Mar 17-18, 1978, Columbia, Mo.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Wisconsin 59 AIAW
2. Kansas 49 AIAW
3. Rutgers 28 AIAW
4. Nebraska 27 AIAW
5. Kansas State 24 AIAW
Oklahoma 24 AIAW
7. Colorado 20.6 AIAW
8. Maryland 20 AIAW
9. Colorado State 16 AIAW
Temple 16 AIAW
11. Illinois 13 AIAW
12. Eastern Michigan 12 AIAW
Minnesota 12 AIAW
Texas-El Paso 12 AIAW
15. Long Island-Brooklyn 10 AIAW
NW Missouri State 10 AIAW
Springfield College 10 AIAW
18. Oklahoma State 8 AIAW
19. Missouri 7 AIAW
20. Maine 6 AIAW
Western Kentucky 6 AIAW
Yale 6 AIAW
23. Delaware 4 AIAW
24. Murray State 2.6 AIAW
25. Arkansas 2 AIAW
26. Indiana State 1 AIAW
27. Bates College 0.6 AIAW
Morehead State 0.6 AIAW
Texas Tech 0.6 AIAW
Mar 2-3, 1979, Columbia, Mo.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Iowa State 51 AIAW
2. Texas-El Paso 47 AIAW
3. Kansas 34 AIAW
4. Kansas State 26 AIAW
5. Arkansas 24 AIAW
6. Colorado 22 AIAW
7. Villanova 19 AIAW
8. Brigham Young 18 AIAW
Rutgers 18 AIAW
10. District of Columbia 17 AIAW
11. Oklahoma State 16 AIAW
Utah State 16 AIAW
Western Kentucky 16 AIAW
14. Oklahoma 12 AIAW
15. Missouri 10 AIAW
Nebraska 10 AIAW
Temple 10 AIAW
18. Eastern Michigan 8 AIAW
Illinois State 8 AIAW
20. Auburn 6 AIAW
Colorado State 6 AIAW
Kentucky 6 AIAW
23. Chicago State 4 AIAW
24. Memphis State 3 AIAW
25. Montana State 2 AIAW
Murray State 2 AIAW
Western Michigan 2 AIAW
Wyoming 2 AIAW
29. Mankato State 1 AIAW
Mar 8, 1980, Columbia, Mo.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas-El Paso 40 AIAW
2. Wisconsin 25 AIAW
3. Georgetown 24 AIAW
Nebraska 24 AIAW
5. Morgan State 22 AIAW
6. Maryland 20 AIAW
7. Brigham Young 18 AIAW
Texas Woman's 18 AIAW
9. Florida 17 AIAW
10. Missouri 16 AIAW
11. North Texas State 14 AIAW
Ohio State 14 AIAW
Villanova 14 AIAW
Virginia 14 AIAW
15. Indiana 13 AIAW
Penn State 13 AIAW
17. Nebraska-Kearney 10 AIAW
West Chester St Coll 10 AIAW
19. Boston 8 AIAW
Illinois 8 AIAW
Mankato State 8 AIAW
Northeastern 8 AIAW
Temple 8 AIAW
24. Auburn 7 AIAW
Rutgers 7 AIAW
Wyoming 7 AIAW
27. Delaware 6 AIAW
Memphis State 6 AIAW
Minnesota 6 AIAW
30. Arkansas 5 AIAW
31. Houston 4 AIAW
Kansas 4 AIAW
Texas A&M 4 AIAW
34. Oklahoma 2 AIAW
Oregon 2 AIAW
Saint John's 2 AIAW
Western Kentucky 2 AIAW
38. Colorado 1 AIAW
Drake 1 AIAW
Idaho State 1 AIAW
Utah State 1 AIAW
Mar 13-14, 1981, Pocatello, Idaho
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Virginia 48 AIAW
2. Florida State 46 AIAW
Tennessee 46 AIAW
4. Nebraska 45 AIAW
5. Wisconsin 41 AIAW
6. Michigan State 23 AIAW
Oklahoma 23 AIAW
8. Houston 20 AIAW
9. Arizona 19 AIAW
10. Adelphi 18 AIAW
11. Boston 16 AIAW
Penn State 16 AIAW
13. Maryland 15 AIAW
14. North Texas State 14 AIAW
15. Villanova 13 AIAW
16. Texas 12 AIAW
Texas-El Paso 12 AIAW
18. Arizona State 11 AIAW
Iowa State 11 AIAW
20. Fairleigh-Dickinson 10 AIAW
Harvard 10 AIAW
Idaho 10 AIAW
Richmond 10 AIAW
Stanford 10 AIAW
25. Kentucky 8 AIAW
26. Kansas State 7 AIAW
27. Nevada-Las Vegas 6 AIAW
28. Drake 5 AIAW
Indiana 5 AIAW
30. Clemson 4 AIAW
Cornell 4 AIAW
32. Georgia 3 AIAW
33. Arkansas 2 AIAW
Eastern Illinois 2 AIAW
Florida 2 AIAW
George Mason 2 AIAW
Pittsburgh 2 AIAW
38. Colorado 1 AIAW
Georgetown 1 AIAW
Michigan 1 AIAW
Missouri 1 AIAW
Temple 1 AIAW
Mar 12-13, 1982, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Nebraska 84 AIAW
2. Tennessee 64 AIAW
3. Virginia 57 AIAW
4. Florida State 35 AIAW
5. Texas 28 AIAW
6. Wisconsin 27 AIAW
7. Oklahoma 22 AIAW
Texas-El Paso 22 AIAW
9. Richmond 16 AIAW
10. Iowa 15 AIAW
Penn State 15 AIAW
12. Missouri 13 AIAW
13. Harvard 12 AIAW
Maryland 12 AIAW
Rutgers 12 AIAW
16. Kentucky 11 AIAW
17. Arizona 10 AIAW
Boston 10 AIAW
Cornell 10 AIAW
North Texas State 10 AIAW
21. Michigan 9 AIAW
22. Indiana 8 AIAW
Temple 8 AIAW
24. Brigham Young 7 AIAW
25. Illinois 6 AIAW
26. Brooklyn College 4 AIAW
Colorado 4 AIAW
George Mason 4 AIAW
29. Auburn 2 AIAW
Northeastern 2 AIAW
Purdue 2 AIAW
Villanova 2 AIAW
33. Eastern Illinois 1 AIAW
Idaho 1 AIAW
Mar 11-12, 1983, Pontiac, Mich.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Nebraska 47
2. Tennessee 44
3. Stanford 28
4. Houston 24
5. Texas-El Paso 17.25
Virginia 17.25
7. Brigham Young 14
Michigan State 14
9. Wisconsin 12
10. Alabama 10
Arizona 10
Clemson 10
Fairleigh-Dickinson 10
Georgia 10
Ohio State 10
16. Cal Poly-SLO 8
Iowa 8
Minnesota 8
Rutgers 8
Villanova 8
21. Kentucky 7
Morgan State 7
23. Drake 6
Harvard 6
Northern Arizona 6
Penn State 6
Texas A&M 6
28. Florida State 4.25
29. Nevada-Las Vegas 4
North Texas State 4
Oregon 4
Rice 4
33. Michigan 3.25
34. Arkansas 2
Jackson State 2
Kansas 2
Long Island-Brooklyn 2
Oklahoma 2
39. Boston 1
Florida 1
Louisiana State 1
Missouri 1
Montana State 1
North Carolina State 1
Princeton 1
Mar 9-10, 1984, Syracuse, N.Y.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Nebraska 59
2. Tennessee 48
3. Villanova 30
4. Florida State 16
5. Kansas State 14
6. Wisconsin 13
7. Arizona 12
Maryland 12
9. Georgia 11
Rice 11
11. Fairleigh-Dickinson 10
Missouri 10
Purdue 10
Stanford 10
Washington State 10
16. Penn State 9
17. Air Force 8
Alabama 8
Houston 8
Indiana 8
Northern Arizona 8
Texas 8
23. Florida 7
24. Cal St-Los Angeles 6
Drake 6
Southern 6
27. Auburn 5
Northeast Louisiana 5
29. Georgetown 4
Michigan State 4
Minnesota 4
Virginia 4
Washington 4
34. Michigan 3
35. North Carolina State 2
Oklahoma 2
Texas Southern 2
Texas-El Paso 2
39. Delaware State 1
Grambling State 1
Oklahoma State 1
Oregon State 1
Mar 8-9, 1985, Syracuse, N.Y.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Florida State 34
2. Texas 32
3. Louisiana State 28
4. Nebraska 26
5. Grambling State 24
6. Tennessee 22
7. Houston 20
Indiana 20
Rice 7
10. Washington State 18
11. Villanova 17
12. Clemson 16
13. Arizona 15
14. Texas Christian 14
15. Alabama 12
16. Kansas State 11
17. Oklahoma State 10
Purdue 10
19. Wisconsin 9
20. Georgia 8
Oregon 8
Southern California 8
Texas Southern 8
24. Kansas 7
25. Penn State 6
Virginia 6
27. Florida 5
28. Temple 4
29. Brigham Young 2
Delaware State 2
Fresno State 2
Howard 2
Michigan 2
Nevada-Las Vegas 2
35. Eastern Kentucky 1
Missouri 1
Southern 1
Mar 14-15, 1986, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas 31
2. Southern California 26
Tennessee 26
4. Louisiana State 24
5. Alabama 23
6. Florida State 16
7. Kansas State 14
8. Arizona 12
Arizona State 12
Kentucky 12
11. Florida 11
Rice 11
13. Abilene Christian 10
Auburn 10
Georgia 10
Texas-El Paso 10
Wisconsin 10
18. Nebraska 9
19. Clemson 8
Michigan 8
St. Augustine's Coll 8
Villanova 8
23. Missouri 6
Virginia 25
25. Eastern Michigan 4
Fresno State 4
Oklahoma State 4
Washington State 4
29. Houston 3
Temple 3
31. Brigham Young 2
Delaware State 2
Eastern Kentucky 2
34. Northeast Louisiana 1
Purdue 1
Saint Joseph's 1
Wichita State 1
