (MC) 6-2, 6-1
No. 2: Jim Costello/Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Allen/Davis (MC) 6-2, 6-1
No. 3: Dick Bradley/George Newman (FSU) d. Brigance/Kitchenzs (MC) 6-4, 6-1
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Evans 6-1, 6-1
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Wilson (MC) 6-1, 6-0
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Davis (MC) 6-0, 6-3
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Allen (MC) 6-2, 6-1
No. 5: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Kitchenzs (MC) 6-0, 6-2
No. 6: George Scott (FSU) d. Brigance (MC) 6-3, 6-1

Florida State 5, Coll of Charleston 3
04/13/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Larry Dickson/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Parker/Rugheimer (CC) 1-6, 6-2, 6-1
No. 2: Lee/Wells (CC) d. Dick Bradley/George Scott (FSU) 6-2, 6-2
No. 3: Jim Costello/Bobby Jarratt (FSU) vs. Puckhaber/Wolfe (CC) 5-7, 8-6 dnf
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Parker (CC) 9-7, 4-6, 6-4
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Rughelmer (CC) 6-4, 8-6
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Puckhaber (CC) 6-8, 7-5, 6-2
No. 4: Wolfe (CC) d. George Newman (FSU) 6-2, 4-6, 6-2
No. 5: Wells (CC) d. Oscar Jackson (FSU) 6-3, 6-4
No. 6: Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Lee (CC) 8-6, 6-3

Florida State 5, Southern 4
04/15/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Feld/Winchell (FSC) d. Bobby Jarratt/Herb Quay (FSU) 6-2, 6-3
No. 2: Jim Costello/Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Gregg/Holland (FSC) 6-2, 6-0
No. 3: Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) d. Owsley/White (FSC) 6-2, 6-3
No. 1: Winchell (FSC) d. Herb Quay (FSU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 2: Feld (FSC) d. Larry Dickson (FSU) 6-2, 6-2
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Gregg (FSC) 6-4, 6-4
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Holland (FSC) 6-1, 6-1
No. 5: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. White (FSC) 6-3, 6-2
No. 6: Owsley (FSC) d. Bobby Jarratt (FSU) 6-2, 1-6, 6-4

Florida State 8, Mississippi College 1
04/18/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Lawson Bevis/Dick Bradley (FSU) d. Davis/Wilson (MsC) 6-4, 6-2
No. 2: George Diamond/George Newman (FSU) d. Ahrens/McKee (MsC) 6-4, 6-1
No. 3: Brigance/Kitchings (MsC) d. George Scott/Murray Voth (FSU) 7-5, 3-6, 6-4
No. 1: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Davis (MsC) 6-0, 6-0
No. 2: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Wilson (MsC) 6-3, 6-1
No. 3: George Newman (FSU) d. McKee (MsC) 6-0, 6-1
No. 4: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Ahrens (MsC) 6-0, 6-1
No. 5: Lawson Bevis (FSU) d. Brigance (MsC) 6-2, 6-3
No. 6: George Diamond (FSU) d. Kitchings (MsC) 6-1, 6-4

Florida State 7, Mississippi College 2
04/19/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Larry Dickson/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Davis/Wilson (MsC) 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) d. Ahens/McKee (MsC) 6-3, 6-3
No. 3: Brigance/Kitching (MsC) d. Lawson Bevis/George Diamond (FSU) 1-6, 9-7, 6-4
No. 1: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Brigance (MsC) 6-0, 6-1
No. 2: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Wilson (MsC) 6-2, 6-2
No. 3: George Newman (FSU) d. Davis (MsC) 6-1, 6-1
No. 4: George Scott (FSU) d. McKee (MsC) 6-2, 6-2
No. 5: Dick Bradley (FSU) d. Ahrens (MsC) 6-4, 4-6, 6-4
No. 6: Kitching (MsC) d. Murray Voth (FSU) 7-5, 4-6, 6-2

Southern 5, Florida State 3
04/22/1949, Lakeland, Fla.

No. 3 Doubles was cancelled because of darkness.

No. 1: Bobby Jarratt/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Owsley/Winchell (FSC) 4-6, 8-6, 6-0
No. 2: Feld/Gregg (FSC) d. Jim Costello/Larry Dickson (FSU) 6-2, 1-6, 6-2
No. 1: Winchell (FSC) d. Herb Quay (FSU) 6-3, 11-9
No. 2: Feld (FSC) d. Larry Dickson (FSU) 4-6, 6-3, 6-0
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Gregg (FSC) 6-2, 2-6, 6-4
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. White (FSC) 6-1, 7-5
No. 5: Holland (FSC) d. Oscar Jackson (FSU) 4-6, 9-7, 7-5
No. 6: Owsley (FSC) d. Bobby Jarratt (FSU) 6-3, 6-2

Stetson 5, Florida State 4
04/23/1949, DeLand, Fla.

