Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
06/05/1978  South Florida 7, Yale 2                             Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1978  Miami 7, Maryland 2                                 Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1978  Southern Methodist 9, Northwestern 0                Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1978  Brigham Young 9, Salisbury State Coll 0             Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1978  Clemson 8, Ohio State 1                             Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1979  Duke 8, Minnesota 1                                 Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1978  San Diego State 7, Northeast Louisiana 2            Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/05/1978  Louisiana State 6, Cal-Santa Barbara 3              Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Stanford 6, Texas Christian 3                       Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Miami 5, South Florida 4                            Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  UCLA 5, Southern Methodist 4                        Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Trinity 5, Brigham Young 4                          Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Louisiana State 6, Clemson 3                        Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Florida 9, Duke 0                                   Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Rollins College 5, San Diego State 4                Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Southern California 1, San Diego 0                  Salisbury, Md.            AIAW, Won by forfeit
06/06/1978  Stanford 8, Miami 1                                 Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  UCLA 6, Trinity 3                                   Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Florida 6, Louisiana State 3                        Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/06/1978  Southern California 5, Rollins College 4            Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/07/1978  Southern California 9, Florida 0                    Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/07/1978  Stanford 6, UCLA 3                                  Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/08/1978  UCLA 6, Florida 3                                   Salisbury, Md.            AIAW
06/08/1978  Stanford 5, Southern California 4                   Salisbury, Md.            AIAW

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Southern California          3-1
3 UCLA                         3-1
4 Florida                      2-2
  Miami                        2-1
  Louisiana State              2-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Brigham Young                1-1
  Southern Methodist           1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Rollins College              1-1
  South Florida                1-1
  Trinity                      1-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  Yale                         0-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            0-1
  Northeast Louisiana          0-1
  San Diego                    0-1
  Salisbury State Coll         0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
06/06/1979  Southern California 9, South Florida 0              Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/06/1979  Rollins College 5, Brigham Young 4                  Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/06/1979  Stanford 9, Miami 0                                 Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/06/1979  UCLA 7, Trinity 2                                   Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/07/1979  Southern California 8, Rollins College 1            Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/07/1979  Stanford 6, UCLA 3                                  Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/08/1979  Rollins College 7, UCLA 2                           Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW
06/08/1979  Southern California 8, Stanford 1                   Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Southern California          3-0
2 Stanford                     2-1
3 Rollins College              2-1
4 UCLA                         1-2
  Miami                        0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Trinity                      0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
06/03/1980  Indiana 6, Arizona State 3                          Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  San Diego State 9, Montana 0                        Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  Northeast Louisiana 6, Wisconsin 3                  Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  Texas Christian 7, Princeton 2                      Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  Pepperdine 8, Minnesota 1                           Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  California 5, Clemson 4                             Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  Miami 9, Penn State 0                               Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/03/1980  Louisiana State 6, Texas-Permian Basin 3            Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 1
06/04/1980  Stanford 9, Indiana 0                               Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  Rollins College 6, San Diego State 3                Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  Trinity 9, Northeast Louisiana 0                    Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  Southern California 7, Texas Christian 2            Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  UCLA 9, Pepperdine 0                                Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  Florida 9, California 0                             Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  South Carolina 5, Miami 4                           Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/04/1980  Brigham Young 9, Louisiana State 0                  Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 2
06/05/1980  Southern California 8, Rollins College 1            Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 3
06/05/1980  Trinity 6, Stanford 3                               Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 3
06/05/1980  Florida 5, UCLA 4                                   Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 3
06/05/1980  Brigham Young 6, South Carolina 3                   Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 3
06/06/1980  Southern California 7, Trinity 2                    Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 4
06/06/1980  Florida 7, Brigham Young 2                          Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 4
06/07/1980  Trinity 5, Brigham Young 4                          Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Third Place
06/07/1980  Southern California 9, Florida 0                    Baton Rouge, La.          AIAW, Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Southern California          4-0
2 Florida                      3-1
3 Trinity                      3-1
4 Brigham Young                2-2
  Miami                        1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  California                   1-1
  Stanford                     1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Rollins College              1-1
  Northeast Louisiana          1-1
  Wisconsin                    0-1
  Penn State                   0-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Montana                      0-1
  Texas-Permian Basin          0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/26/1982  (1)Indiana 9, (16)Iowa 0                            Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (4)Texas 8, (13)Alabama 1                           Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (9)North Carolina 8, (8)Florida State 1             Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (12)Arkansas 5, (5)Southern Methodist 4             Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (11)Princeton 8, (6)Mississippi 1                   Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (3)Rollins College 9, (14)Yale 0                    Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (7)Georgia 5, (10)South Florida 4                   Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/26/1982  (2)California 8, (15)Wichita State 1                Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 1
05/27/1982  (4)Texas 6, (12)Arkansas 3                          Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (1)Indiana 8, (9)North Carolina 1                   Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (2)California 7, (7)Georgia 2                       Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (3)Rollins College 5, (11)Princeton 4               Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (8)Florida State 7, (16)Iowa 2                      Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (10)South Florida 7, (15)Wichita State 2            Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (5)Southern Methodist 6, (13)Alabama 3              Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/27/1982  (6)Mississippi 6, (14)Yale 3                        Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 2
05/28/1982  (1)Indiana 5, (4)Texas 4                            Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 3
05/28/1982  (2)California 5, (3)Rollins College 4               Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 3
05/28/1982  (11)Princeton 8, (5)Southern Methodist 1            Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 3
05/28/1982  (8)Florida State 5, (7)Georgia 4                    Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 3
05/28/1982  (6)Mississippi 6, (12)Arkansas 3                    Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 3
05/28/1982  (9)North Carolina 8, (10)South Florida 1            Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 3
05/29/1982  (9)North Carolina 6, (6)Mississippi 0               Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 4
05/29/1982  (8)Florida State 5, (11)Princeton 4                 Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 4
05/29/1982  (1)Indiana 6, (2)California 3                       Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 4, Championship
05/29/1982  (3)Rollins College 5, (4)Texas 4                    Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 4, Third Place
05/29/1982  (9)North Carolina 5, (8)Florida State 0             Iowa City, Iowa           AIAW, Round 4, Fifth Place

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Indiana                      4-0
2 California                   3-1
3 Rollins College              3-1
4 Texas                        2-2
5 North Carolina               4-1
6 Florida State                3-2
  Mississippi                  2-2
  Princeton                    2-2
  Georgia                      1-2
  Arkansas                     1-2
  Southern Methodist           1-2
  South Florida                1-2
  Alabama                      0-2
  Iowa                         0-2
  Wichita State                0-2
  Yale                         0-2


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/19/1982  Trinity 6, Southern California 3                    Salt Lake City, Utah      Third Place
05/16/1982  Stanford 9, Clemson 0                               Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1982  Rollins College 5, Brigham Young 4                  Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1983  Trinity 9, Oklahoma State 0                         Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1982  San Diego State 8, Northwestern 1                   Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1982  South Carolina 5, Florida 4                         Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1982  Southern California 9, Pepperdine 0                 Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1982  Miami 5, California 4                               Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/16/1982  UCLA 9, Arizona 0                                   Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 1
05/17/1982  Stanford 7, Rollins College 2                       Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 2
05/17/1982  Trinity 6, San Diego State 3                        Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 2
05/17/1982  Southern California 8, South Carolina 1             Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 2
05/17/1982  UCLA 8, Miami 1                                     Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 2
05/18/1982  Stanford 5, Trinity 4                               Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 3
05/18/1982  UCLA 5, Southern California 4                       Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 3
05/19/1982  Stanford 6, UCLA 3                                  Salt Lake City, Utah      Round 4

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 UCLA                         3-1
3 Trinity                      3-1
4 Southern California          2-2
5 Miami                        1-1
5 South Carolina               1-1
5 San Diego State              1-1
5 Rollins College              1-1
9 Florida                      0-1
9 Arizona                      0-1
9 Clemson                      0-1
9 California                   0-1
9 Brigham Young                0-1
9 Oklahoma State               0-1
9 Northwestern                 0-1
9 Pepperdine                   0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/17/1983  UCLA 5, Stanford 4                                  Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Third Place
05/14/1983  Trinity 9, Northwestern 0                           Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  Clemson 5, Kentucky 4                               Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  UCLA 7, Florida 2                                   Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  Indiana 7, South Carolina 2                         Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  San Diego State 5, Miami 4                          Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  Stanford 9, Princeton 0                             Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  California 7, Texas 2                               Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/14/1983  Southern California 9, Pepperdine 0                 Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/15/1983  Trinity 8, Clemson 1                                Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 2
05/14/1983  UCLA 8, Indiana 1                                   Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 2
05/14/1983  Stanford 5, San Diego State 4                       Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 2
05/14/1983  Southern California 7, California 2                 Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 2
05/16/1983  Trinity 5, UCLA 4                                   Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 3
05/16/1983  Southern California 8, Stanford 1                   Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 3
05/17/1983  Southern California 8, Trinity 1                    Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 4

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Southern California          4-0
2 Trinity                      3-1
3 UCLA                         3-1
4 Stanford                     2-2
  Clemson                      1-1
  California                   1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Florida                      0-1
  Miami                        0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/15/1984  Trinity 5, San Diego State 4                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Third Place
05/12/1984  Stanford 9, Clemson 0                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  UCLA 6, Northwestern 3                              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  Texas 8, South Florida 1                            Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  San Diego State 7, California 2                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  Southern California 8, Harvard 1                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  Miami 7, Oklahoma State 2                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  Florida 5, Southern Methodist 4                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1984  Trinity 7, Pepperdine 2                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/13/1984  Stanford 8, UCLA 1                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/1984  San Diego State 6, Texas 3                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/1984  Southern California 7, Miami 2                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/1984  Trinity 7, Florida 2                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/14/1984  Stanford 7, San Diego State 2                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/14/1984  Southern California 5, Trinity 4                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/15/1984  Stanford 6, Southern California 0                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 4

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Southern California          3-1
3 Trinity                      3-1
4 San Diego State              2-2
  Florida                      1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  California                   0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Southern Methodist           0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  South Florida                0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/18/1985  Trinity 5, California 1                             Oklahoma City, Okla.      Third Place
05/15/1985  Miami 7, Pepperdine 2                               Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  Florida 5, Alliant Int'l 4                          Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  San Diego State 6, Northwestern 3                   Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  California 6, Arizona 3                             Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  Trinity 8, UCLA 1                                   Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  Southern California 8, Arizona State 1              Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  Stanford 9, Harvard 0                               Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/15/1985  Oklahoma State 6, Texas 3                           Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 1
05/16/1985  Trinity 5, Stanford 4                               Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 2
05/16/1985  Miami 7, Florida 2                                  Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 2
05/16/1985  California 5, Oklahoma State 4                      Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 2
05/16/1985  Southern California 9, San Diego State 0            Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 2
05/17/1985  Southern California 9, California 0                 Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 3
05/17/1985  Miami 5, Trinity 4                                  Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 3
05/18/1985  Southern California 6, Miami 3                      Oklahoma City, Okla.      Round 4

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Southern California          4-0
2 Miami                        3-1
3 Trinity                      3-1
4 California                   2-2
  Florida                      1-1
  Stanford                     1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  UCLA                         0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  Alliant Int'l                0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/19/1986  Miami 5, Trinity 4                                  Austin, Tex.              Third Place
05/15/1986  Stanford 8, Harvard 1                               Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  Southern California 8, Texas A&M 1                  Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  Oklahoma State 6, San Diego State 3                 Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  Miami 8, Alliant Int'l 1                            Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  Northwestern 6, UCLA 3                              Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  Arizona State 5, Clemson 4                          Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  California 6, Texas 2                               Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1986  Trinity 8, Kentucky 1                               Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/16/1986  Stanford 5, Northwestern 1                          Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/16/1986  Southern California 5, Arizona State 1              Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/16/1986  Trinity 5, Oklahoma State 2                         Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/16/1986  Miami 5, California 3                               Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/18/1986  Stanford 6, Miami 3                                 Austin, Tex.              Round 3
05/18/1986  Southern California 6, Trinity 3                    Austin, Tex.              Round 3
05/19/1986  Stanford 5, Southern California 4                   Austin, Tex.              Round 4

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Southern California          3-1
3 Miami                        3-1
4 Trinity                      2-2
  California                   1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  UCLA                         0-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  Alliant Int'l                0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/14/1987  Florida 8, Harvard 1                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  Northwestern 5, Indiana 4                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  UCLA 8, Kentucky 1                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  Stanford 9, Southern California 0                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  California 7, Oklahoma State 2                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  Southern Methodist 6, Brigham Young 3               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  Trinity 5, Texas 4                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1987  Georgia 5, Miami 4                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/15/1987  Florida 5, Northwestern 1                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/15/1987  Stanford 5, UCLA 1                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/15/1987  Southern Methodist 5, California 4                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/15/1987  Georgia 5, Trinity 4                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/16/1987  Stanford 5, Florida 1                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/16/1987  Georgia 5, Southern Methodist 2                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/17/1987  Stanford 5, Georgia 1                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 4

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Georgia                      3-1
3 Florida                      2-1
3 Southern Methodist           2-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  California                   1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Trinity                      1-1
  Miami                        0-1
  Southern California          0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Harvard                      0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/1988  Pepperdine 5, Texas 2                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/1988  Trinity 5, Harvard 1                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/1988  Brigham Young 5, South Carolina 4                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/1988  Duke 5, Arizona 4                                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/1988  Florida 5, Pepperdine 1                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  Arizona State 5, Miami 4                            Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  Southern California 5, Brigham Young 1              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  Kentucky 6, Oklahoma State 0                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  UCLA 6, Trinity 0                                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  California 5, Southern Methodist 2                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  Georgia 5, Indiana 4                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/1988  Stanford 5, Duke 1                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/1988  Florida 6, Arizona State 0                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/13/1988  Southern California 5, Kentucky 3                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/13/1988  Stanford 5, Georgia 3                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/13/1988  UCLA 5, California 2                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/14/1988  Florida 5, UCLA 4                                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 4
05/14/1988  Stanford 5, Southern California 1                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 4
05/15/1988  Stanford 5, Florida 2                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Florida                      3-1
3 UCLA                         2-1
3 Southern California          2-1
  California                   1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Georgia                      1-1
  Brigham Young                1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Trinity                      1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Miami                        0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Southern Methodist           0-1
  Harvard                      0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/10/1989  San Diego State 6, William & Mary 3                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/10/1989  Texas 5, Kentucky 4                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/10/1989  Arizona 5, Texas A&M 1                              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/10/1989  San Diego 7, Tennessee 2                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/1989  Stanford 9, San Diego State 0                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  Oklahoma State 7, Brigham Young 2                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  Georgia 5, Texas 1                                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  California 6, Indiana 3                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  Southern California 7, Arizona State 1              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  UCLA 6, Arizona 3                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  Pepperdine 5, Miami 4                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1989  Florida 6, San Diego 1                              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/12/1989  Stanford 5, Oklahoma State 1                        Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/12/1989  Georgia 5, California 4                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/12/1989  UCLA 5, Southern California 4                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/12/1989  Florida 5, Pepperdine 4                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/13/1989  Stanford 6, Georgia 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/13/1989  UCLA 5, Florida 2                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/14/1989  Stanford 5, UCLA 0                                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 UCLA                         3-1