Mar 13-14, 1987, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 49
2. Tennessee 30
3. Villanova 24
4. Arizona 22
Texas 22
6. Nebraska 20
Stanford 20
8. Southern California 19
9. Virginia 16
10. Alabama 15
11. Florida 12
12. Nevada-Las Vegas 11
13. Georgia 10
Kansas State 10
Wisconsin 10
16. Eastern Kentucky 8
Florida State 8
Missouri 8
Rice 8
20. Brigham Young 6
21. Arizona State 4
Arkansas 4
Iowa State 4
Kentucky 4
Oklahoma State 4
Syracuse 4
27. Colorado 2
Indiana 2
Kansas 2
Temple 2
31. Fresno State 1
Iowa 1
Michigan State 1
Washington State 1
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas 71
2. Villanova 52
3. Alabama 33
4. Southern California 32
5. Nebraska 21
6. Louisiana State 17
7. Indiana 16
8. Arizona State 14
Washington 14
10. Florida 12
Tennessee 12
12. George Mason 11
13. East Tennessee State 10
14. Illinois 9
15. Michigan 8
Wisconsin 8
17. Missouri 7
18. Arizona 6
Houston 6
North Carolina 6
Rice 6
Texas Southern 6
23. Kentucky 4
Seton Hall 4
Stanford 4
26. Fresno State 3
Idaho State 3
Purdue 3
29. Eastern Kentucky 2
Oklahoma State 2
31. Iowa 1
Mar 10-11, 1989, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 61
2. Villanova 34
3. Alabama 24
Texas 24
5. Indiana 22
6. Rice 18
7. Nebraska 17
8. Kentucky 15
Missouri 15
North Carolina 15
11. Florida 12
Stanford 12
13. Arizona 10
Illinois 10
Iowa State 10
Oklahoma State 10
Texas Southern 10
Texas-El Paso 10
Weber State 10
Wisconsin 10
21. Houston 8.333
22. Iowa 8
Nevada-Las Vegas 8
24. Maryland 6
Ohio State 6
Southern California 6
27. North Carolina State 5
28. Michigan 4
Murray State 4
Texas-San Antonio 4
Virginia 4
32. Auburn 2.333
Wichita State 2.333
34. Brown 2
Florida State 2
Harvard 2
Kansas State 2
Oklahoma 2
Providence College 2
Tennessee 2
41. Appalachian State 1
Boston 1
Cornell 1
Mar 9-10, 1990, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas 50
2. Wisconsin 26
3. Florida 22.5
4. Arizona State 20
California 20
6. Villanova 18
7. Indiana 16
8. Louisiana State 14
Nebraska 14
Tennessee 14
11. Auburn 10
Colorado 10
Florida State 10
Harvard 10
Kentucky 10
Oklahoma 10
Providence College 10
19. Iowa State 9
20. Arizona 8
Arkansas 8
Minnesota 8
North Carolina 8
Texas Southern 8
25. Michigan 6
Murray State 6
Oklahoma 6
Rice 6
Southern California 6
Syracuse 6
Texas-San Antonio 6
32. Brown 4
Cornell 4
Georgetown 4
Howard 4
Jackson State 4
Kansas State 5.5
Penn State 4
Utah State 4
40. Illinois 3
41. Alabama 2
Clemson 2
North Carolina State 2
Northeast Louisiana 2
45. Georgia 1
Indiana State 1
Northern Arizona 1
Texas-El Paso 1
Mar 8-9, 1991, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 48
2. Texas 39
3. Villanova 35
4. Nebraska 27
5. Florida 25
6. Arizona State 24
Tennessee 24
8. North Carolina 21
9. Alabama 17
10. Arizona State 16
11. North Carolina State 12
13. Arkansas 11
14. Boston 10
Cornell 10
George Mason 10
Iowa State 10
18. Eastern Michigan 8
Indiana State 8
Kentucky 8
Wisconsin 8
20. Texas-El Paso 2
22. Colorado 6
Kent State 6
Nevada-Las Vegas 6
25. Baylor 4
Florida State 4
Rice 4
29. Brigham Young 2
Kansas State 2
Oklahoma 2
Saint Joseph's 2
Washington State 2
35. Clemson 1
Georgetown 1
Houston 1
Minnesota 1
Oregon 1
Mar 13-14, 1992, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Florida 50
2. Stanford 26
3. Villanova 22
4. Louisiana State 20
Providence College 20
Wisconsin 20
7. Georgia Tech 18
Houston 18
Nebraska 18
10. Texas 15
11. Auburn 14
13. Arizona State 12
Tennessee 12
15. Alabama 10
Eastern Michigan 10
Iowa 10
Iowa State 10
Miami 10
20. Cornell 9
21. George Mason 8.5
22. Clemson 8
Indiana 8
Nevada-Las Vegas 8
Rice 8
26. Morgan State 6
North Carolina 6
North Carolina State 6
29. Georgetown 5
Seton Hall 5
31. Arkansas 4
Kansas State 4
Maryland 4
34. Arizona 2
Brigham Young 2
Fordham 2
Indiana State 2
Southern Methodist 2
William & Mary 2
40. Florida A&M 1
Texas-El Paso 1
Virginia 1
43. Utah 0.5
Mar 12-13, 1993, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 49
2. Wisconsin 44
3. Florida 34
4. Villanova 22
5. Alabama 20
Indiana State 20
7. Texas 18
8. Arizona 16
Arkansas 16
Auburn 16
11. Houston 14
12. Nebraska 13
Seton Hall 13
14. Iowa 10
Utah State 10
16. Arizona State 8
Illinois 8
Kansas State 8
Nevada-Las Vegas 8
Oklahoma 8
21. Appalachian State 6
James Madison 6
Montana State 6
North Carolina 6
Western Michigan 6
27. Brigham Young 4
Colorado 4
Georgia Tech 4
Maryland 4
Miami 4
Purdue 4
33. Clemson 3
Michigan 3
35. Eastern Michigan 2
Georgetown 2
Texas Christian 2
38. Boston 1
Fresno State 1
George Mason 1
Penn State 1
Pittsburgh 1
Rice 1
Virginia 1
Mar 11-12, 1994, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 48
2. Alabama 29
3. Seton Hall 28
Texas 28
5. Arizona 26
Nebraska 26
7. Michigan 23
8. Middle Tennessee St 21
9. Indiana State 20
10. Villanova 19
11. Tennessee 17
12. Arizona State 15
Illinois 15
Providence College 15
16. Wisconsin 13
17. Georgetown 11
Rice 11
19. Oklahoma 10
20. Arkansas 9
George Mason 9
Kentucky 9
23. Brigham Young 8
Georgia Tech 8
Houston 8
Stanford 8
27. Georgia 7
Virginia 7
29. Clemson 6
Fresno State 6
Texas Christian 6
32. Cornell 5
Nevada-Las Vegas 5
Pittsburgh 5
Purdue 5
Washington 5
37. Boston 4
Weber State 4
39. Colorado 3
Florida A&M 3
North Carolina 3
Northern Iowa 3
43. Bowling Green State 2
Eastern Michigan 2
Kent State 2
Michigan State 2
Mississippi 2
William & Mary 2
49. Auburn 1
Kansas 1
Missouri 1
Oral Roberts 1
Princeton 1
Saint John's 1
Texas Tech 1
Mar 10-11, 1995, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 40
2. UCLA 37
3. Texas 32
4. Arkansas 31
Villanova 31
6. Pittsburgh 22
7. Georgia 20
8. Nebraska 19
North Carolina 19
10. Wisconsin 18
11. Florida 16
12. George Mason 15.5
13. Baylor 14
Texas-El Paso 14
15. Alabama 13
16. Kansas State 12
Miami 12
18. Tennessee 11
19. Arizona State 10
Colorado 10
Seton Hall 10
West Virginia 10
23. Brigham Young 9
24. Illinois 8.5
25. Auburn 8
Boston 8
Eastern Michigan 8
Kent State 8
Providence College 8
30. Arizona 6
Portland 6
Purdue 6
Texas A&M 6
34. Boston College 5
Rice 5
Stanford 5
37. James Madison 4
Michigan 4
Southern Methodist 4
40. Minnesota 3
Virginia 3
42. Bowling Green State 2
Georgetown 2
Indiana State 2
Northern Iowa 2
Prairie View A&M 2
47. Alabama-Birmingham 1
Cornell 1
Harvard 1
Texas-Arlington 1
Mar 8-9, 1996, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 52
2. Georgia 34
3. Texas 31
4. Florida 28
Nebraska 28
6. Illinois 27.5
7. Georgetown 22
9. Wisconsin 20
10. North Carolina 19
South Carolina 19
Villanova 19
13. Oregon 18
Pittsburgh 18
15. Auburn 16
Brigham Young 16
Kansas 16
18. Providence College 13
19. George Mason 12
20. Florida State 10
21. Southern Methodist 9
22. Arkansas 8
Arkansas-Little Rock 8
Army 8
Dartmouth College 8
Purdue 8
27. Colorado 7
Stanford 7
29. Alabama-Birmingham 6
30. Penn State 5
Syracuse 5