No. 1: Maynard/Zipprer (Stet) d. Bobby Jarratt/Herb Quay (FSU) 6-4, 6-2
No. 2: Jim Costello/Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Kirk/Uthlant (Stet) 6-0, 7-5
No. 3: Matthews/Perkins (Stet) d. Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 1: Pinky Zipprer (Stet) d. Herb Quay (FSU) 7-5, 6-1
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Uthlant (Stet) 6-1, 7-5
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Maynard (Stet) 6-1, 6-2
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Kirk (Stet) 6-4, 6-3
No. 5: Perkins (Stet) d. Oscar Jackson (FSU) 6-4, 6-3
No. 6: Matthews (Stet) d. Bobby Jarratt (FSU) 6-3, 7-9, 6-2

Florida State 5, Emory 2
04/30/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

Emory had a five-man team.

No. 1: Haldi/Kocan (EU) d. George Diamond/George Scott (FSU) 7-5, 6-8, 6-2
No. 2: Gelburd/Johnson (EU) d. Lawson Bevis/Murray Voth (FSU) 6-4, 5-7, 6-3
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Kocan (EU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Haldi (EU) 8-6, 6-0
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Gelburd (EU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Johnson (EU) 6-1, 6-1
No. 5: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Rowell (EU) 6-2, 6-0

Florida State 9, Mercer 0
05/07/1949, Macon, Ga.

No. 1: Larry Dickson/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Matthews/Sonny Tharpe (MU) def
No. 2: Jim Costello/Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Ben O'Neal/Harry Smith (MU) 7-5, 6-2
No. 3: Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) d. Andrews/L Smith (MU) 6-2, 7-5
No. 1: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Harry Smith (MU) 6-0, 6-2
No. 2: Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Ben O'Neal (MU) 6-1, 6-1
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Sonny Tharpe (MU) 6-1, 6-3
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Andrews (MU) 6-1, 6-3
No. 5: Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. L Smith (MU) 6-0, 6-3
No. 6: George Diamond (FSU) d. Matthews (MU) 7-5, 6-2

Florida State 6, Stetson 3
05/14/1949, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Maynard/Zipprer (Stet) d. Bobby Jarratt/Herb Quay (FSU) 6-2, 6-2
No. 2: Jim Costello/Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Kirk/Uthlaut (Stet) 6-1, 6-3
No. 3: Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) d. Grigsby/Mathews (Stet) 6-3, 6-3
No. 1: Zipprer (Stet) d. Larry Dickson (FSU) 6-3, 6-4
No. 2: Herb Quay (FSU) d. Uthlaut (Stet) 6-3, 6-4
No. 3: Jim Costello (FSU) d. Kirk (Stet) 6-3, 6-1
No. 4: George Newman (FSU) d. Maynard (Stet) 6-4, 7-5
No. 5: Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Grisby (Stet) 6-2, 6-3
No. 6: Mathews (Stet) d. Oscar Jackson (FSU) 6-4, 6-3

Dixie Conference Championship, 1st place
05/21/1949, May 20-21, 1949, Macon, Ga.

Larry Dickson/Herb Quay (FSU) d. Maynard/Zipperer (Stet) 10-8, 9-7
Jim Costello/Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Gregg/Holland (FSC) 8-6, 6-3
Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) d. Darden/W Smith (OU) 6-2, 6-3
Larry Dickson (FSU) d. Parker (MU) 6-3, 6-1
Herb Quay (FSU) d. Peebles (SU) 8-6, 6-2
Feld (FSC) d. Larry Dickson (FSU) 6-2, 3-6, 6-4
Jim Costello (FSU) d. H Smith (MU) 6-1, 6-1
George Newman (FSU) d. Darden (OU) 6-1, 6-4
Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. W Smith (OU) 6-1, 6-3
Oscar Jackson (FSU) d. Tharpe (MU) 6-2, 6-1
Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Owsley (FSC) 3-6, 6-2, 6-2

Feld/George Winchell (FSC) d. Larry Dickson/Herb Quay (FSU) 6-3, 6-4
Jim Costello/Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Kirk/Uthlaut (Stet) 6-2, 6-2
Matteus/Perkins (Stet) d. Oscar Jackson/George Newman (FSU) 6-1, 6-4
George Winchell (FSC) d. Herb Quay (FSU) 8-6, 6-2
Jim Costello (FSU) d. Sam Gregg (FSC) 6-4, 4-6, 6-1
George Newman (FSU) d. Kirk (Stet) 6-1, 6-4
Jim Costello (FSU) d. George Newman (FSU) 6-0, 6-1
Jim Costello (FSU) d. George Newman (FSU) 6-0, 6-1
Perkins (Stet) d. Oscar Jackson (FSU) 7-9, 8-6, 6-1
Bobby Jarratt (FSU) d. Matteus (Stet) 6-2, 6-3
Perkins (Stet) d. Bobby Jarratt (FSU) 6-3, 6-3