3 Florida                      2-1
3 Georgia                      2-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  California                   1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Miami                        0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  William & Mary               0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/09/1990  Arizona 6, Brigham Young 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/1990  San Diego 5, Kentucky 4                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/1990  South Carolina 6, William & Mary 0                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/1990  Indiana 5, San Diego State 3                        Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/10/1990  Stanford 6, Arizona 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  Georgia 5, Oklahoma State 1                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  California 6, San Diego 0                           Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  Texas 5, Duke 0                                     Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  Pepperdine 5, Arizona State 1                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  UCLA 6, South Carolina 0                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  Southern California 7, Tennessee 2                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/1990  Florida 6, Indiana 0                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/11/1990  Stanford 6, Georgia 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/11/1990  Texas 5, California 4                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/11/1990  UCLA 5, Pepperdine 4                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/11/1990  Florida 5, Southern California 2                    Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/12/1990  Stanford 6, Texas 1                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/12/1990  Florida 5, UCLA 4                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/13/1990  Stanford 5, Florida 1                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Florida                      3-1
3 UCLA                         2-1
3 Texas                        2-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  California                   1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Georgia                      1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Duke                         0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  William & Mary               0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/08/1991  Miami 6, William & Mary 3                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/1991  San Diego State 5, Tennessee 1                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/1991  Indiana 5, Louisiana State 3                        Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/1991  Mississippi 5, San Diego 1                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/1991  Georgia 6, Indiana 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  Pepperdine 5, Oklahoma State 4                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  Duke 5, Arizona State 1                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  UCLA 5, Mississippi 1                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  Florida 5, Miami 1                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  Arizona 7, Brigham Young 2                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  California 5, Texas 4                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/1991  Stanford 5, San Diego State 1                       Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/10/1991  UCLA 5, California 2                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/10/1991  Florida 5, Duke 1                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/10/1991  Georgia 5, Pepperdine 1                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/10/1991  Stanford 6, Arizona 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/11/1991  UCLA 6, Florida 3                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/11/1991  Stanford 5, Georgia 1                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/12/1991  Stanford 5, UCLA 1                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 UCLA                         3-1
3 Florida                      2-1
3 Georgia                      2-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  California                   1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  San Diego                    0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/13/1992  Southern California 6, Kentucky 2                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/1992  San Diego State 5, Kansas 4                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/1992  William & Mary 5, Miami 4                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/1992  Mississippi 5, San Diego 4                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/1992  California 5, Pepperdine 2                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  Stanford 5, Mississippi 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  Arizona State 5, Arizona 2                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  Georgia 5, Tennessee 0                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  Texas 5, William & Mary 3                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  Duke 5, San Diego State 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  UCLA 5, Indiana 1                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/1992  Florida 5, Southern California 0                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/15/1992  Florida 5, UCLA 0                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/15/1992  Duke 5, Georgia 4                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/15/1992  Texas 5, Arizona State 3                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/15/1992  Stanford 5, California 2                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/1992  Florida 5, Duke 1                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/16/1992  Texas 5, Stanford 3                                 Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/17/1992  Florida 5, Texas 3                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      4-0
2 Texas                        3-1
3 Duke                         2-1
3 Stanford                     2-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  California                   1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Georgia                      1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  William & Mary               1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Miami                        0-1
  Kansas                       0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  San Diego                    0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/16/1993  Brigham Young 5, Virginia 3                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/16/1993  Clemson 5, Kansas 3                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/16/1993  Mississippi 5, San Diego State 3                    Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/16/1993  Notre Dame 5, Alabama 0                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/17/1993  Florida 5, Brigham Young 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  Arizona State 5, UCLA 1                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  Duke 5, Clemson 0                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  Texas 5, Southern California 1                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  Arizona 5, Pepperdine 4                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  California 5, Mississippi 2                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  Georgia 5, Indiana 3                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/1993  Stanford 5, Notre Dame 0                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/18/1993  Florida 5, Arizona State 1                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/18/1993  Texas 5, Duke 3                                     Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/18/1993  Arizona 5, California 2                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/18/1993  Stanford 5, Georgia 1                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/19/1993  Texas 5, Florida 4                                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/19/1993  Stanford 5, Arizona 1                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/20/1993  Texas 5, Stanford 2                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Texas                        4-0
2 Stanford                     3-1
3 Florida                      2-1
3 Arizona                      2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  California                   1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Georgia                      1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Brigham Young                1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  UCLA                         0-1
  Southern California          0-1
  Kansas                       0-1
  Virginia                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/13/1994  Southern California 6, Clemson 0                    Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/1994  Arizona 5, Florida State 3                          Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/1994  Wake Forest 5, Virginia 4                           Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/1994  Notre Dame 5, Cal-Santa Barbara 3                   Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/14/1994  Pepperdine 5, Indiana 2                             Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  Kansas 5, Arizona State 4                           Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  Florida 5, UCLA 2                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  Duke 5, Kentucky 1                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  Stanford 5, Notre Dame 1                            Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  Texas 5, Arizona 2                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  California 5, Wake Forest 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/1994  Georgia 5, Southern California 2                    Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/15/1994  Stanford 5, Pepperdine 1                            Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/1994  Georgia 5, Duke 0                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/1994  California 5, Kansas 3                              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/1994  Texas 6, Florida 0                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/16/1994  Georgia 5, California 3                             Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/16/1994  Stanford 5, Texas 2                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/17/1994  Georgia 5, Stanford 4                               Athens, Ga.               Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Georgia                      4-0
2 Stanford                     3-1
3 California                   2-1
3 Texas                        2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Florida                      1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Kansas                       1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  UCLA                         0-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  Virginia                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/1995  Louisiana State 5, Tennessee 3                      Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/11/1995  South Carolina 5, Brigham Young 2                   Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/11/1995  Pepperdine 5, Vanderbilt 1                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/11/1995  Indiana 5, San Diego 3                              Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/1995  Florida 5, Louisiana State 0                        Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  California 5, William & Mary 2                      Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  Georgia 5, South Carolina 0                         Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  Duke 5, Arizona 1                                   Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  UCLA 5, Wake Forest 1                               Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  Stanford 5, Pepperdine 1                            Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  Arizona State 5, Southern California 2              Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/1995  Texas 5, Indiana 1                                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/13/1995  Florida 5, California 0                             Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/13/1995  Georgia 5, Duke 4                                   Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/13/1995  Stanford 5, UCLA 4                                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/13/1995  Texas 5, Arizona State 1                            Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/14/1995  Florida 5, Georgia 0                                Malibu, Calif.            Round 4
05/14/1995  Texas 5, Stanford 1                                 Malibu, Calif.            Round 4
05/15/1995  Texas 5, Florida 4                                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 5

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Texas                        4-0
2 Florida                      3-1
3 Georgia                      2-1
3 Stanford                     2-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  California                   1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Southern California          0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Vanderbilt                   0-1
  San Diego                    0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/03/1996  William & Mary 5, Seton Hall 0                      Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 1, Region E
05/03/1996  Virginia 5, Pennsylvania 1                          Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 1, Region E
05/03/1996  Cornell 5, Maryland 2                               Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 1, Region E
05/03/1996  Harvard 5, Virginia Tech 2                          Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 1, Region E
05/03/1996  Kansas 5, Boise State 0                             Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/03/1996  Kansas State 5, Utah 0                              Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/03/1996  Oklahoma State 5, New Mexico 1                      Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/03/1996  Oklahoma 5, Colorado 4                              Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/03/1996  Mississippi 5, Purdue 1                             Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/03/1996  Minnesota 6, Ohio State 0                           Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/03/1996  Michigan 5, Indiana 4                               Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/03/1996  Northwestern 5, Illinois 1                          Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/03/1996  South Carolina 5, Florida State 2                   Columbia, S.C.            Round 1, Region SE
05/03/1996  Clemson 5, South Alabama 3                          Columbia, S.C.            Round 1, Region SE
05/03/1996  Georgia 5, Miami 2                                  Columbia, S.C.            Round 1, Region SE
05/03/1996  Tennessee 5, Auburn 0                               Columbia, S.C.            Round 1, Region SE
05/03/1996  Vanderbilt 5, Texas Christian 1                     College Station, Tex.     Round 1, Region SW
05/03/1996  Louisiana State 5, Rice 3                           College Station, Tex.     Round 1, Region SW
05/03/1996  Arkansas 3, Southern Methodist 1                    College Station, Tex.     Round 1, Region SW
05/03/1996  Texas A&M 5, Baylor 1                               College Station, Tex.     Round 1, Region SW
05/03/1996  Pepperdine 6, Cal-Santa Barbara 0                   Malibu, Calif.            Round 1, Region W
05/03/1996  California 5, San Diego 1                           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1, Region W
05/03/1996  Arizona State 5, San Diego State 4                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 1, Region W
05/03/1996  Southern California 6, Fresno State 1               Malibu, Calif.            Round 1, Region W
05/04/1996  William & Mary 5, Virginia 0                        Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 2, Region E
05/04/1996  Harvard 5, Cornell 3                                Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 2, Region E
05/04/1996  Kansas 5, Kansas State 4                            Lawrence, Kans.           Round 2, Region C
05/04/1996  Oklahoma State 5, Oklahoma 4                        Lawrence, Kans.           Round 2, Region C
05/04/1996  Mississippi 5, Minnesota 2                          Champaign, Ill.           Round 2, Region MW
05/04/1996  Northwestern 5, Michigan 0                          Champaign, Ill.           Round 2, Region MW
05/04/1996  Clemson 5, South Carolina 4                         Columbia, S.C.            Round 2, Region SE
05/04/1996  Georgia 5, Tennessee 3                              Columbia, S.C.            Round 2, Region SE
05/04/1996  Vanderbilt 5, Louisiana State 2                     College Station, Tex.     Round 2, Region SW
05/04/1996  Texas A&M 5, Arkansas 3                             College Station, Tex.     Round 2, Region SW
05/04/1996  California 5, Pepperdine 1                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 2, Region W
05/04/1996  Southern California 5, Arizona State 3              Malibu, Calif.            Round 2, Region W
05/05/1996  William & Mary 5, Harvard 2                         Syracuse, N.Y.            Round 3, Region E
05/05/1996  Oklahoma State 5, Kansas 4                          Lawrence, Kans.           Round 3, Region C
05/05/1996  Mississippi 5, Northwestern 2                       Champaign, Ill.           Round 3, Region MW
05/05/1996  Clemson 5, Georgia 4                                Columbia, S.C.            Round 3, Region SE
05/05/1996  Vanderbilt 5, Texas A&M 3                           College Station, Tex.     Round 3, Region SW
05/05/1996  Southern California 5, California 2                 Malibu, Calif.            Round 3, Region W
05/18/1996  Notre Dame 5, Brigham Young 0                       Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  Stanford 5, Clemson 1                               Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  Duke 5, Southern California 2                       Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  Texas 5, William & Mary 4                           Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  Florida 5, Oklahoma State 0                         Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  Wisconsin 5, Wake Forest 3                          Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  Arizona 5, Mississippi 0                            Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/18/1996  UCLA 5, Vanderbilt 3                                Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 4
05/19/1996  Stanford 5, Notre Dame 1                            Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 5
05/19/1996  Duke 5, Texas 4                                     Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 5
05/19/1996  Florida 5, Wisconsin 0                              Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 5
05/19/1996  UCLA 5, Arizona 2                                   Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 5
05/20/1996  Stanford 5, Duke 2                                  Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 6
05/20/1996  Florida 5, UCLA 1                                   Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 6
05/21/1996  Florida 5, Stanford 2                               Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 7

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      4-0
2 Stanford                     3-1
3 UCLA                         2-1
3 Duke                         2-1
  Clemson                      3-1
  Southern California          3-1
  Mississippi                  3-1
  Oklahoma State               3-1
  William & Mary               3-1
  Vanderbilt                   3-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  California                   2-1
  Kansas                       2-1
  Georgia                      2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Harvard                      2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Wisconsin                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  Kansas State                 1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Arkansas                     1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Minnesota                    1-1
  Cornell                      1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Auburn                       0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Miami                        0-1
  Colorado                     0-1
  Virginia Tech                0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Baylor                       0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  Southern Methodist           0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Utah                         0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Pennsylvania                 0-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            0-1
  Seton Hall                   0-1
  South Alabama                0-1
  Boise State                  0-1
  San Diego                    0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/09/1997  William & Mary 5, Richmond 0                        Providence, R.I.          Round 1, Region E
05/09/1997  Brown 5, Virginia Tech 2                            Providence, R.I.          Round 1, Region E
05/09/1997  Harvard 5, Virginia 0                               Providence, R.I.          Round 1, Region E
05/09/1997  Alabama 5, Boston College 0                         Providence, R.I.          Round 1, Region E
05/09/1997  Mississippi 5, Oklahoma 0                           Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/09/1997  Brigham Young 5, New Mexico 3                       Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/09/1997  Kansas 5, Colorado 4                                Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/09/1997  Arkansas 5, Utah 0                                  Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1, Region C
05/09/1997  South Carolina 5, Marquette 3                       South Bend, Ind.          Round 1, Region MW
05/09/1997  Indiana 4, Minnesota 2                              South Bend, Ind.          Round 1, Region MW
05/09/1997  Wisconsin 5, Northwestern 1                         South Bend, Ind.          Round 1, Region MW
05/09/1997  Notre Dame 5, Illinois 3                            South Bend, Ind.          Round 1, Region MW
05/09/1997  South Alabama 5, Kentucky 0                         Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/09/1997  Miami 5, South Florida 4                            Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/09/1997  Michigan 5, Central Florida 0                       Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/09/1997  Vanderbilt 5, Florida State 0                       Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/09/1997  Tennessee 5, Baylor 1                               Houston, Tex.             Round 1, Region SW
05/09/1997  Houston 5, Texas Christian 3                        Houston, Tex.             Round 1, Region SW
05/09/1997  Texas A&M 5, Rice 3                                 Houston, Tex.             Round 1, Region SW
05/09/1997  Louisiana State 5, Tulane 1                         Houston, Tex.             Round 1, Region SW
05/09/1997  Pepperdine 5, Washington 1                          San Diego, Calif.         Round 1, Region W
05/09/1997  San Diego State 5, Oregon 2                         San Diego, Calif.         Round 1, Region W
05/09/1997  Southern California 5, Fresno State 2               San Diego, Calif.         Round 1, Region W
05/09/1997  San Diego 5, Nevada-Las Vegas 4                     San Diego, Calif.         Round 1, Region W
05/10/1997  William & Mary 5, Brown 0                           Providence, R.I.          Round 2, Region E
05/10/1997  Harvard 5, Alabama 4                                Providence, R.I.          Round 2, Region E
05/10/1997  Mississippi 5, Brigham Young 0                      Lawrence, Kans.           Round 2, Region C
05/10/1997  Arkansas 5, Kansas 1                                Lawrence, Kans.           Round 2, Region C
05/10/1997  South Carolina 5, Indiana 2                         South Bend, Ind.          Round 2, Region MW
05/10/1997  Wisconsin 5, Notre Dame 2                           South Bend, Ind.          Round 2, Region MW
05/10/1997  South Alabama 5, Vanderbilt 4                       Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2, Region SE
05/10/1997  Michigan 5, Miami 3                                 Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2, Region SE
05/10/1997  Tennessee 5, Houston 0                              Houston, Tex.             Round 2, Region SW
05/10/1997  Louisiana State 5, Texas A&M 0                      Houston, Tex.             Round 2, Region SW
05/10/1997  Pepperdine 5, San Diego State 2                     San Diego, Calif.         Round 2, Region W
05/10/1997  Southern California 5, San Diego 1                  San Diego, Calif.         Round 2, Region W
05/11/1997  William & Mary 5, Harvard 3                         Providence, R.I.          Round 3, Region E
05/11/1997  Mississippi 5, Arkansas 1                           Lawrence, Kans.           Round 3, Region C
05/11/1997  Wisconsin 5, South Carolina 3                       South Bend, Ind.          Round 3, Region MW
05/11/1997  Michigan 5, South Alabama 4                         Nashville, Tenn.          Round 3, Region SE
05/11/1997  Tennessee 5, Louisiana State 3                      Houston, Tex.             Round 3, Region SW
05/11/1997  Pepperdine 5, Southern California 2                 San Diego, Calif.         Round 3, Region W