32. Kansas 4.5
33. Arizona 4
Clemson 4
Coppin State 4
Michigan 4
Northeastern 4
Princeton 4
Texas A&M 4
West Virginia 4
41. Arizona State 3
Fresno State 3
Georgia Tech 3
Miami 3
Michigan State 3
Texas-San Antonio 3
47. Baylor 2
FL International 2
Kentucky 2
North Carolina State 2
51. Cal St-Northridge 1
Cornell 1
Maryland 1
Mar 7-8, 1997, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 49
2. Texas 39
Wisconsin 39
4. South Carolina 36
5. Florida 35
6. Georgetown 32
7. UCLA 24
8. Pittsburgh 23
9. Nebraska 20
Villanova 20
11. Brigham Young 18
Kansas State 18
13. Michigan State 17
14. George Mason 16
15. North Carolina 14
16. Auburn 13.5
17. Northern Arizona 12
18. Arizona 10
Arkansas-Little Rock 10
Illinois 10
Rice 10
22. Kentucky 9
23. Southern Methodist 8
Vanderbilt 8
25. Oklahoma State 7
26. Oklahoma 6
Stanford 6
28. Baylor 5
Boston College 5
Cornell 5
Florida State 5
Miami 5
Texas-San Antonio 5
34. Dartmouth College 4
FL International 4
Illinois State 4
Seton Hall 4
38. Cal St-Northridge 3
Colorado 3
Iowa State 3
Texas-El Paso 3
Tulane 3
43. James Madison 2
SW Missouri State 2
Nevada-Las Vegas 2
Texas A&M 2
Utah State 2
48. Indiana 1.5
49. Arkansas 1
West Virginia 1
Mar 12-13, 1998, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas 60
2. Louisiana State 30
3. Georgetown 26
Pittsburgh 26
5. Michigan 24.5
6. Florida 24
7. Southern Methodist 23
8. Georgia 21
9. Wisconsin 20
10. Brigham Young 18.5
11. Baylor 18
South Carolina 18
13. Auburn 17
14. Providence College 14
15. Fresno State 13
Vanderbilt 13
17. Kansas 12
Villanova 12
19. North Carolina 11
21. Arizona 10
Kansas State 10
Stanford 10
Texas A&M 10
25. Colorado 9
Texas-El Paso 9
27. Arkansas 8
Boston College 8
Coastal Carolina 8
Georgia Tech 8
31. Illinois 7
Tennessee 7
33. Clemson 6
Eastern Kentucky 6
Harvard 6
Long Beach State 6
Wyoming 6
38. Bowling Green State 5
Houston 5
Oklahoma State 5
Purdue 5
Weber State 5
43. East Tennessee State 4
Eastern Michigan 4
Miami 4
Nebraska 4
Texas-San Antonio 4
Wichita State 4
49. Dartmouth College 3
FL International 3
George Mason 3
Iowa State 3
Kentucky 3
Tulane 3
55. Arizona State 2.5
56. Texas-Arlington 2
Valparaiso 2
58. Colorado State 1
James Madison 1
Montana State 1
North Carolina State 1
62. Utah State 0.5
Mar 5-6, 1999, Indianapolis, Ind.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas 61
2. Louisiana State 57
3. Southern Methodist 25
4. Baylor 24
Florida 24
6. Brigham Young 23
Pittsburgh 23
8. UCLA 22
Wisconsin 22
10. North Carolina 21
11. Villanova 15
12. West Virginia 14
13. Arkansas 13
George Mason 13
Georgia Tech 13
16. Tulane 12
17. Georgetown 11
18. FL International 10
Fresno State 10
Georgia 10
Purdue 10
South Carolina 10
Texas Tech 10
24. Appalachian State 8
Cal Poly-SLO 8
Harvard 8
Michigan 8
Minnesota 8
Penn State 8
30. Illinois 7.5
31. Colorado 7
32. Arizona State 6
Kansas 6
Kansas State 6
Miami 6
Tennessee 6
Texas-El Paso 6
38. Oklahoma State 5
Providence College 5
Syracuse 5
Texas A&M 5
42. Oregon 4.5
43. Auburn 0
Indiana State 4
Kent State 4
46. Utah State 3.5
47. Ball State 3
Missouri 3
Notre Dame 3
Rice 3
Stanford 3
Wyoming 3
53. Washington State 2.5
54. Alabama 2
Iowa State 2
Mississippi 2
57. Arizona 1
SW Missouri State 1
Nevada-Las Vegas 1
South Florida 1
Mar 10-11, 2000, Little Rock, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. UCLA 51
2. South Carolina 41
3. Arkansas 37
4. Louisiana State 36
5. Villanova 31
6. Brigham Young 28
7. Kansas 25
8. Texas 23
9. Auburn 18
10. Southern Methodist 16
11. Stanford 15
12. Nebraska 14.5
13. Georgetown 14
Texas-El Paso 14
15. Florida State 13
16. Ohio State 12
17. Purdue 11
18. Florida 10
Harvard 10
Manhattan College 10
Mississippi 10
Pittsburgh 10
23. Arizona 8
Arizona State 10
Houston 10
Norfolk State 8
Rice 8
Syracuse 8
Wyoming 8
30. Baylor 7
Cal Poly-SLO 7
Miami 7
North Carolina 7
34. Arkansas State 6
Indiana State 6
South Florida 6
Texas Tech 6
38. Iowa State 5
Missouri 5
Oregon 5
Southern 5
42. Georgia 4
Illinois 4
Kansas 4
Texas A&M 4
West Virginia 4
47. Long Beach State 3
VA Commonwealth 3
Wisconsin 3
50. Georgia Tech 2
Jacksonville 2
Minnesota 2
North Carolina State 2
Oral Roberts 2
Seton Hall 2
56. Cal St-Northridge 1
Eastern Michigan 1
Texas-Arlington 1
59. Weber State 0.5
Mar 8-10, 2001, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. UCLA 53.5
2. South Carolina 40
3. Arizona 30
Clemson 30
5. Arkansas 24
6. Colorado 22
7. Houston 21
Missouri 21
Texas-El Paso 21
10. North Carolina 19.5
11. Texas 18
12. Florida 17
13. Georgia 14.5
14. Indiana 14
Louisiana State 14
Southern Methodist 14
17. Ohio State 13
18. Nebraska 12
19. Brigham Young 11.5
20. Georgetown 11
Miami 11
22. Boston College 10
Harvard 10
25. Arizona State 9
Kansas 9
27. Akron 8
Illinois 8
Mississippi State 8
30. Wake Forest 7
31. California 6
FL International 6
Florida State 6
Mississippi 6
Rice 6
Stanford 6
Wisconsin 6
38. Colorado State 5
Kentucky 5
New Orleans 5
Tulane 5
Virginia Tech 5
43. Alabama 4
Arkansas-Little Rock 4
45. Eastern Michigan 3
Iowa State 3
South Florida 3
Texas A&M 3
Texas Christian 3
Texas-Arlington 3
51. Coastal Carolina 2
Connecticut 2
Duke 2
Michigan 2
Oklahoma 2
Penn State 2
57. Pittsburgh 1.5
58. Cincinnati 1
MD-Baltimore County 1
Montana 1
Notre Dame 1
Tennessee 1
West Virginia 1
Mar 7-9, 2002, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 57
2. UCLA 43
3. Florida 35
4. South Carolina 31
5. North Carolina 25
Rice 25
Stanford 25
8. Indiana 23
9. Arizona 19
10. Arkansas 18.5
11. Auburn 18
Texas 18
13. Illinois 16
Iowa State 16
15. Liberty 14.5
16. Arizona State 14
Brigham Young 14
Colorado 14
19. Kansas 13
Washington State 13
21. Clemson 11
22. MD-Baltimore County 10
Oklahoma State 10
Southern California 10
Texas A&M 10
26. Ohio State 9
27. Miami 8
Minnesota 8
Wichita State 8
30. Connecticut 7
Georgetown 7
Seton Hall 7
33. West Virginia 6
34. Idaho State 5
Notre Dame 5
SW Texas State 5
37. Nevada-Las Vegas 4
Northern Arizona 4
Providence College 4
Texas Southern 4
Virginia 4
42. Florida State 3
James Madison 3
Tennessee 3
Texas Tech 3
46. Central Michigan 2
Colorado State 2
North Carolina State 2
Oregon 2
Texas-Arlington 2
51. Baylor 1
Maryland 1
Wake Forest 1
Mar 14-15, 2003, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 62
2. Florida 44
South Carolina 44
4. North Carolina 38
5. Texas 35
6. Stanford 32
7. Auburn 29
8. Indiana 24
10. Arkansas 22
11. Nebraska 18
12. Colorado 16
13. Brigham Young 15
14. Miami 14
15. Oregon 13
16. Yale 12
17. Florida State 10
Northern Arizona 10
Southern Methodist 10
West Virginia 10
21. Cal Poly-SLO 9
Penn State 9
23. Kent State 8
Mississippi State 8
Tennessee 8
26. Tulsa 7
27. Georgetown 6
Illinois 6
Iowa State 6
Jacksonville 6
Kansas State 6
32. Michigan 5
Notre Dame 5
Oral Roberts 5
Providence College 5
36. Akron 4
Georgia 4
SW Texas State 4
39. Missouri 3.5
40. Minnesota 3
North Carolina State 3
42. Arizona 2.5
43. Arizona State 2
Florida A&M 2
Kentucky 2
Northwestern State 2
Oklahoma 2
Wake Forest 2
Wisconsin 2
51. Colorado State 1
Idaho 1
William & Mary 1
Mar 12-13, 2004, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Louisiana State 52
2. Florida 51
3. Nebraska 45.5
4. Tennessee 43
5. UCLA 40
6. Georgia 36
7. Syracuse 30
Texas 30
9. Villanova 20
10. Arkansas 19
Miami 19
South Carolina 19
13. North Carolina 14
Northern Arizona 14
Penn State 14
16. Cal Poly-SLO 13
Kansas 13
18. Georgetown 12
19. Brigham Young 11
Michigan 11
21. Georgia Tech 10
Mississippi State 10
Notre Dame 10
24. Florida State 9
Northwestern State 9
26. Akron 8.5
27. Arizona State 8
West Virginia 8
29. California 6
Connecticut 6
Oklahoma 6
32. Arizona 5.5
33. Coastal Carolina 5
Villanova 5
Wisconsin 5
36. Texas A&M 4
37. Washington 3.5
38. Auburn 3
Colorado 3
Kentucky 3
North Carolina State 3
Southern Methodist 3
Vanderbilt 3
Wyoming 3
45. Princeton 2
South Florida 2
Texas Tech 2
Utah 2
49. Kent State 1.5
Rice 1.5
51. Baylor 1
Clemson 1
Duke 1
Michigan State 1
Missouri 1
Mar 10-12, 2005, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Tennessee 46
2. Florida 36
3. Miami 32
4. Nebraska 29
5. South Carolina 28
6. Brigham Young 26
Louisiana State 26
8. Stanford 24
9. Texas 23
10. Auburn 20
11. North Carolina 17
12. Georgia 16.5
13. Michigan 16
14. Kansas State 15.5
15. Texas Southern 15
16. Colorado 13
Duke 13
Washington 13
19. Arkansas 12.5
20. UCLA 12
21. Clemson 10
Georgia Tech 10
Kansas 10
Northern Arizona 10
Southern California 10
26. Colorado State 9
27. Columbia 8
Idaho 8
Southern Methodist 8
Saint Peter's Coll 8
Villanova 8
32. Cal Poly-SLO 7
33. Akron 6
Baylor 6
Iowa 6
Princeton 6
Wake Forest 6
38. Arizona 5.5
39. Alabama 5
Penn State 5
Rutgers 5
Yale 5
43. Arizona State 4
Georgetown 4
Hampton 4
High Point 4
Oral Roberts 4
Pittsburgh 4
49. Iowa State 3
Maryland 3
Northeastern 3
Texas-Pan American 3
West Virginia 3
Western Illinois 3
55. Vanderbilt 2.5
Virginia Tech 2.5
57. Cornell 2
FL International 2
Harvard 2
Illinois 2
Kent State 2
Southern Illinois 2
UNC-Charlotte 2
63. Nevada-Las Vegas 1
64. Coastal Carolina 1
Houston 1
Missouri 1
Mar 10-11, 2006, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Texas 51
2. Stanford 36
3. Arizona State 30
4. North Carolina 29
5. Georgia 27
Miami 27
7. Louisiana State 25
8. Auburn 21
Southern California 21
10. Northern Arizona 20
South Carolina 20
12. Minnesota 19
13. Michigan 17
Nebraska 17
15. Florida State 16
17. Texas A&M 15
18. Hampton 13
Tennessee 13
20. Iowa 12.5
21. Southern Illinois 12
22. Clemson 11
23. Oregon 10
Pittsburgh 10
25. Virginia Tech 9
26. Duke 8
Georgia Tech 8
Nevada-Las Vegas 8
Ohio State 8
Penn State 8
Providence College 8
Rutgers 8
Washington 8
34. Villanova 7
35. California 6
Idaho 6
Kansas State 6
Western Illinois 6
39. Alabama 5
Cornell 5
Florida 5
Notre Dame 5
Princeton 5
Texas-San Antonio 5
45. Baylor 4
Kansas 4
Texas-El Paso 4
48. Missouri 3
Virginia 3
50. Missouri 2.5
51. Arkansas 2
Colorado 2
Radford 2
San Diego State 2
Southern Mississippi 2
Wisconsin 2
Yale 2
58. Brown 1
Central Michigan 1
Houston 1
Illinois 1
North Carolina State 1
Wichita State 1
Mar 9-10, 2007, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arizona State 38
2. Louisiana State 33
3. Tennessee 30
4. Georgia 28
5. Auburn 26
6. Stanford 24
7. UCLA 23
8. Texas 22
9. Michigan 21
10. South Carolina 20
Texas Tech 20
12. Duke 18
13. Texas A&M 17
14. Georgia Tech 16
15. California 15
16. North Carolina 14
17. Miami 13
18. Wake Forest 11
19. Montana State 10
Southern Illinois 10
21. Arkansas 9
Cornell 9
Florida 9
Iowa 9
Oregon 9
Penn State 9
27. Hampton 8
Oklahoma 8
Washington State 8
30. Florida State 7
Louisiana Tech 7
Texas St-San Marcos 7
Virginia Tech 7
34. Clemson 6
Colorado State 6
Kansas 6
Minnesota 6
Mississippi 6
Washington 6
Wisconsin 6
41. Fordham 5
Jacksonville 5
Missouri 5
Northern Iowa 5
Southern California 5
Texas Christian 5
Texas-El Paso 5
Tulane 5
UNC-Charlotte 5
50. Baylor 4
Idaho 4
Kansas State 4
Providence College 4
Southern Methodist 4
Utah State 4
56. Houston 3
Illinois 3
Memphis 3
North Carolina State 3
Ohio State 3
West Virginia 3
62. Brigham Young 2
Georgetown 2
Tulsa 2
Villanova 2
Weber State 2
67. Nebraska 1.5
Purdue 1.5
69. Boston College 1
Iona College 1
Princeton 1
Southern Mississippi 1
Virginia 1
Mar 14-15, 2008, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arizona State 51
2. Louisiana State 43
3. Michigan 39
4. Texas 35
5. Stanford 32
6. Florida State 28
7. Texas A&M 23
8. Florida 19
Tennessee 19
10. Kansas 18
Texas Tech 18
Virginia Tech 18
13. Mississippi 17
Texas-El Paso 17
15. Minnesota 16
Penn State 16
17. Miami 10
Montana State 10
Southern Illinois 10
Washington State 10
21. North Carolina 9.5
22. Arizona 9
Purdue 9
Washington 9
25. Alabama 8
Cal Poly-SLO 8
Iowa State 8
Michigan State 8
29. Arkansas 7
Boston 7
Georgia Tech 7
West Virginia 7
33. San Diego State 6.33
34. California 6
Connecticut 6
Duke 6
Jacksonville 6
Memphis 6
39. Georgetown 5
Harvard 5
Hawaii 5
Missouri 5
Ohio State 5
Pennsylvania 5
Wisconsin 5
46. Akron 4
Brigham Young 4
Iowa 4
Kentucky 4
South Florida 4
Western Michigan 4
52. Nebraska 3.5
53. Illinois 3
Kansas State 3
South Carolina 3
56. Baylor 2
Texas Christian 2
Tulane 2
59. Alabama-Birmingham 1
Cornell 1
Middle Tennessee St 1
62. Oregon 0.33
UCLA 0.33
Mar 13-14, 2009, College Station, Tex.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Tennessee 42
2. Texas A&M 37
3. Brigham Young 33
4. Texas 31
5. Arizona State 30
6. Louisiana State 28
7. Penn State 24
8. Florida State 23
9. Oregon 21
Texas Tech 21
11. Michigan 19
12. Florida 14
Miami 14
Minnesota 14
North Carolina 14
South Carolina 14
Stanford 14
18. Arizona 13
19. Boise State 12
20. Arkansas 11
Cornell 11
22. Colorado 10
Hampton 10
Indiana State 10
Louisville 10
Texas Christian 10
27. Illinois 9
Iowa 9
29. Nebraska 8.5
30. Akron 8
Middle Tennessee St 8
Villanova 8
Western Kentucky 8
34. San Diego State 7
35. Central Florida 6
Stephen F. Austin 6
Virginia Tech 6
Washington 6
Wichita State 6
41. Auburn 5
California 5
Southern Illinois 5
44. Hawaii 4.5
45. Georgetown 4
Harvard 4
Idaho 4
Kent State 4
Mississippi 4
Providence College 4
51. Baylor 3
Clemson 3
Connecticut 3
Fresno State 3
Rice 3
56. Cal-Riverside 2
Indiana 2
North Carolina A&T 2
North Dakota State 2
60. Boston 1
Jacksonville 1
Missouri 1
Notre Dame 1
Yale 1
Mar 12-13, 2010, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 61
2. Tennessee 36
3. Louisiana State 35
4. Florida 33
5. Texas A&M 31
6. Auburn 28
7. Clemson 20
Florida State 20
Texas-El Paso 20
10. Iowa State 18
Virginia Tech 18
West Virginia 18
13. Penn State 17
14. Brigham Young 16