05/15/1997  Florida 5, Michigan 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  UCLA 5, Tennessee 0                                 Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  Arizona State 5, Mississippi 1                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  Duke 5, Pepperdine 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  Texas 5, Arizona 0                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  California 5, Wake Forest 2                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  William & Mary 5, Georgia 0                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/15/1997  Stanford 5, Wisconsin 0                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/16/1997  Florida 5, Arizona State 1                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/16/1997  Duke 5, California 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/16/1997  Texas 5, UCLA 2                                     Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/16/1997  Stanford 6, William & Mary 0                        Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/17/1997  Florida 5, Texas 1                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 6
05/17/1997  Stanford 5, Duke 1                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 6
05/18/1997  Stanford 5, Florida 1                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 7

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     4-0
2 Florida                      3-1
3 Duke                         2-1
3 Texas                        2-1
  William & Mary               4-1
  Wisconsin                    3-1
  Tennessee                    3-1
  Michigan                     3-1
  Mississippi                  3-1
  Pepperdine                   3-1
  Southern California          2-1
  South Carolina               2-1
  Louisiana State              2-1
  Arkansas                     2-1
  Harvard                      2-1
  South Alabama                2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  California                   1-1
  Kansas                       1-1
  Brigham Young                1-1
  Houston                      1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  Vanderbilt                   1-1
  Brown                        1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Boston College               0-1
  Colorado                     0-1
  Oklahoma                     0-1
  Virginia Tech                0-1
  Virginia                     0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Georgia                      0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Tulane                       0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Baylor                       0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Utah                         0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Oregon                       0-1
  Central Florida              0-1
  Marquette                    0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/15/1998  William & Mary 5, Richmond 1                        Blacksburg, Va.           Round 1, Region E
05/15/1998  Virginia Tech 5, Harvard 2                          Blacksburg, Va.           Round 1, Region E
05/15/1998  VA Commonwealth 5, Virginia 2                       Blacksburg, Va.           Round 1, Region E
05/15/1998  Kentucky 5, Maryland 3                              Blacksburg, Va.           Round 1, Region E
05/15/1998  Arizona 6, Boise State 0                            Provo, Utah               Round 1, Region C
05/15/1998  Colorado 5, Utah 1                                  Provo, Utah               Round 1, Region C
05/15/1998  New Mexico 5, Kansas State 3                        Provo, Utah               Round 1, Region C
05/15/1998  Kansas 5, Oklahoma 2                                Provo, Utah               Round 1, Region C
05/15/1998  UCLA 5, Marquette 2                                 Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/15/1998  Indiana 5, Purdue 3                                 Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/15/1998  Wisconsin 5, Michigan 2                             Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/15/1998  Notre Dame 6, Northwestern 2                        Champaign, Ill.           Round 1, Region MW
05/15/1998  Vanderbilt 6, Florida State 0                       Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/15/1998  South Carolina 5, North Carolina State 2            Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/15/1998  South Alabama 5, South Florida 2                    Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/15/1998  Tennessee 5, Clemson 0                              Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1, Region SE
05/15/1998  Arkansas 5, Rice 0                                  Baton Rouge, La.          Round 1, Region SW
05/15/1998  Houston 5, Texas A&M 2                              Baton Rouge, La.          Round 1, Region SW
05/15/1998  Louisiana State 5, Baylor 0                         Baton Rouge, La.          Round 1, Region SW
05/15/1998  Miami 5, Texas Christian 3                          Baton Rouge, La.          Round 1, Region SW
05/15/1998  Pepperdine 5, Fresno State 0                        Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 1, Region W
05/15/1998  Nevada-Las Vegas 5, Washington State 1              Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 1, Region W
05/15/1998  San Diego State 5, San Diego 2                      Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 1, Region W
05/15/1998  Southern California 5, Washington 4                 Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 1, Region W
05/16/1998  William & Mary 5, Virginia Tech 1                   Blacksburg, Va.           Round 2, Region E
05/16/1998  VA Commonwealth 5, Kentucky 2                       Blacksburg, Va.           Round 2, Region E
05/16/1998  Arizona 5, Colorado 2                               Provo, Utah               Round 2, Region C
05/16/1998  Kansas 5, New Mexico 3                              Provo, Utah               Round 2, Region C
05/16/1998  UCLA 5, Indiana 0                                   Champaign, Ill.           Round 2, Region MW
05/16/1998  Notre Dame 5, Wisconsin 2                           Champaign, Ill.           Round 2, Region MW
05/16/1998  Vanderbilt 5, South Carolina 0                      Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2, Region SE
05/16/1998  Tennessee 5, South Alabama 3                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2, Region SE
05/16/1998  Arkansas 5, Houston 0                               Baton Rouge, La.          Round 2, Region SW
05/16/1998  Louisiana State 5, Miami 3                          Baton Rouge, La.          Round 2, Region SW
05/16/1998  Pepperdine 5, Nevada-Las Vegas 2                    Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 2, Region W
05/16/1998  Southern California 5, San Diego State 1            Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 2, Region W
05/17/1998  William & Mary 5, VA Commonwealth 3                 Blacksburg, Va.           Round 3, Region E
05/17/1998  Kansas 5, Arizona 2                                 Provo, Utah               Round 3, Region C
05/17/1998  UCLA 5, Notre Dame 1                                Champaign, Ill.           Round 3, Region MW
05/17/1998  Tennessee 5, Vanderbilt 3                           Nashville, Tenn.          Round 3, Region SE
05/17/1998  Arkansas 5, Louisiana State 2                       Baton Rouge, La.          Round 3, Region SW
05/17/1998  Pepperdine 5, Southern California 1                 Las Vegas, Nev.           Round 3, Region W
05/21/1998  Florida 5, Pepperdine 2                             South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  Texas 5, UCLA 0                                     South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  William & Mary 5, California 3                      South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  Georgia 5, Kansas 3                                 South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  Duke 5, Arkansas 1                                  South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  Mississippi 5, Arizona State 1                      South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  Wake Forest 5, Brigham Young 4                      South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/21/1998  Stanford 6, Tennessee 0                             South Bend, Ind.          Round 4
05/22/1998  Florida 5, Texas 0                                  South Bend, Ind.          Round 5
05/22/1998  Georgia 5, William & Mary 2                         South Bend, Ind.          Round 5
05/22/1998  Duke 6, Mississippi 0                               South Bend, Ind.          Round 5
05/22/1998  Stanford 5, Wake Forest 2                           South Bend, Ind.          Round 5
05/23/1998  Florida 5, Georgia 1                                South Bend, Ind.          Round 6
05/23/1998  Duke 5, Stanford 4                                  South Bend, Ind.          Round 6
05/24/1998  Florida 5, Duke 1                                   South Bend, Ind.          Round 7

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      4-0
2 Duke                         3-1
3 Georgia                      2-1
3 Stanford                     2-1
  William & Mary               4-1
  Tennessee                    3-1
  UCLA                         3-1
  Kansas                       3-1
  Arkansas                     3-1
  Pepperdine                   3-1
  Notre Dame                   2-1
  Arizona                      2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Louisiana State              2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  VA Commonwealth              2-1
  Wisconsin                    1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Colorado                     1-1
  Virginia Tech                1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Houston                      1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  New Mexico                   1-1
  South Alabama                1-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Oklahoma                     0-1
  Kansas State                 0-1
  Michigan                     0-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  California                   0-1
  Virginia                     0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  North Carolina State         0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Washington State             0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Baylor                       0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Utah                         0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Marquette                    0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Boise State                  0-1
  San Diego                    0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/15/1999  Florida 5, Bethune-Cookman Coll 0                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/15/1999  Arizona 5, Auburn 1                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/1999  Vanderbilt 6, Loyola College-MD 0                   Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/14/1999  Kentucky 5, Tulane 4                                Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/15/1999  UCLA 5, Western Michigan 0                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/15/1999  South Alabama 5, Colorado 0                         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/1999  Pepperdine 5, Boston 0                              Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/14/1999  Louisiana State 5, Ohio State 2                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/15/1999  Mississippi 5, Maryland 0                           Oxford, Miss.             Round 1
05/15/1999  North Carolina 5, Washington 4                      Oxford, Miss.             Round 1
05/15/1999  William & Mary 6, MD-Baltimore County 0             Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/15/1999  Fresno State 7, Harvard 2                           Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/15/1999  Duke 5, Oral Roberts 0                              Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/15/1999  Kansas 5, New Mexico 3                              Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 1
05/15/1999  Notre Dame 9, Illinois-Chicago 0                    South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/15/1999  Iowa 5, Florida State 4                             South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/15/1999  Northwestern 5, Illinois 3                          Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/15/1999  Arizona State 6, Northern Arizona 0                 Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/15/1999  Marquette 5, San Diego State 1                      Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/15/1999  California 5, Army 0                                Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/15/1999  Wake Forest 5, Virginia Tech 0                      Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/15/1999  South Carolina 5, Furman 1                          Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/15/1999  Mississippi State 6, Washington State 0             Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/15/1999  Georgia 5, Central Florida 0                        Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/15/1999  San Diego 5, Minnesota 1                            Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/15/1999  Southern California 6, Drake 0                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/15/1999  Miami 5, Baylor 1                                   Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1999  Texas 5, Texas-Arlington 0                          Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/1999  Wisconsin 5, Arkansas 4                             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/15/1999  Tennessee 5, Tennessee Tech 0                       Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/15/1999  Oregon 5, South Florida 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/15/1999  Stanford 5, Pacific 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/16/1999  Florida 5, Arizona 1                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/15/1999  Vanderbilt 5, Kentucky 0                            Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/16/1999  South Alabama 5, UCLA 2                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/16/1999  Pepperdine 5, Louisiana State 1                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/16/1999  Mississippi 5, North Carolina 1                     Oxford, Miss.             Round 2
05/16/1999  Fresno State 5, William & Mary 3                    Williamsburg, Va.         Round 2
05/16/1999  Duke 5, Kansas 0                                    Albuquerque, N.Mex.       Round 2
05/16/1999  Iowa 5, Notre Dame 4                                South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/16/1999  Arizona State 5, Northwestern 2                     Tempe, Ariz.              Round 2
05/16/1999  California 5, Marquette 1                           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/16/1999  South Carolina 5, Wake Forest 2                     Columbia, S.C.            Round 2
05/16/1999  Georgia 5, Mississippi State 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/16/1999  Southern California 5, San Diego 1                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/16/1999  Miami 5, Texas 4                                    Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/16/1999  Tennessee 5, Wisconsin 2                            Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/16/1999  Stanford 5, Oregon 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/20/1999  Florida 5, Vanderbilt 0                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  South Alabama 5, Pepperdine 2                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  Mississippi 5, Fresno State 1                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  Duke 5, Iowa 0                                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  California 5, Arizona State 4                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  Georgia 5, South Carolina 1                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  Southern California 5, Miami 4                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/20/1999  Stanford 5, Tennessee 1                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/21/1999  Florida 5, South Alabama 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/21/1999  Duke 5, Mississippi 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/21/1999  California 5, Georgia 4                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/21/1999  Stanford 5, Southern California 1                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/22/1999  Florida 5, Duke 2                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5
05/22/1999  Stanford 5, California 1                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5
05/23/1999  Stanford 5, Florida 2                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Florida                      5-1
3 California                   4-1
3 Duke                         4-1
  Southern California          3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Mississippi                  3-1
  South Alabama                3-1
  Tennessee                    2-1
  Miami                        2-1
  Fresno State                 2-1
  South Carolina               2-1
  Iowa                         2-1
  Arizona State                2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Pepperdine                   2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Wisconsin                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  North Carolina               1-1
  Kansas                       1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Mississippi State            1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  William & Mary               1-1
  Oregon                       1-1
  Marquette                    1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Auburn                       0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Colorado                     0-1
  Virginia Tech                0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Washington State             0-1
  Tulane                       0-1
  Western Michigan             0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Baylor                       0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Tennessee Tech               0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Central Florida              0-1
  Pacific                      0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  MD-Baltimore County          0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Bethune-Cookman Coll         0-1
  Drake                        0-1
  Loyola College-MD            0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Northern Arizona             0-1
  Texas-Arlington              0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/12/2000  Stanford 6, Weber State 0                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2000  Fresno State 5, Clemson 3                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2000  Northwestern 5, Oral Roberts 0                      Tulsa, Okla.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Tulsa 5, Minnesota 3                                Tulsa, Okla.              Round 1
05/12/2000  UCLA 6, Boston 0                                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2000  Georgia Tech 5, Washington 3                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/13/2000  Texas 5, Texas-Arlington 0                          Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Baylor 5, Indiana 1                                 Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Wake Forest 5, Virginia Tech 0                      Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 1
05/13/2000  San Diego State 5, South Florida 0                  Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 1
05/12/2000  William & Mary 5, Loyola College-MD 0               Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/12/2000  Tennessee 5, Princeton 1                            Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/13/2000  California 6, Pacific 0                             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2000  Texas A&M 5, Kentucky 4                             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2000  Vanderbilt 5, Alcorn State 0                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2000  VA Commonwealth 5, Texas Christian 1                Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2000  Arizona 5, New Mexico 2                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/13/2000  Southern California 5, MD-Baltimore County 0        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2000  Louisiana State 5, Iowa 3                           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2000  Pepperdine 5, Drake 0                               Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/13/2000  Mississippi 5, Middle Tennessee St 1                Mobile, Ala.              Round 1
05/13/2000  South Alabama 5, Central Florida 0                  Mobile, Ala.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Ohio State 5, Miami 3                               Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2000  Georgia 5, Furman 0                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2000  Mississippi State 5, Oregon 0                       Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Arizona State 6, Army 0                             Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Arkansas 5, North Carolina 2                        Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/13/2000  Duke 5, Winthrop 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/13/2000  South Carolina 5, Western Michigan 1                South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/13/2000  Notre Dame 5, Illinois-Chicago 0                    South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/12/2000  Florida State 5, Illinois 3                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2000  Florida 5, Bethune-Cookman Coll 0                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/13/2000  Stanford 5, Fresno State 1                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2000  Northwestern 5, Tulsa 0                             Tulsa, Okla.              Round 2
05/13/2000  UCLA 6, Georgia Tech 0                              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/14/2000  Texas 5, Baylor 0                                   Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/14/2000  Wake Forest 5, San Diego State 0                    Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 2
05/13/2000  Tennessee 5, William & Mary 3                       Williamsburg, Va.         Round 2
05/14/2000  California 5, Texas A&M 0                           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2000  Vanderbilt 6, VA Commonwealth 0                     Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/14/2000  Southern California 5, Arizona 2                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/2000  Louisiana State 5, Pepperdine 4                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/14/2000  South Alabama 5, Mississippi 4                      Mobile, Ala.              Round 2
05/14/2000  Georgia 5, Ohio State 0                             Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/2000  Arizona State 6, Mississippi State 0                Tempe, Ariz.              Round 2
05/14/2000  Duke 5, Arkansas 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/14/2000  Notre Dame 5, South Carolina 1                      South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/13/2000  Florida 5, Florida State 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/18/2000  Southern California 5, Louisiana State 2            Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  Georgia 5, South Alabama 1                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  Florida 5, Notre Dame 0                             Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  Arizona State 5, Duke 2                             Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  California 5, Vanderbilt 1                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  Wake Forest 5, Tennessee 0                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  Stanford 5, Northwestern 1                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/18/2000  UCLA 5, Texas 2                                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/19/2000  Florida 5, Arizona State 3                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 4
05/19/2000  Georgia 5, Southern California 1                    Malibu, Calif.            Round 4
05/19/2000  Stanford 5, UCLA 0                                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 4
05/19/2000  California 5, Wake Forest 4                         Malibu, Calif.            Round 4
05/20/2000  Georgia 5, Florida 2                                Malibu, Calif.            Round 5
05/20/2000  Stanford 5, California 0                            Malibu, Calif.            Round 5
05/21/2000  Georgia 5, Stanford 4                               Malibu, Calif.            Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Georgia                      6-0
2 Stanford                     5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 California                   4-1
  UCLA                         3-1
  Southern California          3-1
  Wake Forest                  3-1
  Arizona State                3-1
  Notre Dame                   2-1
  Tennessee                    2-1
  Duke                         2-1
  Louisiana State              2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  South Alabama                2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Ohio State                   1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Mississippi State            1-1
  Fresno State                 1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Tulsa                        1-1
  Arkansas                     1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  San Diego State              1-1
  William & Mary               1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  VA Commonwealth              1-1
  Miami                        0-1
  North Carolina               0-1
  Virginia Tech                0-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Iowa                         0-1
  Middle Tennessee St          0-1
  Western Michigan             0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Oregon                       0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Central Florida              0-1
  Pacific                      0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  MD-Baltimore County          0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Alcorn State                 0-1
  Bethune-Cookman Coll         0-1
  Drake                        0-1
  Weber State                  0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Loyola College-MD            0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Texas-Arlington              0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/2001  Stanford 4, Boston 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2001  Mississippi 4, Louisiana State 1                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2001  Oklahoma State 4, Oral Roberts 0                    Edmond, Okla.             Round 1
05/12/2001  Wake Forest 4, Illinois State 0                     Edmond, Okla.             Round 1