15. Arizona 15.5
Arkansas 15.5
17. Indiana State 14
Villanova 14
19. South Carolina 12
20. Southern Illinois 11
21. Hampton 10
Illinois 10
Louisville 10
Oklahoma 10
San Diego State 10
26. Kentucky 9
27. Nebraska 8.5
28. Connecticut 8
Hawaii 8
Indiana 8
Maryland 8
Texas Christian 8
Washington 8
34. Georgetown 7
Texas Tech 7
36. Miami 6
New Mexico 6
Western Michigan 6
39. Akron 5
Minnesota 5
Oklahoma State 5
42. Georgia 4
Texas 4
Tulsa 4
45. Stanford 3.5
46. Dayton 3
Houston 3
Idaho 3
Kansas 3
Seton Hall 3
Syracuse 3
52. Mississippi 2
Ohio State 2
Purdue 2
Wisconsin 2
56. Kent State 1
North Carolina 1
Sacramento State 1
60. Alabama 0.5
Saint John's 0.5
Mar 11-12, 2011, College Station, Tex.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 67
2. Texas 38
3. Louisiana State 37
4. Arkansas 35
5. Texas A&M 32
6. Oklahoma 25
7. Arizona 24
Tennessee 24
9. Florida State 22
10. Baylor 20
11. Clemson 19
12. Villanova 18
13. Southern Mississippi 15
Texas Christian 15
15. Brigham Young 14
Syracuse 14
17. Nebraska 13
18. Indiana State 12
Michigan State 12
West Virginia 12
21. Central Florida 11
Southern Illinois 11
23. Connecticut 10
Mississippi 10
South Carolina 10
26. Duke 8
Wake Forest 8
28. Maryland 7
Texas-El Paso 7
30. Illinois State 6
Iowa State 6
Kansas 6
Louisville 6
New York-Stony Brook 6
Virginia 6
36. East Carolina 5
Indiana 5
Texas Tech 5
Wisconsin 5
40. Arizona State 4
Ohio State 4
Oklahoma State 4
Princeton 4
South Florida 4
45. Boston 3
Dayton 3
Kansas State 3
Penn State 3
Southern Methodist 3
50. Alabama 2
Boston College 2
Columbia 2
Georgetown 2
Illinois 2
Iowa 2
Minnesota 2
57. Auburn 1
California 1
Colorado 1
Louisiana Tech 1
Loyola-Marymount 1
Michigan State 1
Wichita State 1
Mar 9-10, 2012, Nampa, Idaho
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 49
2. Kansas 30
3. Louisiana State 27
4. Texas 25
5. Arkansas 24
Clemson 24
Texas A&M 24
8. Central Florida 23
9. Florida 22
10. Iowa State 21
11. Arizona 19
Brigham Young 19
13. Southern Illinois 18
Stanford 18
15. California 16
16. Baylor 15
Georgetown 15
18. Illinois State 14
Ohio State 14
20. Florida State 13
21. Connecticut 11
Wisconsin 11
23. Michigan State 10
New York-Stony Brook 10
Oklahoma 10
Texas Christian 10
Washington 10
28. Alabama 8
Georgia 8
Louisiana Tech 8
Oklahoma State 8
Wichita State 8
34. Cincinnati 7
Dartmouth College 7
Indiana State 7
Kansas State 7
38. Notre Dame 6
Purdue 6
40. Cal-Santa Barbara 5
Louisiana-Lafayette 5
North Dakota State 5
43. Arizona State 4
Boston 4
Eastern Washington 4
Loyola-Marymount 4
Virginia 4
48. Auburn 3
Boise State 3
Illinois 3
Middle Tennessee St 3
San Diego State 3
Tennessee 3
54. Virginia Tech 2.5
55. East Carolina 2
MD-Eastern Shore 2
Nebraska 2
Nevada-Las Vegas 2
Texas Tech 2
Villanova 2
61. Michigan 1.5
62. New Mexico 1
Northern Iowa 1
South Carolina 1
Mar 8-9, 2013, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 56
2. Kansas 44
3. Louisiana State 43
4. Arkansas 42.5
5. Central Florida 30
6. Clemson 28
7. Arizona 25
Arizona State 25
9. Iowa State 23
10. Georgia 22
11. Dartmouth College 20
12. Texas A&M 18
13. Florida 17
14. Illinois 14
15. Florida State 13
Michigan 13
18. Texas 12
19. Indiana State 11
20. Colorado 10
Kentucky 10
Mississippi State 10
Oklahoma 10
24. Wichita State 9
25. Baylor 8
Eastern Illinois 8
Kent State 8
Michigan State 8
San Diego State 8
Villanova 8
31. East Carolina 7
Illinois State 7
South Carolina 7
34. Virginia Tech 6
35. Auburn 5
Duke 5
Georgetown 5
Notre Dame 5
Texas Tech 5
40. Boston 4
Harvard 4
Idaho 4
Oklahoma State 4
Texas Christian 4
Utah 4
46. Alabama 3
Kansas State 3
South Dakota 3
Wisconsin 3
50. Middle Tennessee St 2.5
51. West Virginia 2
52. Georgia Tech 1
Mississippi 1
North Carolina 1
Ohio State 1
Mar 14-15, 2014, Albuquerque, N.Mex.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 44
2. Texas 43.5
3. Florida 40.5
Georgia 40.5
5. Texas A&M 35
6. Arkansas 30
7. Dartmouth College 24
Stanford 24
9. Kentucky 23
10. Mississippi State 18
South Dakota 18
12. Auburn 16
Louisiana State 16
14. Penn State 15
15. Oklahoma State 14
16. Georgetown 11
Missouri 11
Villanova 11
19. Alabama 10
Arkansas State 10
Boise State 10
Iowa State 10
Purdue 10
San Diego State 10
South Carolina 10
Texas Christian 10
27. Baylor 9
Indiana State 9
29. Arizona State 8
Notre Dame 8
Southern California 8
33. Akron 7
Michigan 7
35. Alabama-Birmingham 6
Kent State 6
Michigan State 6
Virginia Tech 6
39. Florida State 5
Kansas 5
McNeese State 5
Texas-El Paso 5
43. Duke 4
Wisconsin 4
45. Clemson 3.5
Miami 3.5
47. Columbia 3
Eastern Michigan 3
North Carolina State 3
William & Mary 3
51. Colorado 2
Coppin State 2
Minnesota 2
54. Maryland 1.5
55. Boston 1
George Mason 1
Providence College 1
Rice 1
Mar 13-14, 2015, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arkansas 63
2. Oregon 46.5
3. Georgia 37
4. Florida 36
5. Kentucky 35
6. Texas 33
7. Baylor 27
8. Stanford 20
9. Louisiana State 18
Southern Illinois 18
11. Providence College 16
12. Clemson 15
Southern California 15
Texas Tech 15
15. Missouri 14
Texas A&M 14
17. Alabama 13
18. Akron 12
Kansas State 12
Wisconsin 12
21. Arizona State 11
Duke 11
Mississippi State 11
24. Florida State 10
Michigan State 10
26. North Carolina 9
Washington 9
28. Oklahoma State 8
30. Georgetown 30 7
Notre Dame 7
32. Columbia 6
Coppin State 6
Illinois 6
Michigan 6
North Carolina State 6
North Dakota State 6
38. Iona College 5
Tennessee 5
Vanderbilt 5
41. Auburn 4
Minnesota 4
Missouri-Kansas City 4
Virginia Tech 4
45. Maryland 3.5
46. Harvard 3
Kent State 3
New Mexico 3
49. Arizona 2
Brigham Young 2
Villanova 2
52. Miami 1
Mississippi 1
Penn State 1
Rice 1
Texas State 1
Mar 11-12, 2016, Birmingham, Ala.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 53
2. Arkansas 50
3. Georgia 45
4. Texas 44
5. Notre Dame 35
6. Michigan 31
7. Tennessee 30
8. Kansas State 26
9. Georgetown 21
10. Oklahoma State 18
Southern California 18
12. Kentucky 17
13. Washington 16
14. Florida 15
Louisiana State 15
16. Stanford 12
17. Alabama 10
Cal-Riverside 10
Miami 10
North Carolina State 10
21. Duke 9
Kansas 9
Tennessee State 9
Wisconsin 9
25. Louisville 8
North Dakota State 8
Vanderbilt 8
Villanova 8
Virginia Tech 8
30. Harvard 7
New Mexico 7
32. Oklahoma 6.5
33. New Hampshire 6
Purdue 6
South Carolina 6
36. Akron 5
Colorado 5
Georgia Tech 5
Iowa State 5
Sam Houston State 5
Texas A&M 5
42. Brigham Young 4
Cincinnati 4
Nebraska 4
45. Princeton 3
Winthrop 3
47. Air Force 2
California 2
Hampton 2
Penn State 2
51. Dartmouth College 1.5
Morgan State 1.5
South Dakota 1.5
54. Arizona 1
Clemson 1
Mar 10-11, 2017, College Station, Tex.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 84
2. Georgia 51
3. Alabama 37
4. Southern California 35
5. Arkansas 32.5
6. Kentucky 26
7. Colorado 21
8. Miami 18