05/12/2001  Arizona State 4, Massachusetts 0                    Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/12/2001  South Carolina 4, Florida State 2                   Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/12/2001  California 4, Loyola College-MD 0                   Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2001  North Carolina 4, Iowa 1                            Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2001  Florida 4, Bethune-Cookman Coll 0                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2001  Arkansas 4, Miami 1                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2001  Notre Dame 4, Eastern Michigan 0                    South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/12/2001  Tulane 4, Texas A&M 3                               South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/11/2001  Tennessee 4, Furman 0                               Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/11/2001  Washington State 4, Indiana 0                       Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2001  Washington 4, Army 0                                Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/12/2001  Illinois 4, VA Commonwealth 2                       Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/12/2001  UCLA 4, Georgia Tech 3                              Fresno, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2001  Fresno State 4, Cal St-Northridge 1                 Fresno, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2001  FL International 4, Penn State 0                    Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2001  Vanderbilt 4, Murray State 0                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2001  Texas Christian 4, Boise State 0                    Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/12/2001  Texas 4, Alcorn State 0                             Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/11/2001  Alabama 4, Brigham Young 2                          Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2001  Duke 4, Campbell 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2001  South Alabama 4, Old Dominion 3                     Norfolk, Va.              Round 1
05/11/2001  Southern California 4, MD-Baltimore County 0        Norfolk, Va.              Round 1
05/09/2001  Kentucky 4, Virginia 0                              Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2001  Northwestern 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2001  Pennsylvania 4, Pepperdine 3                        Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/11/2001  Baylor 4, Texas-Arlington 0                         Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/11/2001  Mississippi State 4, Ohio State 3                   Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2001  Georgia 4, Coastal Carolina 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/12/2001  Stanford 4, Mississippi 0                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/13/2001  Wake Forest 4, Oklahoma State 3                     Edmond, Okla.             Round 2
05/13/2001  Arizona State 4, South Carolina 2                   Tempe, Ariz.              Round 2
05/13/2001  California 4, North Carolina 1                      Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/13/2001  Florida 4, Arkansas 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/13/2001  Notre Dame 4, Tulane 0                              South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/12/2001  Tennessee 4, Washington State 0                     Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/13/2001  Washington 4, Illinois 0                            Seattle, Wash.            Round 2
05/13/2001  UCLA 4, Fresno State 3                              Fresno, Calif.            Round 2
05/13/2001  Vanderbilt 4, FL International 0                    Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/13/2001  Texas 4, Texas Christian 1                          Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/12/2001  Duke 4, Alabama 0                                   Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/12/2001  Southern California 4, South Alabama 1              Norfolk, Va.              Round 2
05/10/2001  Northwestern 4, Kentucky 1                          Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/12/2001  Baylor 4, Pennsylvania 0                            Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/12/2001  Georgia 4, Mississippi State 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/17/2001  Stanford 4, Wake Forest 0                           Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Arizona State 4, California 2                       Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Florida 4, Notre Dame 1                             Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Washington 4, Tennessee 3                           Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Vanderbilt 4, UCLA 1                                Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Duke 4, Texas 2                                     Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Southern California 5, Northwestern 1               Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/17/2001  Georgia 5, Baylor 0                                 Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 3
05/18/2001  Stanford 4, Arizona State 0                         Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 4
05/18/2001  Florida 4, Washington 0                             Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 4
05/17/2001  Vanderbilt 4, Duke 1                                Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 4
05/17/2001  Georgia 4, Southern California 0                    Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 4
05/19/2001  Stanford 4, Florida 0                               Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 5
05/19/2001  Vanderbilt 4, Georgia 2                             Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 5
05/20/2001  Stanford 4, Vanderbilt 0                            Stone Mountain, Ga.       Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Vanderbilt                   5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 Georgia                      4-1
  Southern California          3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Washington                   3-1
  Arizona State                3-1
  Notre Dame                   2-1
  Tennessee                    2-1
  UCLA                         2-1
  California                   2-1
  Wake Forest                  2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Baylor                       2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  North Carolina               1-1
  Washington State             1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Mississippi State            1-1
  Fresno State                 1-1
  Tulane                       1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Illinois                     1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  Arkansas                     1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Pennsylvania                 1-1
  FL International             1-1
  South Alabama                1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Penn State                   0-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Miami                        0-1
  Georgia Tech                 0-1
  Virginia                     0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Iowa                         0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  MD-Baltimore County          0-1
  Illinois State               0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Old Dominion                 0-1
  Alcorn State                 0-1
  Bethune-Cookman Coll         0-1
  Massachusetts                0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Eastern Michigan             0-1
  Coastal Carolina             0-1
  Cal St-Northridge            0-1
  Loyola College-MD            0-1
  Campbell                     0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Boise State                  0-1
  Texas-Arlington              0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/10/2002  Miami 4, FL International 2                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/10/2002  Florida 4, Central Florida 0                        Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/2002  Northwestern 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2002  Wisconsin 4, Notre Dame 2                           Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2002  Wake Forest 4, American 0                           Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 1
05/11/2002  Clemson 4, William & Mary 3                         Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 1
05/10/2002  Texas 4, Texas-San Antonio 0                        Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/10/2002  Texas Christian 4, Texas A&M 1                      Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/11/2002  Vanderbilt 5, Murray State 0                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/11/2002  Auburn 4, Indiana 3                                 Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/10/2002  Tennessee 4, Marshall 0                             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/10/2002  Alabama 4, Ohio State 0                             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/10/2002  Pennsylvania 4, Richmond 0                          Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/10/2002  Duke 4, MD-Baltimore County 0                       Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2002  South Carolina 4, Hampton 1                         Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/11/2002  VA Commonwealth 4, Florida State 0                  Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/11/2002  Arizona 4, San Diego State 3                        Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/11/2002  Arizona State 4, SW Missouri State 0                Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/11/2002  Furman 4, Louisiana State 1                         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/11/2002  North Carolina 5, Loyola College-MD 0               Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/10/2002  Georgia Tech 4, Michigan 2                          Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/10/2002  Kentucky 4, Boston 0                                Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/10/2002  Pepperdine 4, Long Beach State 1                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/10/2002  Stanford 4, Sacramento State 0                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2002  Oregon 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 2                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2002  Southern California 5, Oral Roberts 0               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/10/2002  Washington 4, Loyola-Marymount 0                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/10/2002  UCLA 4, Southern 0                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/10/2002  Fresno State 4, Washington State 0                  Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/10/2002  California 4, Brigham Young 0                       Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2002  South Alabama 4, Mississippi 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2002  Georgia 4, Winthrop 0                               Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2002  Florida 4, Miami 0                                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/12/2002  Northwestern 4, Wisconsin 0                         Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/12/2002  Wake Forest 4, Clemson 1                            Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 2
05/11/2002  Texas 4, Texas Christian 2                          Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/12/2002  Vanderbilt 4, Auburn 0                              Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/11/2002  Tennessee 4, Alabama 0                              Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/11/2002  Duke 4, Pennsylvania 0                              Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/12/2002  VA Commonwealth 4, South Carolina 1                 Columbia, S.C.            Round 2
05/12/2002  Arizona State 4, Arizona 0                          Tempe, Ariz.              Round 2
05/12/2002  North Carolina 4, Furman 0                          Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/11/2002  Kentucky 4, Georgia Tech 1                          Lexington, Ky.            Round 2
05/11/2002  Stanford 4, Pepperdine 0                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2002  Southern California 4, Oregon 0                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/11/2002  UCLA 4, Washington 1                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/11/2002  California 4, Fresno State 1                        Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2002  Georgia 4, South Alabama 3                          Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/16/2002  Florida 4, Northwestern 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  Wake Forest 4, Texas 2                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  Tennessee 4, Vanderbilt 2                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  VA Commonwealth 4, Duke 3                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  North Carolina 4, Arizona State 1                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  Stanford 5, Kentucky 1                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  UCLA 5, Southern California 1                       Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/16/2002  Georgia 4, California 1                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/17/2002  Florida 4, Wake Forest 0                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/17/2002  Tennessee 4, VA Commonwealth 3                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/17/2002  Stanford 4, North Carolina 1                        Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/17/2002  Georgia 4, UCLA 2                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/18/2002  Florida 4, Tennessee 1                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/18/2002  Stanford 4, Georgia 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/19/2002  Stanford 4, Florida 1                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Florida                      5-1
3 Tennessee                    4-1
3 Georgia                      4-1
  UCLA                         3-1
  North Carolina               3-1
  Wake Forest                  3-1
  VA Commonwealth              3-1
  California                   2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Duke                         2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Arizona State                2-1
  Kentucky                     2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Wisconsin                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Washington                   1-1
  Fresno State                 1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Furman                       1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Oregon                       1-1
  Pennsylvania                 1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  South Alabama                1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Notre Dame                   0-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Michigan                     0-1
  Washington State             0-1
  Mississippi                  0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Central Florida              0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Marshall                     0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  FL International             0-1
  SW Missouri State            0-1
  MD-Baltimore County          0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  Loyola-Marymount             0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Loyola College-MD            0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Texas-San Antonio            0-1
  American                     0-1
  Hampton                      0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/09/2003  Stanford 4, Louisiana-Monroe 0                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2003  Michigan 4, Colorado 0                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2003  Harvard 4, Oklahoma State 1                         Cambridge, Mass.          Round 1
05/09/2003  Arizona 4, Niagara 0                                Cambridge, Mass.          Round 1
05/10/2003  Alabama 4, Oklahoma 0                               Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/10/2003  Georgia 4, MD-Baltimore County 0                    Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/09/2003  Kentucky 4, Hampton 0                               Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/09/2003  Miami 4, Purdue 1                                   Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/09/2003  Texas A&M 4, Louisiana State 0                      College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/09/2003  California 4, Army 0                                College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/10/2003  North Carolina 4, Coll of Charleston 0              Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/10/2003  Clemson 4, Baylor 1                                 Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/09/2003  Southern California 4, Sacramento State 0           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2003  Georgia Tech 4, Cal Poly-SLO 0                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/10/2003  Kansas State 4, Northwestern 1                      Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/10/2003  VA Commonwealth 4, Illinois State 0                 Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2003  UCLA 4, IU-PU-Indianapolis 0                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2003  Pepperdine 4, Minnesota 3                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2003  Washington 4, Southern 0                            Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/11/2003  Illinois 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 1                      Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/09/2003  William & Mary 4, Temple 0                          Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/09/2003  South Alabama 4, Marshall 2                         Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/09/2003  Duke 4, Winthrop 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2003  South Carolina 4, Pennsylvania 3                    Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2003  Vanderbilt 4, Boston 0                              Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2003  Notre Dame 4, Missouri 1                            Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/10/2003  Tennessee 4, Murray State 0                         Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/10/2003  Virginia 4, Ohio State 0                            Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/10/2003  Arizona State 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                 Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/10/2003  Fresno State 4, San Diego State 0                   Tempe, Ariz.              Round 1
05/09/2003  Florida 4, Florida Atlantic 0                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2003  Tulane 4, Texas 0                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/10/2003  Stanford 4, Michigan 0                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/10/2003  Harvard 4, Arizona 3                                Cambridge, Mass.          Round 2
05/11/2003  Georgia 4, Alabama 1                                Norman, Okla.             Round 2
05/10/2003  Kentucky 4, Miami 3                                 Lexington, Ky.            Round 2
05/10/2003  California 4, Texas A&M 0                           College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/11/2003  North Carolina 4, Clemson 1                         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/10/2003  Southern California 4, Georgia Tech 0               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/11/2003  Kansas State 4, VA Commonwealth 2                   Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/10/2003  UCLA 4, Pepperdine 1                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/2003  Washington 4, Illinois 0                            Seattle, Wash.            Round 2
05/12/2003  William & Mary 4, South Alabama 1                   Williamsburg, Va.         Round 2
05/10/2003  Duke 4, South Carolina 0                            Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/10/2003  Vanderbilt 4, Notre Dame 0                          Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/11/2003  Tennessee 4, Virginia 1                             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/11/2003  Arizona State 4, Fresno State 2                     Tempe, Ariz.              Round 2
05/10/2003  Florida 4, Tulane 1                                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/15/2003  Stanford 4, Harvard 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  Georgia 4, Kentucky 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  California 4, North Carolina 1                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  Southern California 4, Kansas State 0               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  UCLA 4, Washington 3                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  Duke 5, William & Mary 0                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  Vanderbilt 4, Tennessee 3                           Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/15/2003  Florida 4, Arizona State 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 3
05/16/2003  Stanford 4, Georgia 0                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/16/2003  California 4, Southern California 1                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/16/2003  Duke 4, UCLA 0                                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/16/2003  Florida 4, Vanderbilt 0                             Gainesville, Fla.         Round 4
05/17/2003  Stanford 4, California 1                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5
05/17/2003  Florida 4, Duke 1                                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 5
05/18/2003  Florida 4, Stanford 3                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      5-0
2 Stanford                     5-1
3 California                   4-1
3 Duke                         4-1
  Arizona State                2-0
  UCLA                         3-1
  Southern California          3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Vanderbilt                   3-1
  Tennessee                    2-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  Kansas State                 2-1
  Washington                   2-1
  Kentucky                     2-1
  William & Mary               2-1
  Harvard                      2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Fresno State                 1-1
  Tulane                       1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Illinois                     1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  South Alabama                1-1
  VA Commonwealth              1-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Colorado                     0-1
  Oklahoma                     0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Texas                        0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Temple                       0-1
  Baylor                       0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  Missouri                     0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Pennsylvania                 0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Coll of Charleston           0-1
  Marshall                     0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  MD-Baltimore County          0-1
  Illinois State               0-1
  Florida Atlantic             0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  Niagara                      0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Louisiana-Monroe             0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Hampton                      0-1
  IU-PU-Indianapolis           0-1
  Cal Poly-SLO                 0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/14/2004  Florida 4, Hampton 0                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2004  Miami 4, South Alabama 1                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/15/2004  Tulane 4, Richmond 0                                Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/15/2004  Oklahoma 4, Tulsa 1                                 Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/14/2004  Southern California 4, American 0                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2004  Arizona 4, Indiana 2                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2004  UCLA 4, Long Beach State 0                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2004  Pepperdine 4, Brigham Young 2                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2004  Washington 4, Fairfield 0                           Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/14/2004  Oregon 4, New Mexico 3                              Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/15/2004  Texas 4, Texas-Arlington 0                          Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/2004  Arizona State 4, Louisiana State 1                  Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/15/2004  Clemson 4, Troy State 0                             Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/15/2004  South Carolina 4, Wake Forest 1                     Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/15/2004  Texas A&M 4, Southern 0                             College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/15/2004  Southern Methodist 4, Texas Christian 2             College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/15/2004  Fresno State 4, Sacramento State 3                  Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/15/2004  California 4, Illinois State 0                      Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2004  Georgia Tech 4, Alabama 0                           Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/14/2004  Georgia 4, Samford 0                                Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/14/2004  Tennessee 4, Wisconsin 3                            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/14/2004  North Carolina 4, Winthrop 0                        Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/15/2004  Florida State 4, Marshall 2                         Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/15/2004  Vanderbilt 4, IU-PU-Indianapolis 0                  Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/14/2004  Notre Dame 4, Iowa 1                                Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/14/2004  Northwestern 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/14/2004  William & Mary 4, Illinois 2                        Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/14/2004  Duke 4, Furman 0                                    Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/14/2004  Ohio State 4, Harvard 2                             Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/14/2004  Kentucky 4, Boston 0                                Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/14/2004  Michigan 4, Denver 1                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2004  Stanford 4, Quinnipiac 0                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/15/2004  Miami 4, Florida 3                                  Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/16/2004  Tulane 4, Oklahoma 2                                Norman, Okla.             Round 2