Missouri 18
10. Penn State 14
Stanford 14
12. Mississippi 13
Texas A&M 13
14. Baylor 12
Florida 12
Michigan 12
Purdue 12
18. Brigham Young 11
Louisiana State 11
Louisville 11
21. Cincinnati 10
Mississippi State 10
Samford 10
San Diego State 10
25. South Carolina 9
Texas 9
27. Arizona State 8
Kansas State 8
Kent State 8
New Hampshire 8
Ohio State 8
Virginia Tech 8
33. Furman 7
Notre Dame 7
35. Arizona 6.5
36. Auburn 6
Illinois 6
UNC-Charlotte 6
39. Akron 5
Oklahoma State 5
41. Georgia State 4
Iowa 4
North Carolina 4
Oklahoma 4
Providence College 4
46. Texas Tech 3.5
47. Air Force 3
Eastern Michigan 3
Indiana 3
Iowa State 3
Texas-El Paso 3
52. Kansas 2
Vanderbilt 2
Wisconsin 2
55. Washington 1.5
56. Central Florida 1
Harvard 1
Middle Tennessee St 1
North Dakota State 1
Villanova 1
Mar 10-11, 2018, College Station, Tex.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Georgia 61
2. Arkansas 49
3. Kentucky 34
4. Florida 32
5. Oregon 31
6. Louisiana State 29
7. Southern California 28
8. Stanford 24
9. Missouri 20
10. New Mexico 17
Texas A&M 17
12. Cincinnati 16
13. Arizona State 15
14. Minnesota 14
Purdue 14
Virginia Tech 14
17. Boise State 12
Kansas 12
San Diego State 12
20. Auburn 11
Colorado 11
Mississippi State 11
23. Harvard 10
New Hampshire 10
North Carolina 10
26. Florida State 9
27. Kansas State 8
Louisville 8
Oklahoma 8
Villanova 8
32. Akron 7
Iowa 7
Iowa State 7
35. Mississippi 6
Wisconsin 6
37. Indiana 5
Northern Arizona 5
Texas Tech 5
40. Campbell 4
FL International 4
North Carolina A&T 4
Penn State 4
Tennessee 4
45. Alabama 3
Brigham Young 3
Miami 3
Ohio State 3
Oklahoma State 3
Providence College 3
51. Air Force 2
Eastern Michigan 2
North Carolina State 2
54. Baylor 1
Duke 1
Northern Illinois 1
Notre Dame 1
South Carolina 1
Syracuse 1
Texas 1
Texas State 1
Mar 8-9, 2019, Birmingham, Ala.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arkansas 62
2. Southern California 51
3. Oregon 32
4. Ohio State 28
5. New Mexico 23
6. Florida 21
7. Alabama 18
North Carolina A&T 18
South Carolina 18
10. Texas A&M 17
11. Penn State 15
12. Stanford 14
Texas 14
14. Brigham Young 13
15. Houston 12
Louisiana State 12
Miami 12
Texas Tech 12
Virginia Tech 12
20. Georgia 11
21. Arizona State 10
Kentucky 10
Northwestern State 10
Tennessee 10
Villanova 10
Wisconsin 10
27. Bethune-Cookman 8
Kennesaw State 8
Louisville 8
Pennsylvania 8
Samford 8
San Diego State 8
33. Colorado 7
Iowa 7
35. Boise State 6
Cincinnati 6
Florida State 6
Indiana 6
Oklahoma State 6
Providence College 6
41. Cal-Davis 5
Indiana State 5
Monmouth 5
Nevada-Las Vegas 5
Portland 5
Texas Christian 5
48. Georgia Tech 4
Nebraska-Omaha 4
Norfolk State 4
Virginia 4
Washington 4
53. Air Force 3
Cal-Santa Barbara 3
Central Michigan 3
Connecticut 3
Kansas State 3
Michigan 3
59. Arizona 2
Bowling Green State 2
Incarnate Word 2
Missouri 2
Stephen F. Austin 2
64. Auburn 1
McNeese State 1
North Dakota State 1
Utah 1
Wofford College 1
Mar 11-13, 2021, Fayetteville, Ark.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arkansas 68
2. Texas A&M 57
3. Louisiana State 39
4. Southern California 35
5. Georgia 31
6. Florida 30
7. Brigham Young 29
8. Texas 25
9. Baylor 24
10. Auburn 20
11. Ohio State 18
Texas Tech 18
13. Kentucky 17
14. Virginia Tech 15
15. Oregon 14
16. Alabama 13
Florida State 13
Notre Dame 13
19. Mississippi 12
20. Arizona 10
Colorado 10
Louisville 10
South Carolina 10
24. Clemson 9
Miami 9
Minnesota 8
North Carolina State 9
Oklahoma State 9
29. Arizona State 6
Duke 6
High Point 6
Norfolk State 6
33. Air Force 5
Massachusetts-Lowell 5
35. Michigan 4
North Dakota State 4
Providence College 4
Stephen F. Austin 4
Washington State 4
40. California 3
Kent State 3
Michigan State 3
Rice 3
Tennessee 3
45. Indiana 2
Kansas 2
Kansas State 2
North Carolina A&T 2
Oklahoma 2
Southern Illinois 2
Villanova 2
52. Kennesaw State 1
Missouri 1
Virginia 1
Washington 1
Mar 11-12, 2022, Birmingham, Ala.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Florida 68
2. Texas 56
3. Kentucky 44
4. Arkansas 40
5. Louisiana State 29.5
6. Mississippi 29
Virginia Tech 29
8. Brigham Young 26.2
9. North Carolina State 25
10. Texas A&M 24
11. Colorado 17
Oregon 17
Texas Tech 17
14. Ohio State 14
15. Southern California 13
16. Tennessee 12
17. Notre Dame 11
18. Arizona State 10
Coastal Carolina 10
Duke 10
Oklahoma State 10
South Carolina 10
Stanford 10
24. High Point 8
Oklahoma 8
26. Colorado State 7
Kansas State 7
28. Alabama 6
California 6
Central Florida 6
Cincinnati 6
Villanova 6
33. Arizona 5
Florida State 5
Oregon State 5
36. Illinois 4
Memphis 4
Sam Houston State 4
39. Western Kentucky 3.5
40. Louisville 3
Michigan State 3
Middle Tennessee St 3
New Mexico 3
Texas State 3
46. Georgia 2.2
47. Michigan 2
Missouri 2
Nebraska 2
Virginia 2
51. Auburn 1
Iowa 1
Kennesaw State 1
North Carolina 1
Southern Illinois 1
West Virginia 1
57. Kansas 0.2
Montana State 0.2
Rice 0.2
Mar 10-11, 2023, Albuquerque, N.Mex.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arkansas 64
2. Texas 60
3. Florida 45
4. Stanford 33
5. Georgia 31
6. North Carolina State 29
7. Alabama 24
Notre Dame 24
Tennessee 24
10. Mississippi 23
11. Louisiana State 22
Oregon 22
13. Southern California 19
14. Nebraska 17
Texas A&M 17
16. Oklahoma 14
17. Kentucky 12
18. Minnesota 11
Ohio State 11
20. Illinois 10
21. Oklahoma State 9
Utah 9
Wisconsin 9
24. Brigham Young 8
Kansas 8
Texas Tech 8
Washington 8
28. South Dakota 7
Virginia Tech 7
30. Nevada-Las Vegas 6
31. Harvard 5
Virginia 5
34. Ball State 4
Clemson 4
Georgetown 4
Kennesaw State 4
38. Michigan 3
Missouri 3
Syracuse 3
Vanderbilt 3
West Virginia 3
43. Arizona 2
Bradley 2
Duke 2
High Point 2
Louisville 2
New Mexico 2
Rice 2
San Jose State 2
South Carolina 2
Stephen F. Austin 2
Tulane 2
54. Auburn 1
Northern Arizona 1
Pittsburgh 1
Mar 7-9, 2024, Boston, Mass.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Arkansas 55
2. Florida 50
3. Georgia 33
4. Oregon 31
5. Mississippi 30
6. Louisiana State 29
7. Brigham Young 28
8. Oklahoma State 27
Southern California 27
10. Notre Dame 26
11. Alabama 21
12. South Carolina 20
13. Texas 18
14. Texas A&M 16.5
15. Stanford 16
Texas Tech 16
17. Tennessee 13
Washington 13
19. Illinois 12.5
20. Colorado State 10
Harvard 10
Iowa State 10
23. Georgetown 9
Providence College 9
25. Nebraska 8.5
26. Ball State 8
Minnesota 8
San Jose State 8
UNC-Charlotte 8
Virginia Tech 8
31. Houston 6
Oklahoma 6
Penn State 6
34. High Point 5.5
Rutgers 5.5
36. Michigan 5
VA Commonwealth 5
38. Baylor 4
Clemson 4
Florida State 4
Rice 4
Virginia 4
43. Louisville 3
Texas-San Antonio 3
Vanderbilt 3
West Virginia 3
Wichita State 3
48. Villanova 2.5
49. Indiana 2
Wisconsin 2
51. Colorado 1
Mississippi State 1
North Carolina State 1
Northern Arizona 1
Mar 14-15, 2025, Virginia Beach, Va.
Place School Results
===== ==================== =======
1. Oregon 55
2. Georgia 39
3. Southern California 35
4. Arkansas 31
Oklahoma 31
Washington 31
7. Texas A&M 27
8. Illinois 25.5
9. Brigham Young 24
10. Texas Tech 21.5
11. Alabama 18
Harvard 18
13. Stanford 16
14. Texas Christian 15
15. Baylor 14
Tennessee 14
17. Wisconsin 13
18. Northern Arizona 12
South Carolina 12
20. Clemson 11
Louisiana State 11
Nebraska 11
23. North Carolina 10
North Carolina State 10
Notre Dame 10
West Virginia 10
27. Providence College 9
28. Michigan 8
Princeton 8
VA Commonwealth 8
31. Florida 7
32. Houston 6
New Mexico 6
34. Missouri 5.5
35. Arizona 5
California 5
Colorado State 5
Iowa 5
Kansas 5
Texas 5
Virginia Tech 5
Washington State 5
43. Iowa State 4
North Florida 4
Utah 4
46. Auburn 3
Louisville 3
Miami 3
Texas-El Paso 3
50. Ball State 2
Florida State 2
Georgetown 2
Kentucky 2
54. Boston 1
East Carolina 1
High Point 1
Purdue 1
San Jose State 1
Tarleton State 1
61. Kansas State 0.5
School Years 1 2 3 4 Finish Year
=============================================== ===== == == == == ====== ====
Texas Austin, Tex. 43 6 7 4 5 1 2006
Florida Gainesville, Fla. 42 2 4 5 5 1 2022
Louisiana State Baton Rouge, La. 41 11 4 6 3 1 2004
Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark. 41 5 2 1 5 1 2024
Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 41 1 4 0 1 1 1978
Villanova Villanova, Pa. 41 0 2 4 2 2 1989
Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 38 3 0 2 6 1 1984
Arizona Tucson, Ariz. 38 0 0 1 1 3 2001
Brigham Young Provo, Utah 38 0 0 1 0 3 2009
Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn. 37 2 7 1 1 1 2009
Auburn Auburn, Ala. 36 0 0 0 0 5 2007
Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. 35 0 0 1 0 3 2008
Arizona State Tempe, Ariz. 34 2 0 1 1 1 2008
Stanford Stanford, Calif. 34 0 2 1 1 2 2006
Georgia Athens, Ga. 33 1 3 4 1 1 2018
Florida State Tallahassee, Fla. 33 1 1 0 2 1 1985
Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala. 33 0 1 3 0 2 1994
Missouri Columbia, Mo. 33 0 0 0 0 7 2001
Kansas Lawrence, Kans. 32 0 3 1 0 2 2013
Georgetown Washington, D.C. 32 0 0 2 0 3 1998
Kansas State Manhattan, Kans. 32 0 0 0 1 4 1979
Colorado Boulder, Colo. 32 0 0 0 0 6 2001
Illinois Champaign, Ill. 32 0 0 0 0 6 1996
UCLA Los Angeles, Calif. 30 2 2 0 0 1 2001
Texas A&M College Station, Tex. 30 0 2 0 0 2 2021
Kentucky Lexington, Ky. 30 0 0 2 0 3 2022
Oklahoma Norman, Okla. 30 0 0 0 1 4 2025
Clemson Clemson, S.C. 29 0 0 1 0 3 2001
North Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. 29 0 0 0 2 4 2006
Oregon Eugene, Ore. 28 8 1 1 1 1 2025
South Carolina Columbia, S.C. 28 0 3 0 2 2 2003
Penn State University Park, Pa. 27 0 0 0 0 7 2009
Texas-El Paso El Paso, Tex. 26 1 1 0 0 1 1980
Formerly Texas Western from 1936 through 1966
Iowa State Ames, Iowa 26 1 0 0 0 1 1979
Miami Coral Gables, Fla. 26 0 0 1 0 3 2005
Rice Houston, Tex. 26 0 0 0 0 5 2002
Oklahoma State Stillwater, Okla. 26 0 0 0 0 8 2024
Formerly Oklahoma A&M from 1890 through 1958
Baylor Waco, Tex. 24 0 0 0 1 4 1999
Virginia Charlottesville, Va. 23 1 0 1 0 1 1981
North Carolina State Raleigh, N.C. 23 0 0 0 0 6 2023
Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. 23 0 0 0 0 12 2009
Houston Houston, Tex. 22 0 0 0 1 4 1983
Indiana Bloomington, Ind. 22 0 0 0 0 5 1989
Texas Tech Lubbock, Tex. 22 0 0 0 0 9 2009
Southern California Los Angeles, Calif. 21 0 2 1 3 2 2019
Providence College Providence, R.I. 21 0 0 0 1 4 1992
Harvard Cambridge, Mass. 21 0 0 0 0 11 2025
Purdue West Lafayette, Ind. 21 0 0 0 0 11 1984
Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va. 20 0 0 0 0 6 2022
Ohio State Columbus, Ohio 19 0 0 0 1 4 2019
Washington Seattle, Wash. 19 0 0 0 1 4 2025
Notre Dame Notre Dame, Ind. 19 0 0 0 0 5 2016
West Virginia Morgantown, W.Va. 19 0 0 0 0 10 2010
Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 18 0 0 0 0 10 1982
Mississippi Oxford, Miss. 17 0 0 0 0 5 2024
Michigan State East Lansing, Mich. 17 0 0 0 0 6 1981
Nevada-Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nev. 17 0 0 0 0 12 1987
Indiana State Terre Haute, Ind. 16 0 0 0 0 5 1993
Boston Boston, Mass. 16 0 0 0 0 11 1981
Maryland College Park, Md. 15 0 0 0 0 6 1980
Georgia Tech Atlanta, Ga. 15 0 0 0 0 7 1992
Duke Durham, N.C. 15 0 0 0 0 12 2007
Cornell Ithaca, N.Y. 15 0 0 0 0 14 1991
Eastern Michigan Ypsilanti, Mich. 14 0 0 0 0 12 1978
Texas Christian Fort Worth, Tex. 14 0 0 0 0 13 2011
Kent State Kent, Ohio 14 0 0 0 0 22 1991
Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pa. 13 0 0 1 0 3 1998
Southern Methodist Dallas, Tex. 13 0 0 1 0 3 1999
California Berkeley, Calif. 13 0 0 0 1 4 1990
Northern Arizona Flagstaff, Ariz. 13 0 0 0 0 10 2006
George Mason Fairfax, Va. 13 0 0 0 0 12 1995
Akron Akron, Ohio 12 0 0 0 0 18 2015
Louisville Louisville, Ky. 12 0 0 0 0 18 2017
Colorado State Fort Collins, Colo. 11 0 0 0 0 9 1978
Southern Illinois Carbondale, Ill. 11 0 0 0 0 9 2015
Washington State Pullman, Wash. 11 0 0 0 0 10 1985
Syracuse Syracuse, N.Y. 10 0 0 0 0 7 2004
Fresno State Fresno, Calif. 10 0 0 0 0 15 1998
San Diego State San Diego, Calif. 10 0 0 0 0 17 2018
Wichita State Wichita, Kans. 10 0 0 0 0 24 2013
Princeton Princeton, N.J. 10 0 0 0 0 28 2025
Seton Hall South Orange, N.J. 9 0 0 1 0 3 1994
New Mexico Albuquerque, N.Mex. 9 0 0 0 0 5 2019
Mississippi State Starkville, Miss. 9 0 0 0 0 10 2014
Formerly Mississippi A&M from 1878 through 1932
Vanderbilt Nashville, Tenn. 9 0 0 0 0 15 1998
Idaho Moscow, Idaho 9 0 0 0 0 20 1981
Connecticut Storrs, Conn. 9 0 0 0 0 21 2012
Rutgers New Brunswick, N.J. 8 0 0 1 0 3 1978
Temple Philadelphia, Pa. 8 0 0 0 0 9 1978
Utah State Logan, Utah 8 0 0 0 0 11 1979
Dartmouth College Hanover, N.H. 7 0 0 0 0 7 2014
Middle Tennessee St Murfreesboro, Tenn. 7 0 0 0 0 8 1994
Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 7 0 0 0 0 12 2018
Texas Southern Houston, Tex. 7 0 0 0 0 13 1989
Cal Poly-SLO San Luis Obispo, Calif. 7 0 0 0 0 16 2004
Tulane New Orleans, La. 7 0 0 0 0 16 1999
Montana State Bozeman, Mont. 7 0 0 0 0 17 2008
FL International Miami, Fla. 7 0 0 0 0 18 1999
Texas-San Antonio San Antonio, Tex. 7 0 0 0 0 25 1990
North Dakota State Fargo, N.Dak. 7 0 0 0 0 25 2016
Central Florida Orlando, Fla. 6 0 0 0 0 5 2013
Formerly Florida Tech from 1966 through 1978
Air Force Colorado Springs, Colo. 6 0 0 0 0 17 1984
Wake Forest Winston-Salem, N.C. 6 0 0 0 0 18 2007
Hampton Hampton, Va. 6 0 0 0 0 18 2006
Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 6 0 0 0 0 21 2023
Boston College Chestnut Hill, Mass. 6 0 0 0 0 22 2001
Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 6 0 0 0 0 23 2000
High Point High Point, N.C. 6 0 0 0 0 24 2022
Texas State San Marcos, Tex. 6 0 0 0 0 30 2007
Formerly SW Texas State from 1926 through 2003
Formerly Texas St-San Marcos from 2003 through 2013
South Florida Tampa, Fla. 6 0 0 0 0 34 2000
Western Kentucky Bowling Green, Ky. 5 0 0 0 0 11 1979
Weber State Ogden, Utah 5 0 0 0 0 13 1989