05/15/2004  Southern California 4, Arizona 0                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/15/2004  UCLA 4, Pepperdine 2                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/16/2004  Washington 4, Oregon 3                              Seattle, Wash.            Round 2
05/16/2004  Arizona State 4, Texas 0                            Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/16/2004  Clemson 4, South Carolina 1                         Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/16/2004  Texas A&M 4, Southern Methodist 1                   College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/16/2004  Fresno State 4, California 3                        Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/15/2004  Georgia 4, Georgia Tech 0                           Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/15/2004  Tennessee 4, North Carolina 3                       Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/16/2004  Vanderbilt 4, Florida State 1                       Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/15/2004  Northwestern 4, Notre Dame 1                        Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/15/2004  Duke 4, William & Mary 0                            Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/15/2004  Kentucky 4, Ohio State 0                            Lexington, Ky.            Round 2
05/15/2004  Stanford 4, Michigan 0                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/20/2004  Miami 4, Tulane 1                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  UCLA 4, Southern California 2                       Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  Washington 4, Arizona State 2                       Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  Clemson 4, Texas A&M 1                              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  Georgia 4, Fresno State 2                           Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  Vanderbilt 4, Tennessee 1                           Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  Duke 4, Northwestern 1                              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2004  Stanford 4, Kentucky 0                              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/21/2004  UCLA 4, Miami 3                                     Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2004  Clemson 4, Washington 3                             Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2004  Vanderbilt 4, Georgia 1                             Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2004  Stanford 4, Duke 0                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/22/2004  UCLA 4, Clemson 0                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/22/2004  Stanford 4, Vanderbilt 0                            Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/23/2004  Stanford 4, UCLA 1                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 UCLA                         5-1
3 Clemson                      4-1
3 Vanderbilt                   4-1
  Miami                        3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Washington                   3-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  Tennessee                    2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Fresno State                 2-1
  Tulane                       2-1
  Arizona State                2-1
  Kentucky                     2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Florida                      1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Ohio State                   1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  North Carolina               1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  California                   1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Southern Methodist           1-1
  William & Mary               1-1
  Oregon                       1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Wisconsin                    0-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Iowa                         0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Troy State                   0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  Marshall                     0-1
  Samford                      0-1
  South Alabama                0-1
  Illinois State               0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Fairfield                    0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Texas-Arlington              0-1
  American                     0-1
  Hampton                      0-1
  IU-PU-Indianapolis           0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/13/2005  Stanford 4, Army 0                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Oregon 4, Fresno State 2                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Tennessee 4, Boston 0                               Cambridge, Mass.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Harvard 4, Maryland 0                               Cambridge, Mass.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Georgia 4, Quinnipiac 0                             Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2005  South Carolina 4, Nebraska 0                        Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2005  Miami 4, Florida Atlantic 0                         Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/13/2005  California 4, Mississippi 3                         Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/13/2005  Vanderbilt 5, Tennessee-Martin 0                    Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2005  South Alabama 4, Alabama 2                          Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2005  North Carolina 4, Richmond 0                        Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/13/2005  Duke 4, Michigan 1                                  Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/13/2005  Northwestern 4, Valparaiso 0                        Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/13/2005  Notre Dame 4, Iowa 1                                Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/13/2005  Clemson 4, Furman 0                                 Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/13/2005  William & Mary 4, Wisconsin 1                       Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/13/2005  Texas A&M 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0                     Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/13/2005  Texas 4, Southern 0                                 Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/13/2005  Pepperdine 4, Mississippi State 1                   Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/13/2005  Georgia Tech 4, Winthrop 0                          Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/13/2005  Texas Christian 4, Louisiana State 1                New Orleans, La.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Tulane 4, Southeastern LA 0                         New Orleans, La.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Wake Forest 4, Indiana 3                            Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/13/2005  Kentucky 4, Marshall 0                              Lexington, Ky.            Round 1
05/13/2005  Washington 4, Long Beach State 0                    Westwood, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2005  UCLA 4, Illinois State 0                            Westwood, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2005  Arizona State 4, San Diego State 0                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/13/2005  Southern California 4, Illinois-Chicago 0           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/13/2005  Brigham Young 4, Sacramento State 1                 Provo, Utah               Round 1
05/13/2005  Baylor 4, Niagara 0                                 Provo, Utah               Round 1
05/13/2005  FL International 4, Florida State 2                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/13/2005  Florida 4, South Carolina State 0                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2005  Stanford 4, Oregon 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2005  Harvard 4, Tennessee 1                              Cambridge, Mass.          Round 2
05/15/2005  Georgia 4, South Carolina 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/2005  California 4, Miami 3                               Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/14/2005  Vanderbilt 4, South Alabama 0                       Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/14/2005  North Carolina 4, Duke 0                            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/14/2005  Northwestern 4, Notre Dame 0                        Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/14/2005  Clemson 4, William & Mary 0                         Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/14/2005  Texas 4, Texas A&M 1                                Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/14/2005  Georgia Tech 4, Pepperdine 0                        Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/14/2005  Tulane 4, Texas Christian 3                         New Orleans, La.          Round 2
05/14/2005  Kentucky 4, Wake Forest 2                           Lexington, Ky.            Round 2
05/14/2005  UCLA 4, Washington 0                                Westwood, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2005  Southern California 4, Arizona State 0              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/14/2005  Baylor 4, Brigham Young 1                           Provo, Utah               Round 2
05/14/2005  Florida 4, FL International 0                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/19/2005  Stanford 4, Harvard 0                               Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  Georgia 4, California 2                             Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  North Carolina 4, Vanderbilt 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  Clemson 4, Northwestern 3                           Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  Texas 4, (29)Georgia Tech 3                         Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  Kentucky 4, Tulane 1                                Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  Southern California 4, UCLA 3                       Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2005  Florida 4, Baylor 2                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2005  Stanford 4, Georgia 1                               Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/20/2005  Clemson 4, North Carolina 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/20/2005  Texas 4, Kentucky 2                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/20/2005  Florida 4, Southern California 2                    Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2005  Stanford 4, Clemson 2                               Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/21/2005  Texas 4, Florida 3                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/22/2005  Stanford 4, Texas 0                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Texas                        5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 Clemson                      4-1
  North Carolina               3-1
  Southern California          3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Kentucky                     3-1
  UCLA                         2-1
  California                   2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Tulane                       2-1
  Baylor                       2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Harvard                      2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Washington                   1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Brigham Young                1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  William & Mary               1-1
  Oregon                       1-1
  FL International             1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  South Alabama                1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Nebraska                     0-1
  Wisconsin                    0-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Michigan                     0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  Mississippi                  0-1
  Mississippi State            0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Iowa                         0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Marshall                     0-1
  Illinois State               0-1
  Florida Atlantic             0-1
  Tennessee-Martin             0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  Niagara                      0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Southeastern LA              0-1
  Valparaiso                   0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/12/2006  Stanford 4, Quinnipiac 0                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Arizona 4, Brigham Young 0                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Texas Christian 4, Rice 0                           Fort Worth, Tex.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Texas 4, Arkansas 0                                 Fort Worth, Tex.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Duke 5, Winthrop 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/12/2006  Virginia 4, Alabama 3                               Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/12/2006  North Carolina 4, South Carolina State 0            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2006  Wake Forest 4, South Carolina 1                     Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2006  Florida 5, Samford 0                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2006  South Florida 4, Maryland 0                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2006  Pepperdine 4, Wichita State 0                       Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2006  UCLA 4, San Diego State 0                           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2006  Baylor 4, Texas Southern 0                          Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/12/2006  Texas A&M 4, Arizona State 1                        Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/12/2006  Vanderbilt 4, East Tennessee State 0                Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Georgia 4, Indiana 1                                Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Purdue 4, Harvard 2                                 Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/12/2006  Northwestern 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/12/2006  Pennsylvania 4, Tennessee 2                         Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/12/2006  Georgia Tech 4, Southeastern LA 0                   Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/12/2006  North Carolina State 4, William & Mary 3            Richmond, Va.             Round 1
05/12/2006  VA Commonwealth 4, Richmond 0                       Richmond, Va.             Round 1
05/12/2006  Long Beach State 4, New Mexico 1                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2006  Southern California 4, Army 0                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2006  Fresno State 4, Sacramento State 0                  Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2006  California 4, Western Michigan 0                    Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2006  FL International 4, Iowa 1                          Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/12/2006  Miami 4, Boston 0                                   Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/12/2006  Kentucky 4, Furman 0                                Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/12/2006  Clemson 4, Siena College 0                          Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/12/2006  Michigan 4, Nebraska 3                              South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/12/2006  Notre Dame 5, Valparaiso 0                          South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/13/2006  Stanford 4, Arizona 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/13/2006  Texas Christian 4, Texas 0                          Fort Worth, Tex.          Round 2
05/13/2006  Duke 4, Virginia 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/13/2006  North Carolina 4, Wake Forest 3                     Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/13/2006  Florida 4, South Florida 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/13/2006  UCLA 4, Pepperdine 0                                Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/13/2006  Baylor 4, Texas A&M 0                               Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/13/2006  Vanderbilt 4, Georgia 2                             Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/13/2006  Northwestern 4, Purdue 1                            Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/13/2006  Georgia Tech 4, Pennsylvania 0                      Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/13/2006  VA Commonwealth 4, North Carolina State 0           Richmond, Va.             Round 2
05/13/2006  Southern California 4, Long Beach State 0           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/2006  Fresno State 4, California 3                        Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/13/2006  Miami 4, FL International 0                         Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/13/2006  Kentucky 4, Clemson 0                               Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/13/2006  Notre Dame 4, Michigan 0                            South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/18/2006  Stanford 4, Texas Christian 0                       Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Duke 4, North Carolina 1                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Florida 4, UCLA 3                                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Baylor 4, Vanderbilt 2                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Northwestern 4, Georgia Tech 0                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Southern California 4, VA Commonwealth 1            Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Miami 4, Fresno State 2                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/18/2006  Notre Dame 4, Kentucky 0                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/19/2006  Stanford 4, Duke 0                                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/19/2006  Florida 4, Baylor 0                                 Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/19/2006  Southern California 4, Northwestern 3               Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/19/2006  Miami 4, Notre Dame 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/22/2006  Stanford 4, Florida 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/21/2006  Miami 4, Southern California 1                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/23/2006  Stanford 4, Miami 1                                 Stanford, Calif.          Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Miami                        5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 Southern California          4-1
  Notre Dame                   3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Baylor                       3-1
  Northwestern                 3-1
  UCLA                         2-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Fresno State                 2-1
  Kentucky                     2-1
  Texas Christian              2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  VA Commonwealth              2-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  California                   1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  North Carolina State         1-1
  Georgia                      1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Purdue                       1-1
  Pennsylvania                 1-1
  FL International             1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  South Florida                1-1
  Long Beach State             1-1
  Nebraska                     0-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Iowa                         0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Western Michigan             0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  Samford                      0-1
  Siena College                0-1
  Texas Southern               0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Southeastern LA              0-1
  Valparaiso                   0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/2007  Stanford 4, Sacramento State 1                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2007  Brigham Young 4, Oregon 0                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2007  Vanderbilt 4, Murray State 0                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/11/2007  Tennessee 4, Tulsa 0                                Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2007  Southern California 4, Boston 0                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2007  Texas 4, Cal-Irvine 0                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2007  Miami 4, Alabama A&M 0                              Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/12/2007  Wichita State 4, South Carolina 3                   Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/12/2007  Florida 4, Jacksonville 0                           Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2007  South Florida 4, FL International 3                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2007  Baylor 4, Oral Roberts 0                            Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/12/2007  Texas A&M 4, Texas Christian 1                      Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/11/2007  Northwestern 4, Western Michigan 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2007  Indiana 4, Boise State 2                            Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/12/2007  UCLA 4, Quinnipiac 0                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2007  Florida State 4, San Diego State 0                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/12/2007  Duke 5, Louisiana State 1                           Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2007  North Carolina 4, Marist College 0                  Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2007  Michigan 4, Colorado 2                              South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/12/2007  Notre Dame 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                    South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/12/2007  Pepperdine 4, Long Beach State 2                    Fresno, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2007  Fresno State 4, Army 0                              Fresno, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2007  Kentucky 4, Arizona 0                               Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/12/2007  Georgia Tech 4, Furman 0                            Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/12/2007  Arizona State 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0                 Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2007  California 4, Southeastern LA 1                     Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2007  Virginia 4, VA Commonwealth 0                       Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/11/2007  Clemson 4, Coastal Carolina 0                       Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/11/2007  Wake Forest 4, Pennsylvania 1                       Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/11/2007  William & Mary 4, Richmond 0                        Williamsburg, Va.         Round 1
05/12/2007  Auburn 4, North Carolina State 3                    Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/12/2007  Georgia 4, South Carolina State 0                   Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/12/2007  Stanford 4, Brigham Young 0                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2007  Vanderbilt 4, Tennessee 0                           Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/13/2007  Southern California 4, Texas 0                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/19/2007  Miami 4, Wichita State 0                            Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/13/2007  Florida 4, South Florida 1                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/13/2007  Baylor 4, Texas A&M 1                               Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/12/2007  Northwestern 4, Indiana 1                           Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/13/2007  UCLA 4, Florida State 2                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/13/2007  North Carolina 4, Duke 1                            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/13/2007  Notre Dame 4, Michigan 0                            South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/13/2007  Fresno State 4, Pepperdine 0                        Fresno, Calif.            Round 2
05/13/2007  Georgia Tech 4, Kentucky 0                          Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/13/2007  California 4, Arizona State 2                       Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2007  Clemson 4, Virginia 1                               Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/12/2007  William & Mary 4, Wake Forest 1                     Williamsburg, Va.         Round 2
05/13/2007  Georgia 4, Auburn 0                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/18/2007  Stanford 4, Vanderbilt 0                            Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  Miami 4, Southern California 3                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  Florida 4, Baylor 2                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  UCLA 4, Northwestern 0                              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  Notre Dame 4, North Carolina 3                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  Georgia Tech 4, Fresno State 2                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  California 4, Clemson 0                             Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/18/2007  Georgia 4, William & Mary 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2007  Stanford 4, Miami 1                                 Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/20/2007  UCLA 4, Florida 3                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/20/2007  Georgia Tech 4, Notre Dame 2                        Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/20/2007  California 4, Georgia 1                             Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2007  UCLA 4, Stanford 2                                  Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/21/2007  Georgia Tech 4, California 2                        Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/22/2007  Georgia Tech 4, UCLA 2                              Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Georgia Tech                 6-0
2 UCLA                         5-1
3 California                   4-1
3 Stanford                     4-1
  Notre Dame                   3-1
  Florida                      3-1
  Miami                        3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Fresno State                 2-1
  Baylor                       2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  William & Mary               2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Brigham Young                1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  Wichita State                1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  South Florida                1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Colorado                     0-1
  North Carolina State         0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  Western Michigan             0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Oregon                       0-1
  Pennsylvania                 0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Cal-Irvine                   0-1
  Jacksonville                 0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  FL International             0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Coastal Carolina             0-1
  Marist College               0-1
  Southeastern LA              0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Boise State                  0-1
  Alabama A&M                  0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/09/2008  (1)Northwestern 4, Illinois-Chicago 0               Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2008  Indiana 4, Louisville 3                             Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2008  (16)Fresno State 4, Lamar 0                         Fresno, Calif.            Round 1
05/09/2008  Arizona State 4, Sacramento State 0                 Fresno, Calif.            Round 1
05/09/2008  (8)California 4, Army 0                             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2008  Louisiana State 4, Washington State 0               Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2008  (9)Duke 4, Temple 0                                 Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2008  William & Mary 4, North Carolina State 0            Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2008  (4)Stanford 4, Boston 0                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2008  Texas A&M 4, Washington 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2008  (13)Clemson 4, Winthrop 0                           Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/09/2008  Michigan 4, Furman 0                                Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/09/2008  (5)Baylor 5, Oral Roberts 0                         Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/09/2008  Tulsa 4, Texas Christian 3                          Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/09/2008  (12)Miami 4, Quinnipiac 0                           Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/09/2008  Notre Dame 4, FL International 1                    Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/09/2008  Kentucky 4, Boise State 1                           Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2008  (11)Vanderbilt 4, Indiana State 0                   Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2008  Auburn 4, Ohio State 3                              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2008  (6)Florida 4, Jacksonville 0                        Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2008  Texas 4, South Florida 0                            Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2008  (14)Florida State 4, Samford 0                      Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2008  Tennessee 4, Illinois 0                             Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/09/2008  (3)Georgia Tech 4, Alcorn State 0                   Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/09/2008  Pepperdine 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2008  Southern California 4, Marist College 0             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2008  Denver 4, Long Beach State 0                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2008  (7)UCLA 4, Buffalo 0                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2008  Arkansas 4, Wake Forest 0                           Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/09/2008  (15)North Carolina 4, South Carolina State 0        Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/09/2008  South Carolina 4, VA Commonwealth 3                 Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2008  (2)Georgia 4, Yale 0                                Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/10/2008  (1)Northwestern 4, Indiana 0                        Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/10/2008  (16)Fresno State 4, Arizona State 1                 Fresno, Calif.            Round 2
05/10/2008  (8)California 4, Louisiana State 0                  Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/10/2008  (9)Duke 4, William & Mary 0                         Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/10/2008  (4)Stanford 4, Texas A&M 1                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/10/2008  (13)Clemson 4, Michigan 1                           Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/10/2008  (5)Baylor 4, Tulsa 1                                Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/10/2008  (12)Miami 4, Notre Dame 0                           Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/10/2008  (11)Vanderbilt 4, Kentucky 3                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/10/2008  (6)Florida 4, Auburn 0                              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/2008  Texas 5, (14)Florida State 2                        Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/2008  (3)Georgia Tech 4, Tennessee 0                      Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/10/2008  (10)Southern California 4, Pepperdine 0             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/10/2008  (7)UCLA 4, Denver 0                                 Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/10/2008  Arkansas 4, (15)North Carolina 3                    Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/10/2008  (2)Georgia 4, South Carolina 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/17/2008  (1)Northwestern 4, (16)Fresno State 1               Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  (8)California 4, (9)Duke 3                          Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  (4)Stanford 4, (13)Clemson 0                        Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  (5)Baylor 4, (12)Miami 1                            Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  (6)Florida 4, (11)Vanderbilt 1                      Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  (3)Georgia Tech 4, Texas 2                          Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  (7)UCLA 4, (10)Southern California 0                Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/15/2008  Arkansas 4, (2)Georgia 2                            Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/17/2008  (8)California 4, (1)Northwestern 2                  Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/17/2008  (5)Baylor 4, (4)Stanford 1                          Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/17/2008  (6)Florida 4, (3)Georgia Tech 2                     Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/17/2008  (7)UCLA 4, Arkansas 0                               Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/19/2008  (8)California 4, (5)Baylor 3                        Tulsa, Okla.              Round 5
05/19/2008  (7)UCLA 4, (6)Florida 2                             Tulsa, Okla.              Round 5
05/20/2008  (7)UCLA 4, (8)California 0                          Tulsa, Okla.              Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 UCLA                         6-0
2 California                   5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 Baylor                       4-1
  Georgia Tech                 3-1
  Stanford                     3-1
  Arkansas                     3-1
  Northwestern                 3-1
  Miami                        2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Duke                         2-1
  Georgia                      2-1
  Fresno State                 2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  North Carolina               1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Tulsa                        1-1
  Indiana                      1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  William & Mary               1-1
  Denver                       1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Louisville                   0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  North Carolina State         0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Washington State             0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Temple                       0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Yale                         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Indiana State                0-1
  Jacksonville                 0-1
  Lamar                        0-1
  FL International             0-1
  Samford                      0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Alcorn State                 0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Marist College               0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Boise State                  0-1
  Buffalo                      0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/08/2009  (1)Northwestern 4, Miami of Ohio 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/08/2009  Kentucky 4, Ohio State 0                            Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2009  (16)Fresno State 4, Eastern Kentucky 0              Champaign, Ill.           Round 1
05/09/2009  Illinois 4, Vanderbilt 3                            Champaign, Ill.           Round 1
05/08/2009  (8)California 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2009  Texas 4, Pepperdine 1                               Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2009  (9)Georgia Tech 4, Jackson State 0                  Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/08/2009  Mississippi 4, Denver 1                             Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/09/2009  (4)Baylor 4, Texas-Arlington 0                      Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/09/2009  Southern Methodist 4, Texas A&M 1                   Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/09/2009  (13)Stanford 4, Wichita State 0                     Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2009  Louisiana State 4, Long Beach State 0               Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2009  (5)Notre Dame 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                 South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/08/2009  Michigan 4, Sacramento State 2                      South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/08/2009  (12)Clemson 4, Winthrop 0                           Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/08/2009  North Carolina 4, Georgia State 0                   Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/09/2009  (11)UCLA 4, Boston 0                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2009  Arizona State 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0                 Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/08/2009  (6)Miami 4, Army 0                                  Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/08/2009  FL International 4, Princeton 3                     Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/09/2009  (14)Arkansas 4, Oral Roberts 0                      Fayetteville, Ark.        Round 1
05/09/2009  Texas Christian 4, Tulsa 1                          Fayetteville, Ark.        Round 1
05/08/2009  (3)Duke 4, Richmond 0                               Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/08/2009  Virginia 4, VA Commonwealth 0                       Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2009  (10)Tennessee 4, East Tennessee State 0             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2009  South Carolina 4, Wake Forest 0                     Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2009  (7)Southern California 4, Fairfield 0               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2009  Washington 4, San Diego State 0                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2009  (15)Florida 4, Coll of Charleston 1                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2009  Florida State 4, Auburn 0                           Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2009  (2)Georgia 4, South Carolina State 0                Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2009  Boise State 4, Alabama 3                            Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2009  (1)Northwestern 4, Kentucky 1                       Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/10/2009  (16)Fresno State 4, Illinois 3                      Champaign, Ill.           Round 2
05/09/2009  (8)California 4, Texas 1                            Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/2009  (9)Georgia Tech 4, Mississippi 1                    Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/10/2009  (4)Baylor 4, Southern Methodist 2                   Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/10/2009  (13)Stanford 4, Louisiana State 0                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/2009  (5)Notre Dame 4, Michigan 1                         South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/09/2009  (12)Clemson 4, North Carolina 0                     Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/10/2009  (11)UCLA 4, Arizona State 3                         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/09/2009  (6)Miami 4, FL International 0                      Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/10/2009  (14)Arkansas 4, Texas Christian 3                   Fayetteville, Ark.        Round 2
05/09/2009  (3)Duke 4, Virginia 1                               Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/10/2009  South Carolina 4, (10)Tennessee 3                   Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/10/2009  Washington 4, (7)Southern California 3              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/10/2009  (15)Florida 4, Florida State 2                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/2009  (2)Georgia 4, Boise State 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/15/2009  (1)Northwestern 4, (16)Fresno State 0               College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  (8)California 5, (9)Georgia Tech 0                  College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  (4)Baylor 4, (13)Stanford 3                         College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  (5)Notre Dame 4, (12)Clemson 0                      College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  (6)Miami 4, (11)UCLA 2                              College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  (3)Duke 4, (14)Arkansas 2                           College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  South Carolina 4, Washington 0                      College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/15/2009  (2)Georgia 4, (15)Florida 2                         College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/17/2009  (8)California 4, (1)Northwestern 2                  College Station, Tex.     Round 4
05/17/2009  (5)Notre Dame 4, (4)Baylor 3                        College Station, Tex.     Round 4
05/17/2009  (3)Duke 4, (6)Miami 1                               College Station, Tex.     Round 4
05/17/2009  (2)Georgia 4, South Carolina 3                      College Station, Tex.     Round 4
05/18/2009  (8)California 4, (4)Notre Dame 2                    College Station, Tex.     Round 5
05/18/2009  (3)Duke 5, (2)Georgia 2                             College Station, Tex.     Round 5
05/19/2009  (3)Duke 4, (8)California 0                          College Station, Tex.     Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Duke                         6-0
2 California                   5-1
3 Notre Dame                   4-1
3 Georgia                      4-1
  Miami                        3-1
  South Carolina               3-1
  Baylor                       3-1
  Northwestern                 3-1
  Florida                      2-1
  UCLA                         2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Stanford                     2-1
  Washington                   2-1
  Fresno State                 2-1
  Arkansas                     2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  North Carolina               1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Illinois                     1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Southern Methodist           1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  FL International             1-1
  Boise State                  1-1
  Auburn                       0-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Miami of Ohio                0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Vanderbilt                   0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  Coll of Charleston           0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  Eastern Kentucky             0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  Georgia State                0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Fairfield                    0-1
  Jackson State                0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Texas-Arlington              0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/14/2010  (1)Baylor 4, Northwestern State 0                   Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/14/2010  Tulsa 4, North Texas 2                              Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/14/2010  (16)Texas 4, Wichita State 0                        Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/14/2010  Arkansas 4, Oklahoma 2                              Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/14/2010  (8)Stanford 4, Fairfield 0                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2010  Southern Methodist 4, Pepperdine 1                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2010  (9)Clemson 4, Coll of Charleston 0                  Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/14/2010  Georgia 4, Harvard 0                                Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/14/2010  (4)Michigan 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                   Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/14/2010  Ohio State 4, DePaul 1                              Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/14/2010  (13)Tennessee 4, Winthrop 0                         Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/14/2010  Vanderbilt 4, Indiana 0                             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/14/2010  (5)Notre Dame 4, IU-PU-Fort Wayne 0                 South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/14/2010  Boise State 4, Iowa 1                               South Bend, Ind.          Round 1
05/14/2010  (12)California 4, Southern 0                        Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2010  Southern California 4, Sacramento State 0           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2010  South Florida 4, Texas A&M 2                        Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/14/2010  (11)Miami 4, Boston 0                               Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/14/2010  Nebraska 4, Illinois 2                              Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/14/2010  (6)Northwestern 4, Miami of Ohio 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/14/2010  Mississippi 4, Cal-Irvine 0                         Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/14/2010  (14)Georgia Tech 4, Austin Peay State 0             Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/14/2010  Washington 4, Utah 0                                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2010  (3)Florida 4, South Carolina State 0                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2010  Virginia 4, Princeton 3                             Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/14/2010  (10)Duke 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0                  Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/14/2010  Arizona State 4, Saint Mary's College 1             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2010  (7)UCLA 4, Army 0                                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2010  South Carolina 4, Texas Christian 2                 Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2010  (15)Florida State 4, North Florida 0                Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2010  Nevada-Las Vegas 4, VA Commonwealth 3               Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/14/2010  (2)North Carolina 4, Richmond 0                     Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/15/2010  (1)Baylor 4, Tulsa 0                                Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/15/2010  (16)Texas 4, Arkansas 0                             Norman, Okla.             Round 2
05/15/2010  (8)Stanford 4, Southern Methodist 0                 Denver, Colo.             Round 2
05/15/2010  (9)Clemson 4, Georgia 2                             Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/15/2010  (4)Michigan 4, Ohio State 0                         Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/15/2010  (13)Tennessee 4, Vanderbilt 1                       Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/15/2010  (5)Notre Dame 4, Boise State 0                      South Bend, Ind.          Round 2
05/15/2010  (12)California 4, Southern California 1             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/15/2010  (11)Miami 4, South Florida 0                        Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/15/2010  (6)Northwestern 4, Nebraska 0                       Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/15/2010  Mississippi 4, (14)Georgia Tech 0                   Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/15/2010  (3)Florida 4, Washington 0                          Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/15/2010  (10)Duke 4, Virginia 1                              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/15/2010  (7)UCLA 4, Arizona State 0                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/15/2010  (15)Florida State 4, South Carolina 0               Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 2
05/15/2010  (2)North Carolina 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0             Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/20/2010  (1)Baylor 4, (16)Texas 0                            Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (8)Stanford 4, (9)Clemson 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (13)Tennessee 4, (4)Michigan 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (5)Notre Dame 4, (12)California 2                   Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (11)Miami 4, (6)Northwestern 1                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (3)Florida 4, Mississippi 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (10)Duke 4, (7)UCLA 2                               Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/20/2010  (2)North Carolina 4, (15)Florida State 1            Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/22/2010  (8)Stanford 4, (1)Baylor 2                          Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/22/2010  (5)Notre Dame 4, (13)Tennessee 2                    Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/22/2010  (3)Florida 4, (11)Miami 0                           Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/22/2010  (2)North Carolina 4, (10)Duke 3                     Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/24/2010  (8)Stanford 4, (5)Notre Dame 1                      Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/24/2010  (3)Florida 4, (2)North Carolina 0                   Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/25/2010  (8)Stanford 4, (3)Florida 3                         Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Florida                      5-1
3 Notre Dame                   4-1
3 North Carolina               4-1
  Tennessee                    3-1
  Miami                        3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Baylor                       3-1
  Florida State                2-1
  UCLA                         2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  California                   2-1
  Mississippi                  2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Nebraska                     1-1
  Ohio State                   1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Georgia                      1-1
  Washington                   1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Tulsa                        1-1
  Arkansas                     1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Southern Methodist           1-1
  Vanderbilt                   1-1
  South Florida                1-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             1-1
  Boise State                  1-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Oklahoma                     0-1
  Iowa                         0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  North Texas                  0-1
  Miami of Ohio                0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Utah                         0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Saint Mary's College         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  Cal-Irvine                   0-1
  Coll of Charleston           0-1
  DePaul                       0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  Austin Peay State            0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Fairfield                    0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Northwestern State           0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1