Yale New Haven, Conn. 5 0 0 0 0 16 2003
Eastern Kentucky Richmond, Ky. 5 0 0 0 0 16 1987
Boise State Boise, Idaho 5 0 0 0 0 17 2018
Illinois State Normal, Ill. 5 0 0 0 0 18 2012
Coastal Carolina Conway, S.C. 5 0 0 0 0 18 2022
James Madison Harrisonburg, Va. 5 0 0 0 0 21 1993
Formerly Madison from 1938 through 1978
Memphis Memphis, Tenn. 5 0 0 0 0 24 1979
Formerly Memphis State from 1912 through 1994
Jacksonville Jacksonville, Fla. 5 0 0 0 0 27 2003
Texas-Arlington Arlington, Tex. 5 0 0 0 0 45 2001
Morgan State Baltimore, Md. 4 0 0 0 0 5 1980
North Carolina A&T Greensboro, N.C. 4 0 0 0 0 7 2019
South Dakota Vermillion, S.Dak. 4 0 0 0 0 10 2014
North Texas Denton, Tex. 4 0 0 0 0 11 1980
Formerly North Texas State from 1946 through 1988
Northeastern Boston, Mass. 4 0 0 0 0 19 1980
Western Michigan Kalamazoo, Mich. 4 0 0 0 0 21 1993
Drake Des Moines, Iowa 4 0 0 0 0 23 1983
Murray State Murray, Ky. 4 0 0 0 0 24 1978
Ball State Muncie, Ind. 4 0 0 0 0 26 2024
UNC-Charlotte Charlotte, N.C. 4 0 0 0 0 26 2024
Columbia New York, N.Y. 4 0 0 0 0 27 2005
Kennesaw State Kennesaw, Ga. 4 0 0 0 0 27 2019
Alabama-Birmingham Birmingham, Ala. 4 0 0 0 0 29 1996
East Carolina Greenville, N.C. 4 0 0 0 0 31 2013
Oral Roberts Tulsa, Okla. 4 0 0 0 0 32 2003
William & Mary Williamsburg, Va. 4 0 0 0 0 34 1992
Stephen F. Austin Nacogdoches, Tex. 4 0 0 0 0 35 2021
Bowling Green State Bowling Green, Ohio 4 0 0 0 0 38 1998
Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa 4 0 0 0 0 39 1994
Fairleigh-Dickinson Teaneck, N.J. 3 0 0 0 0 10 1983
Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Miss. 3 0 0 0 0 13 2011
Formerly Mississippi Southern from 1912 through 1962
Arkansas-Little Rock Little Rock, Ark. 3 0 0 0 0 18 1997
Appalachian State Boone, N.C. 3 0 0 0 0 21 1993
Northwestern State Natchitohes, La. 3 0 0 0 0 21 2019
Norfolk State Norfolk, Va. 3 0 0 0 0 23 2000
New Hampshire Durham, N.H. 3 0 0 0 0 23 2018
Southern Baton Rouge, La. 3 0 0 0 0 24 1984
Eastern Illinois Charleston, Ill. 3 0 0 0 0 25 2013
Idaho State Pocatello, Idaho 3 0 0 0 0 26 1988
Tulsa Tulsa, Okla. 3 0 0 0 0 26 2003
San Jose State San Jose, Calif. 3 0 0 0 0 26 2024
Louisiana-Monroe Monroe, La. 3 0 0 0 0 27 1984
Formerly Northeast Louisiana from 1950 through 1999
VA Commonwealth Richmond, Va. 3 0 0 0 0 28 2025
Louisiana Tech Ruston, La. 3 0 0 0 0 28 2012
Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii 3 0 0 0 0 28 2010
Delaware State Dover, Del. 3 0 0 0 0 29 1985
Brown Providence, R.I. 3 0 0 0 0 32 1990
Coppin State Baltimore, Md. 3 0 0 0 0 32 2015
Saint John's Jamaica, N.Y. 3 0 0 0 0 34 1980
Cal St-Northridge Northridge, Calif. 3 0 0 0 0 38 1997
Formerly San Fernando Valley from 1958 through 1972
Florida A&M Tallahassee, Fla. 3 0 0 0 0 39 1994
Central Michigan Mount Pleasant, Mich. 3 0 0 0 0 46 2002
Grambling State Grambling, La. 2 0 0 0 0 5 1985
Richmond Richmond, Va. 2 0 0 0 0 9 1982
East Tennessee State Johnson City, Tenn. 2 0 0 0 0 13 1988
Long Island-Brooklyn Brooklyn, N.Y. 2 0 0 0 0 15 1978
Cal-Riverside Riverside, Calif. 2 0 0 0 0 17 2016
Minnesota State Mankato, Minn. 2 0 0 0 0 19 1980
Formerly Mankato State from 1975 through 1998
Arkansas State Jonesboro, Ark. 2 0 0 0 0 19 2014
Samford Birmingham, Ala. 2 0 0 0 0 21 2017
Formerly Howard from 1841 through 1965
MD-Baltimore County Baltimore, Md. 2 0 0 0 0 22 2002
Delaware Newark, Del. 2 0 0 0 0 23 1978
New York-Stony Brook Stony Brook, N.Y. 2 0 0 0 0 23 2012
Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. 2 0 0 0 0 27 2019
Howard Washington, D.C. 2 0 0 0 0 29 1985
Saint Joseph's Philadelphia, Pa. 2 0 0 0 0 29 1991
Portland Portland, Ore. 2 0 0 0 0 30 1995
Jackson State Jackson, Miss. 2 0 0 0 0 32 1990
Oregon State Corvallis, Ore. 2 0 0 0 0 33 2022
Long Beach State Long Beach, Calif. 2 0 0 0 0 33 1998
Fordham Bronx, N.Y. 2 0 0 0 0 34 1992
Western Illinois Macomb, Ill. 2 0 0 0 0 35 2006
Sam Houston State Huntsville, Tex. 2 0 0 0 0 36 2022
Iona College New Rochelle, N.Y. 2 0 0 0 0 38 2015
McNeese State Lake Charles, La. 2 0 0 0 0 39 2014
Cal-Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, Calif. 2 0 0 0 0 40 2012
Missouri State Springfield, Mo. 2 0 0 0 0 43 1997
Formerly SW Missouri State from 1945 through 2005
Loyola-Marymount Los Angeles, Calif. 2 0 0 0 0 43 2012
Dayton Dayton, Ohio 2 0 0 0 0 45 2011
Texas Woman's Denton, Tex. 1 0 0 0 0 7 1980
District of Columbia Washington, D.C. 1 0 0 0 0 10 1979
Adelphi Garden City, N.J. 1 0 0 0 0 10 1981
Abilene Christian Abilene, Tex. 1 0 0 0 0 13 1986
NW Missouri State Maryville, Mo. 1 0 0 0 0 15 1978
Springfield College Springfield, Mass. 1 0 0 0 0 15 1978
Liberty Lynchburg, Va. 1 0 0 0 0 15 2002
Nebraska-Kearney Kearney, Neb. 1 0 0 0 0 17 1980
Formerly Kearney State from 1963 through 1977
West Chester West Chester, Pa. 1 0 0 0 0 17 1980
Formerly West Chester St Coll from 1955 through 1983
Manhattan College Riverdale, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 0 18 2000
St. Augustine's Coll Raleigh, N.C. 1 0 0 0 0 19 1986
Maine Orono, Maine 1 0 0 0 0 20 1978
Tennessee State Nashville, Tenn. 1 0 0 0 0 21 2016
Army West Point, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 0 22 1996
Chicago State Chicago, Ill. 1 0 0 0 0 23 1979
Cal St-Los Angeles Los Angeles, Calif. 1 0 0 0 0 24 1984
Brooklyn College Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 0 26 1982
Bates College Lewiston, Maine 1 0 0 0 0 27 1978
Morehead State Morehead, Ky. 1 0 0 0 0 27 1978
Saint Peter's Coll Jersey City, N.J. 1 0 0 0 0 27 2005
Bethune-Cookman Daytona Beach, Fla. 1 0 0 0 0 27 2019
Formerly Bethune-Cookman Coll from 1941 through 2007
Furman Greenville, S.C. 1 0 0 0 0 33 2017
Massachusetts-Lowell Lowell, Mass. 1 0 0 0 0 33 2021
New Orleans New Orleans, La. 1 0 0 0 0 38 2001
Louisiana Lafayette, La. 1 0 0 0 0 40 2012
Formerly Southwestern La. from 1901 through 1999
Formerly Louisiana-Lafayette from 1999 through 2017
Campbell Buies Creek, N.C. 1 0 0 0 0 40 2018
Missouri-Kansas City Kansas City, Mo. 1 0 0 0 0 41 2015
Georgia State Atlanta, Ga. 1 0 0 0 0 41 2017
Cal-Davis Davis, Calif. 1 0 0 0 0 41 2019
Monmouth West Long Branch, N.J. 1 0 0 0 0 41 2019
Prairie View A&M Prairie View, Tex. 1 0 0 0 0 42 1995
Eastern Washington Cheney, Wash. 1 0 0 0 0 43 2012
Bradley Peoria, Ill. 1 0 0 0 0 43 2023
North Florida Jacksonville, Fla. 1 0 0 0 0 43 2025
Winthrop Rock Hill, S.C. 1 0 0 0 0 45 2016
Nebraska-Omaha Omaha, Neb. 1 0 0 0 0 48 2019
Texas-Pan American Edinburg, Tex. 1 0 0 0 0 49 2005
Formerly Pan American College from 1951 through 1988
Radford Radford, Va. 1 0 0 0 0 51 2006
Northern Illinois DeKalb, Ill. 1 0 0 0 0 54 2018
Tarleton State Stephenville, Tex. 1 0 0 0 0 54 2025
MD-Eastern Shore Princess Anne, Md. 1 0 0 0 0 55 2012
Valparaiso Valparaiso, Ind. 1 0 0 0 0 56 1998
Sacramento State Sacramento, Calif. 1 0 0 0 0 56 2010
Montana Missoula, Mont. 1 0 0 0 0 58 2001
Incarnate Word San Antonio, Tex. 1 0 0 0 0 59 2019
Wofford College Spartanburg, S.C. 1 0 0 0 0 64 2019