  IU-PU-Fort Wayne             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/14/2011  (1)Stanford 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2011  Pepperdine 4, Long Beach State 2                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2011  (16)Northwestern 4, IU-PU-Fort Wayne 0              Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/13/2011  Notre Dame 4, Fresno State 0                        Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/14/2011  (8)Georgia 4, Marist College 0                      Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/14/2011  Alabama 4, Utah 0                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/14/2011  (9)California 4, Boston 0                           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/14/2011  Southern California 4, Saint Mary's College 1       Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2011  (4)North Carolina 4, East Tennessee State 0         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/13/2011  Washington 4, Maryland 0                            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/13/2011  (13)Tennessee 4, Coll of Charleston 1               Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2011  Vanderbilt 4, Winthrop 0                            Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/14/2011  (5)Baylor 4, Texas-Arlington 0                      Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/14/2011  Oklahoma 4, Cal Poly-SLO 0                          Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/14/2011  (12)Florida State 4, Southern 0                     College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/14/2011  Southern Methodist 4, Texas A&M 3                   College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/14/2011  North Carolina State 4, VA Commonwealth 0           Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/14/2011  (11)Virginia 4, Army 0                              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/14/2011  San Diego 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 2                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2011  (6)UCLA 4, Quinnipiac 0                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/14/2011  Arizona State 4, Mississippi 3                      Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/14/2011  (14)Georgia Tech 4, Jacksonville State 0            Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/14/2011  Yale 4, William & Mary 2                            Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/14/2011  Duke 4, Richmond 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/14/2011  Tulsa 4, Nebraska 2                                 Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/14/2011  (10)Michigan 4, Akron 0                             Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/13/2011  Texas 4, South Florida 0                            Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/13/2011  (7)Miami 4, FL International 0                      Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/14/2011  Arkansas 4, Sacramento State 1                      Fayetteville, Ark.        Round 1
05/14/2011  (15)Clemson 4, Wichita State 0                      Fayetteville, Ark.        Round 1
05/14/2011  South Carolina 4, Arizona 2                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2011  (2)Florida 4, South Carolina State 0                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/15/2011  (1)Stanford 4, Pepperdine 0                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2011  (16)Northwestern 4, Notre Dame 0                    Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/15/2011  (8)Georgia 4, Alabama 0                             Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/15/2011  (9)California 4, Southern California 1              Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2011  (4)North Carolina 4, Washington 1                   Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/15/2011  Vanderbilt 4, (13)Tennessee 3                       Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/15/2011  (5)Baylor 4, Oklahoma 0                             Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/15/2011  Southern Methodist 4, (12)Florida State 3           College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/15/2011  (11)Virginia 4, North Carolina State 2              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/15/2011  (6)UCLA 4, San Diego 0                              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/15/2011  (14)Georgia Tech 4, Arizona State 1                 Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/15/2011  (3)Duke 4, Yale 0                                   Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/15/2011  (10)Michigan 4, Tulsa 0                             Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/14/2011  (7)Miami 4, Texas 1                                 Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/15/2011  (15)Clemson 4, Arkansas 2                           Fayetteville, Ark.        Round 2
05/15/2011  (2)Florida 4, South Carolina 0                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/20/2011  (1)Stanford 4, (16)Northwestern 3                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (8)Georgia 4, (9)California 3                       Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (4)North Carolina 4, Vanderbilt 0                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (5)Baylor 4, Southern Methodist 0                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (6)UCLA 4, (11)Virginia 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (3)Duke 4, (14)Georgia Tech 3                       Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (7)Miami 4, (10)Michigan 2                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/20/2011  (2)Florida 4, (15)Clemson 1                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/22/2011  (1)Stanford 4, Georgia 0                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/22/2011  (5)Baylor 4, (4)North Carolina 3                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/22/2011  (6)UCLA 4, (3)Duke 2                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/22/2011  (2)Florida 4, (7)Miami 1                            Stanford, Calif.          Round 4
05/23/2011  (1)Stanford 4, (5)Baylor 1                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/23/2011  (2)Florida 4, (6)UCLA 0                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 5
05/24/2011  (2)Florida 4, (1)Stanford 3                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      6-0
2 Stanford                     5-1
3 UCLA                         4-1
3 Baylor                       4-1
  Miami                        3-1
  North Carolina               3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  California                   2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Virginia                     2-1
  Southern Methodist           2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  North Carolina State         1-1
  Washington                   1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Tulsa                        1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Arkansas                     1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Yale                         1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  Nebraska                     0-1
  Texas A&M                    0-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Maryland                     0-1
  Mississippi                  0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Jacksonville State           0-1
  Utah                         0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Saint Mary's College         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Coll of Charleston           0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  FL International             0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Akron                        0-1
  Marist College               0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Texas-Arlington              0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Cal Poly-SLO                 0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1
  IU-PU-Fort Wayne             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/2012  (1)UCLA 4, Eastern Kentucky 0                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2012  Long Beach State 4, Arkansas 0                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2012  Rice 4, Illinois 3                                  Oxford, Miss.             Round 1
05/11/2012  (16)Mississippi 4, Southern 0                       Oxford, Miss.             Round 1
05/11/2012  (9)California 4, Sacramento State 0                 Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2012  Pepperdine 4, Purdue 0                              Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2012  Georgia Tech 4, Oklahoma State 1                    Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/11/2012  (8)Alabama 4, Army 0                                Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/11/2012  (5)Southern California 4, Fairfield 0               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2012  Vanderbilt 4, San Diego 1                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2012  Tulsa 4, Stephen F. Austin 0                        Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/11/2012  (12)Baylor 4, Oral Roberts 0                        Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/11/2012  (13)Northwestern 4, Akron 0                         Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2012  Notre Dame 4, Hawaii 0                              Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2012  Yale 4, Saint Mary's College 0                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2012  (4)Stanford 4, New York-Stony Brook 0               Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2012  (3)Duke 4, Winthrop 0                               Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2012  South Carolina 4, Texas Christian 1                 Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2012  Tennessee 4, VA Commonwealth 0                      Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/11/2012  (14)Virginia 4, Fairleigh-Dickinson 0               Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/11/2012  (11)Texas 4, Wichita State 0                        Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/11/2012  Nebraska 4, North Texas 0                           Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/11/2012  Clemson 4, Arizona State 0                          Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2012  (6)Georgia 4, Coll of Charleston 0                  Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2012  (7)North Carolina 4, Richmond 0                     Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/11/2012  Arizona 4, Minnesota 1                              Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/11/2012  Utah 4, Texas Tech 3                                Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/11/2012  (10)Miami 4, North Florida 0                        Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/11/2012  (15)Michigan 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                  Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/11/2012  Texas A&M 4, Louisiana State 1                      Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/11/2012  Washington State 4, Florida State 3                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/2012  (2)Florida 4, South Carolina State 0                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/12/2012  (1)UCLA 4, Long Beach State 0                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/2012  Rice 4, (16)Mississippi 2                           Oxford, Miss.             Round 2
05/12/2012  (9)California 4, Pepperdine 0                       Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2012  Georgia Tech 4, (8)Alabama 3                        Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 2
05/12/2012  (5)Southern California 4, Vanderbilt 1              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/2012  (12)Baylor 4, Tulsa 0                               Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/12/2012  (13)Northwestern 4, Notre Dame 2                    Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/12/2012  (4)Stanford 4, Yale 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2012  (3)Duke 4, South Carolina 0                         Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/12/2012  (14)Virginia 4, Tennessee 1                         Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/12/2012  (11)Texas 4, Nebraska 2                             Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/12/2012  (6)Georgia 4, Clemson 3                             Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/12/2012  (7)North Carolina 4, Arizona 2                      Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/12/2012  (10)Miami 4, Utah 0                                 Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/12/2012  (15)Michigan 4, Texas A&M 3                         Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/12/2012  (2)Florida 6, Washington State 0                    Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/17/2012  (1)UCLA 4, Rice 0                                   Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (9)California 4, Georgia Tech 0                     Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (5)Southern California 4, (12)Baylor 1              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (4)Stanford 4, (13)Northwestern 1                   Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (3)Duke 4, (14)Virginia 1                           Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (6)Georgia 4, (11)Texas 0                           Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (10)Miami 4, (7)North Carolina 2                    Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2012  (2)Florida 4, (15)Michigan 0                        Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2012  (1)UCLA 4, (9)California 1                          Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/19/2012  (5)Southern California 4, (4)Stanford 2             Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/19/2012  (3)Duke 4, (6)Georgia 2                             Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/19/2012  (4)Florida 4, (10)Miami 0                           Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2012  (1)UCLA 4, (5)Southern California 3                 Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/21/2012  (2)Florida 4, (3)Duke 3                             Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/22/2012  (2)Florida 4, (1)UCLA 0                             Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      6-0
2 UCLA                         5-1
3 Southern California          4-1
3 Duke                         4-1
  Miami                        3-1
  California                   3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Stanford                     3-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Virginia                     2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Baylor                       2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Rice                         2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Nebraska                     1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Arizona                      1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  Washington State             1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Tulsa                        1-1
  Utah                         1-1
  Vanderbilt                   1-1
  Yale                         1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Long Beach State             1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Hawaii                       0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Texas Tech                   0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  North Texas                  0-1
  Texas Christian              0-1
  Richmond                     0-1
  Minnesota                    0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Saint Mary's College         0-1
  Coll of Charleston           0-1
  Eastern Kentucky             0-1
  Fairleigh-Dickinson          0-1
  Oral Roberts                 0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Akron                        0-1
  Fairfield                    0-1
  New York-Stony Brook         0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  San Diego                    0-1
  Stephen F. Austin            0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/2013  (1)Florida 4, Marist College 0                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/2013  Georgia Tech 4, Yale 3                              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/2013  Duke 4, Mississippi 1                               Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/11/2013  (16)Texas Tech 4, Coll of Charleston 0              Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/10/2013  (9)Alabama 4, Northwestern State 0                  Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/10/2013  Memphis 4, Florida State 1                          Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/10/2013  Auburn 4, Saint Mary's College 2                    Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/10/2013  (8)California 4, New York-Stony Brook 0             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2013  (5)Southern California 4, Sacramento State 0        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2013  Cal-Irvine 4, San Jose State 2                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/10/2013  Rice 4, Pepperdine 3                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/10/2013  (12)Stanford 4, Miami of Ohio 0                     Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/10/2013  (13)Clemson 4, Eastern Kentucky 0                   Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/10/2013  Vanderbilt 4, Indiana 0                             Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/11/2013  Arizona State 4, Oklahoma 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2013  (4)Georgia 4, Winthrop 0                            Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2013  (3)Texas A&M 4, Southern 0                          College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/11/2013  Texas Christian 4, North Texas 1                    College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/11/2013  Texas 4, William & Mary 0                           Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/11/2013  (14)Virginia 4, Fairleigh-Dickinson 0               Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/10/2013  (11)Northwestern 4, Illinois-Chicago 0              Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/10/2013  Baylor 4, San Diego State 1                         Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/10/2013  Purdue 4, South Carolina 3                          Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/11/2013  (6)Miami 4, North Florida 0                         Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/11/2013  (7)UCLA 4, Army 0                                   Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2013  Oklahoma State 4, Long Beach State 0                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/10/2013  Notre Dame 4, North Carolina State 1                Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/10/2013  (10)Michigan 4, IU-PU-Fort Wayne 0                  Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/10/2013  (15)Nebraska 5, Wichita State 0                     Lincoln, Neb.             Round 1
05/10/2013  Nevada-Las Vegas 4, Tulsa 3                         Lincoln, Neb.             Round 1
05/10/2013  Tennessee 4, VA Commonwealth 0                      Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/10/2013  (2)North Carolina 4, South Carolina State 0         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2013  (1)Florida 4, Georgia Tech 0                        Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/12/2013  Duke 4, (16)Texas Tech 3                            Lubbock, Tex.             Round 2
05/11/2013  (9)Alabama 4, Memphis 0                             Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 2
05/11/2013  (8)California 4, Auburn 0                           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2013  (5)Southern California 4, Cal-Irvine 0              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/11/2013  (12)Stanford 4, Rice 0                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/11/2013  (13)Clemson 4, Vanderbilt 2                         Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/12/2013  (4)Georgia 4, Arizona State 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/12/2013  (3)Texas A&M 4, Texas Christian 1                   College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/12/2013  (14)Virginia 4, Texas 3                             Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/11/2013  (11)Northwestern 4, Baylor 2                        Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/11/2013  (6)Miami 4, Purdue 0                                Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/12/2013  (7)UCLA 4, Oklahoma State 0                         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/11/2013  (10)Michigan 4, Notre Dame 0                        Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/11/2013  (15)Nebraska 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 1                  Lincoln, Neb.             Round 2
05/11/2013  (2)North Carolina 4, Tennessee 1                    Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/17/2013  (1)Florida 4, Duke 0                                Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (8)California 4, (9)Alabama 1                       Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (12)Stanford 4, (5)Southern California 3            Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (4)Georgia 4, (13)Clemson 2                         Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (3)Texas A&M 4, (14)Virginia 0                      Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (6)Miami 4, (11)Northwestern 3                      Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (7)UCLA 4, (10)Michigan 0                           Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/17/2013  (2)North Carolina 4, (15)Nebraska 1                 Champaign, Ill.           Round 3
05/19/2013  (1)Florida 4, (8)California 2                       Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/19/2013  (12)Stanford 4, (4)Georgia 1                        Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/19/2013  (3)Texas A&M 4, (6)Miami 0                          Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/19/2013  (7)UCLA 4, (2)North Carolina 1                      Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/20/2013  (12)Stanford 4, (1)Florida 3                        Champaign, Ill.           Round 5
05/20/2013  (3)Texas A&M 4, (7)UCLA 3                           Champaign, Ill.           Round 5
05/21/2013  (12)Stanford 4, (3)Texas A&M 3                      Champaign, Ill.           Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Texas A&M                    5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 UCLA                         4-1
  Miami                        3-1
  North Carolina               3-1
  California                   3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Nebraska                     2-1
  Alabama                      2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Duke                         2-1
  Virginia                     2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Memphis                      1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  Texas Tech                   1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Purdue                       1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Rice                         1-1
  Vanderbilt                   1-1
  Cal-Irvine                   1-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             1-1
  Florida State                0-1
  Oklahoma                     0-1
  North Carolina State         0-1
  Mississippi                  0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  San Jose State               0-1
  Indiana                      0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  North Texas                  0-1
  Miami of Ohio                0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Yale                         0-1
  Saint Mary's College         0-1
  Coll of Charleston           0-1
  Eastern Kentucky             0-1
  Fairleigh-Dickinson          0-1
  Pepperdine                   0-1
  Southern                     0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Marist College               0-1
  New York-Stony Brook         0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Northwestern State           0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1
  IU-PU-Fort Wayne             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/09/2014  (1)Georgia 4, Elon 0                                Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2014  Florida State 4, Arizona 3                          Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2014  Michigan 4, Fresno State 0                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2014  (16)Southern California 4, Idaho 0                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2014  (9)Vanderbilt 4, Murray State 0                     Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2014  Georgia Tech 4, Purdue 0                            Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/09/2014  Oklahoma State 4, South Florida 0                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2014  (8)Florida 4, South Carolina State 0                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2014  (5)UCLA 4, Sacramento State 0                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2014  Mississippi 4, Texas Tech 3                         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2014  Oklahoma 4, Wichita State 2                         Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/09/2014  (12)Miami 4, Boston 0                               Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/09/2014  (13)Clemson 4, UNC-Wilmington 0                     Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/09/2014  Auburn 4, Winthrop 1                                Clemson, S.C.             Round 1
05/09/2014  South Carolina 4, Ohio State 1                      Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2014  (4)Duke 4, East Tennessee State 0                   Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/09/2014  (3)Virginia 4, Youngstown State 0                   Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/09/2014  Kentucky 4, Columbia 2                              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/09/2014  Rice 4, Denver 0                                    Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/09/2014  Baylor 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0                    Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/09/2014  (11)Stanford 4, Quinnipiac 0                        Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2014  Long Beach State 4, Tulsa 3                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2014  Pepperdine 4, Louisiana State 1                     Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2014  (6)California 4, Fairleigh-Dickinson 0              Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/09/2014  (7)North Carolina 4, VA Commonwealth 0              Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/09/2014  Georgia State 4, Tennessee 3                        Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/09/2014  Texas 5, Houston 0                                  College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/09/2014  (10)Texas A&M 4, New York-Stony Brook 0             College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/09/2014  (15)Northwestern 4, Miami of Ohio 0                 Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2014  Notre Dame 4, DePaul 0                              Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/09/2014  Princeton 4, Arizona State 3                        Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/09/2014  (2)Alabama 4, Jackson State 0                       Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/10/2014  (1)Georgia 4, Florida State 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/10/2014  (16)Southern California 4, Michigan 2               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/10/2014  (9)Vanderbilt 4, Georgia Tech 2                     Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/10/2014  (8)Florida 4, Oklahoma State 1                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/2014  (5)UCLA 4, Mississippi 0                            Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/10/2014  (12)Miami 4, Oklahoma 0                             Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/10/2014  (13)Clemson 5, Auburn 0                             Clemson, S.C.             Round 2
05/10/2014  (4)Duke 4, South Carolina 0                         Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/10/2014  (3)Virginia 4, Kentucky 1                           Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/10/2014  (14)Baylor 4, Rice 1                                Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/10/2014  (11)Stanford 4, Long Beach State 0                  Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/10/2014  (6)California 4, Pepperdine 0                       Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/10/2014  (7)North Carolina 4, Georgia State 0                Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/10/2014  (10)Texas A&M 4, Texas 2                            College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/10/2014  Notre Dame 4, (15)Northwestern 3                    Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/10/2014  (2)Alabama 4, Princeton 2                           Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 2
05/15/2014  (1)Georgia 4, (16)Southern California 3             Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (8)Florida 4, (9)Vanderbilt 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (5)UCLA 4, (12)Miami 0                              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (4)Duke 4, (13)Clemson 1                            Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (3)Virginia 4, (14)Baylor 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (11)Stanford 4, (6)California 3                     Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (7)North Carolina 4, (10)Texas A&M 0                Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/15/2014  (2)Alabama 4, Notre Dame 2                          Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/17/2014  (8)Florida 4, (1)Georgia 1                          Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/17/2014  (5)UCLA 4, (4)Duke 2                                Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/17/2014  (11)Stanford 4, (3)Virginia 2                       Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/17/2014  (7)North Carolina 4, (2)Alabama 2                   Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/19/2014  (5)UCLA 4, (8)Florida 0                             Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/19/2014  (7)North Carolina 4, (11)Stanford 3                 Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/20/2014  (5)UCLA 4, (7)North Carolina 3                      Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 UCLA                         6-0
2 North Carolina               5-1
3 Florida                      4-1
3 Stanford                     4-1
  Alabama                      3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Virginia                     3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Notre Dame                   2-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  Miami                        2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  California                   2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Baylor                       2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Rice                         1-1
  Princeton                    1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Georgia State                1-1
  Long Beach State             1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  Houston                      0-1
  Texas Tech                   0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  Miami of Ohio                0-1
  Columbia                     0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  DePaul                       0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  Fairleigh-Dickinson          0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Idaho                        0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  New York-Stony Brook         0-1
  UNC-Wilmington               0-1
  Jackson State                0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Elon                         0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/09/2015  (1)Southern California 4, Youngstown State 0        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2015  Virginia Tech 4, Long Beach State 2                 Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/08/2015  Louisiana State 4, New Mexico 0                     Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/08/2015  Texas Tech 4, New Mexico State 0                    Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/09/2015  (9)Virginia 4, VA Commonwealth 0                    Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/09/2015  South Carolina 4, Princeton 3                       Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/08/2015  Rice 4, Tulsa 2                                     Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/08/2015  Baylor 4, Northwestern State 0                      Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/08/2015  (5)Florida 4, Bethune-Cookman 0                     Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/08/2015  Georgia Tech 4, Wichita State 3                     Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/09/2015  Arizona State 4, Arkansas 1                         Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/09/2015  (12)Oklahoma State 4, Boston 0                      Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/08/2015  (13)Alabama 4, Samford 0                            Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/08/2015  Clemson 4, South Alabama 0                          Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 1
05/08/2015  Oklahoma 4, Ohio State 3                            Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/08/2015  (4)Vanderbilt 4, Murray State 0                     Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/08/2015  (3)California 4, Bryant 0                           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2015  Mississippi State 4, Houston 2                      Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2015  Pepperdine 4, Auburn 2                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2015  (14)Stanford 4, New York-Stony Brook 0              Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/08/2015  (11)Michigan 4, Miami of Ohio 0                     Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/08/2015  DePaul 4, Kentucky 1                                Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/09/2015  Duke 4, Purdue 1                                    Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2015  (6)Georgia 4, Charleston Southern 0                 Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/09/2015  (7)UCLA 4, Idaho 0                                  Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2015  Northwestern 4, Saint Mary's College 0              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/09/2015  Texas Christian 4, Notre Dame 2                     College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/09/2015  (10)Texas A&M 4, Alcorn State 0                     College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/08/2015  (15)Miami 4, North Florida 0                        Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/08/2015  Mississippi 4, Denver 1                             Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/09/2015  Dartmouth College 4, William & Mary 1               Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/09/2015  (2)North Carolina 4, Quinnipiac 0                   Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/10/2015  (1)Southern California 4, Virginia Tech 0           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/09/2015  (16)Texas Tech 4, Louisiana State 2                 Lubbock, Tex.             Round 2
05/10/2015  (9)Virginia 4, South Carolina 2                     Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/10/2015  (8)Baylor 4, Rice 2                                 Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/09/2015  (5)Florida 4, Georgia Tech 0                        Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/10/2015  (12)Oklahoma State 4, Arizona State 3               Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/09/2015  Clemson 4, (13)Alabama 2                            Tuscaloosa, Ala.          Round 2
05/09/2015  (4)Vanderbilt 4, Oklahoma 0                         Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/09/2015  (3)California 4, Mississippi State 0                Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/2015  (14)Stanford 4, Pepperdine 1                        Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/09/2015  (11)Michigan 4, DePaul 2                            Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/10/2015  (7)Georgia 4, Duke 0                                Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/10/2015  (7)UCLA 4, Northwestern 0                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/10/2015  (10)Texas A&M 4, Texas Christian 0                  College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/09/2015  (15)Miami 4, Mississippi 3                          Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/10/2015  (2)North Carolina 4, Dartmouth College 0            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/16/2015  (1)Southern California 4, (16)Texas Tech 0          Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (8)Baylor 4, (9)Virginia 3                          Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (5)Florida 4, (12)Oklahoma State 0                  Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (4)Vanderbilt 4, Clemson 0                          Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (14)Stanford 4, (3)California 3                     Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (6)Georgia 4, (11)Michigan 2                        Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (7)UCLA 4, (10)Texas A&M 1                          Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/16/2015  (2)North Carolina 4, (15)Miami 1                    Waco, Tex.                Round 3
05/17/2015  (1)Southern California 4, (8)Baylor 1               Waco, Tex.                Round 4
05/17/2015  (4)Vanderbilt 4, (5)Florida 3                       Waco, Tex.                Round 4
05/17/2015  (6)Georgia 4, (14)Stanford 1                        Waco, Tex.                Round 4
05/17/2015  (7)UCLA 4, (2)North Carolina 1                      Waco, Tex.                Round 4
05/18/2015  (4)Vanderbilt 4, (1)Southern California 0           Waco, Tex.                Round 5
05/18/2015  (7)UCLA 4, (6)Georgia 1                             Waco, Tex.                Round 5
05/19/2015  (4)Vanderbilt 4, (7)UCLA 2                          Waco, Tex.                Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Vanderbilt                   6-0
2 UCLA                         5-1
3 Southern California          4-1
3 Georgia                      4-1
  Florida                      3-1
  North Carolina               3-1
  Stanford                     3-1
  Baylor                       3-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  Miami                        2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  Clemson                      2-1
  California                   2-1
  Virginia                     2-1
  Oklahoma State               2-1
  Texas Tech                   2-1
  Alabama                      1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  Virginia Tech                1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Mississippi State            1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Dartmouth College            1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Rice                         1-1
  DePaul                       1-1
  Pepperdine                   1-1
  Notre Dame                   0-1
  Auburn                       0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  Houston                      0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  Miami of Ohio                0-1
  New Mexico State             0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  New Mexico                   0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Saint Mary's College         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  Samford                      0-1
  South Alabama                0-1
  Alcorn State                 0-1
  Bethune-Cookman              0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  Idaho                        0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Charleston Southern          0-1
  New York-Stony Brook         0-1
  Northwestern State           0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Bryant                       0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/13/2016  (1)California 4, TX-Rio Grande Valley 0             Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2016  Cal-Santa Barbara 4, Kansas 3                       Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2016  Mississippi State 4, Virginia Tech 0                Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/13/2016  (16)Texas Tech 4, Boston 0                          Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/13/2016  (9)Duke 4, VA Commonwealth 0                        Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/13/2016  Texas 4, William & Mary 2                           Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/13/2016  Southern California 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/13/2016  (8)Pepperdine 4, Idaho 0                            Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/13/2016  (5)Georgia 4, North Florida 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2016  Baylor 4, Wake Forest 2                             Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2016  Tulsa 4, Arkansas 1                                 Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/13/2016  (12)Oklahoma State 4, Albany 0                      Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/13/2016  (13)South Carolina 4, Winthrop 2                    Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/13/2016  Georgia Tech 4, Princeton 1                         Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/13/2016  UCLA 4, Notre Dame 1                                Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/13/2016  (4)Ohio State 4, Youngstown State 0                 Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/13/2016  (3)North Carolina 4, East Tennessee State 0         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/13/2016  Northwestern 4, Mississippi 0                       Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/13/2016  Louisiana State 4, Columbia 0                       Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/13/2016  (14)Virginia 4, Fairleigh-Dickinson 0               Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/13/2016  (11)Auburn 4, Alcorn State 0                        Auburn, Ala.              Round 1
05/13/2016  Arizona State 4, North Carolina State 1             Auburn, Ala.              Round 1
05/13/2016  Rice 4, Clemson 1                                   Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2016  (6)Vanderbilt 4, So IL-Edwardsville 0               Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2016  (7)Miami 5, Quinnipiac 0                            Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/13/2016  Texas Christian 4, Wichita State 3                  Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/13/2016  Kentucky 4, Xavier 1                                Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/13/2016  (10)Michigan 4, Ball State 0                        Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/13/2016  (15)Stanford 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0              Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2016  Texas A&M 4, Denver 0                               Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2016  Syracuse 4, Georgia State 3                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/13/2016  (2)Florida 4, South Carolina State 0                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/14/2016  (1)California 4, Cal-Santa Barbara 0                Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2016  (16)Texas Tech 4, Mississippi State 2               Lubbock, Tex.             Round 2
05/14/2016  Texas 4, (9)Duke 0                                  Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/14/2016  (8)Pepperdine 4, Southern California 2              Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/14/2016  (5)Georgia 4, Baylor 0                              Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/14/2016  (12)Oklahoma State 4, Tulsa 0                       Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/14/2016  Georgia Tech 4, (13)South Carolina 0                Columbia, S.C.            Round 2
05/14/2016  (4)Ohio State 4, UCLA 1                             Columbus, Ohio            Round 2
05/14/2016  (3)North Carolina 4, Northwestern 2                 Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/14/2016  (14)Virginia 4, Louisiana State 2                   Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/14/2016  (11)Auburn 4, Arizona State 2                       Auburn, Ala.              Round 2
05/14/2016  (6)Vanderbilt 4, Rice 0                             Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/14/2016  (7)Miami 4, Texas Christian 0                       Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/14/2016  (10)Michigan 4, Kentucky 1                          Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/14/2016  (15)Stanford 4, Texas A&M 3                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/14/2016  (2)Florida 4, Syracuse 0                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/19/2016  (1)California 4, (16)Texas Tech 0                   Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (8)Pepperdine 4, Texas 0                            Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (12)Oklahoma State 4, (5)Georgia 0                  Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (4)Ohio State 4, Georgia Tech 2                     Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (14)Virginia 4, (3)North Carolina 2                 Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (6)Vanderbilt 4, (11)Auburn 0                       Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (10)Michigan 4, (7)Miami 3                          Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/19/2016  (15)Stanford 4, (2)Florida 3                        Tulsa, Okla.              Round 3
05/21/2016  (1)California 4, (8)Pepperdine 2                    Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/21/2016  (12)Oklahoma State 4, (4)Ohio State 2               Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/21/2016  (6)Vanderbilt 4, (14)Virginia 2                     Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/21/2016  (15)Stanford 4, (10)Michigan 3                      Tulsa, Okla.              Round 4
05/23/2016  (12)Oklahoma State 4, (1)California 3               Tulsa, Okla.              Round 5
05/23/2016  (15)Stanford 4, (6)Vanderbilt 2                     Tulsa, Okla.              Round 5
05/24/2016  (15)Stanford 4, (12)Oklahoma State 3                Tulsa, Okla.              Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Oklahoma State               5-1
3 California                   4-1
3 Vanderbilt                   4-1
  Ohio State                   3-1
  Michigan                     3-1
  Virginia                     3-1
  Pepperdine                   3-1
  Auburn                       2-1
  Florida                      2-1
  Miami                        2-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Georgia                      2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Texas Tech                   2-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Syracuse                     1-1
  Mississippi State            1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Tulsa                        1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Rice                         1-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            1-1
  Notre Dame                   0-1
  Virginia Tech                0-1
  Clemson                      0-1
  Kansas                       0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  North Carolina State         0-1
  Mississippi                  0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Columbia                     0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  Fairleigh-Dickinson          0-1
  Xavier                       0-1
  Georgia State                0-1
  Alcorn State                 0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Idaho                        0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Ball State                   0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Albany                       0-1
  So IL-Edwardsville           0-1
  TX-Rio Grande Valley         0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/13/2017  (1)Florida 4, Massachusetts 0                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/13/2017  Miami 4, South Florida 0                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/13/2017  Texas A&M 4, Louisiana-Monroe 2                     Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/13/2017  (16)Baylor 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0                Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/13/2017  (9)Oklahoma State 4, Missouri-Kansas City 0         Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/13/2017  Arkansas 4, Wichita State 2                         Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/13/2017  Northwestern 4, Mississippi State 1                 Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/13/2017  (8)Georgia Tech 4, Alabama State 0                  Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/13/2017  (5)Georgia 4, South Carolina State 0                Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/13/2017  North Carolina State 4, Oregon 2                    Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/12/2017  UCLA 4, Cal-Santa Barbara 0                         Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/12/2017  (12)Pepperdine 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0            Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/13/2017  (13)California 4, San Jose State 0                  Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2017  Louisiana State 4, Tulsa 3                          Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2017  Clemson 4, Washington 2                             Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/12/2017  (4)Vanderbilt 4, So IL-Edwardsville 0               Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/13/2017  (3)Ohio State 4, Buffalo 0                          Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/13/2017  Notre Dame 4, Kansas 3                              Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/12/2017  Texas 4, Wake Forest 3                              Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/12/2017  (14)South Carolina 4, North Florida 0               Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/12/2017  (11)Auburn 4, DePaul 0                              Auburn, Ala.              Round 1
05/12/2017  Florida State 4, Arizona State 2                    Auburn, Ala.              Round 1
05/12/2017  (6)Denver 4, Southern California 2                  Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/12/2017  (6)Texas Tech 4, Quinnipiac 0                       Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/13/2017  (7)Stanford 4, Idaho 0                              Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/13/2017  Texas Christian 4, Rice 0                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/12/2017  Kentucky 4, Dartmouth College 2                     Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/12/2017  (10)Michigan 4, Youngstown State 0                  Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/12/2017  (15)Duke 4, Boston 0                                Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/12/2017  Tennessee 4, Winthrop 1                             Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/12/2017  Mississippi 4, William & Mary 1                     Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2017  (2)North Carolina 4, Furman 0                       Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/14/2017  (1)Florida 4, Miami 1                               Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/14/2017  Texas A&M 4, (16)Baylor 3                           Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/14/2017  (9)Oklahoma State 4, Arkansas 0                     Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/14/2017  (8)Georgia Tech 4, Northwestern 0                   Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/14/2017  (5)Georgia 4, North Carolina State 0                Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/13/2017  (12)Pepperdine 4, UCLA 1                            Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/14/2017  (13)California 4, Louisiana State 0                 Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/13/2017  Vanderbilt 4, Clemson 1                             Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/14/2017  (3)Ohio State 4, Notre Dame 0                       Columbus, Ohio            Round 2
05/13/2017  (14)South Carolina 4, Texas 3                       Columbia, S.C.            Round 2
05/13/2017  (11)Auburn 4, Florida State 2                       Auburn, Ala.              Round 2
05/13/2017  (6)Texas Tech 4, Denver 1                           Lubbock, Tex.             Round 2
05/14/2017  (7)Stanford 4, Texas Christian 2                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/13/2017  (10)Michigan 4, Kentucky 2                          Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/13/2017  (15)Duke 4, Tennessee 1                             Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/14/2017  (2)North Carolina 4, Mississippi 1                  Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/19/2017  (1)Florida 4, Texas A&M 0                           Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (9)Oklahoma State 4, (8)Georgia Tech 3              Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (12)Pepperdine 4, (5)Georgia 3                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (4)Vanderbilt 4, (13)California 1                   Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (3)Ohio State 4, (14)South Carolina 1               Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (6)Texas Tech 4, (11)Auburn 2                       Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (7)Stanford 4, (10)Michigan 1                       Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/19/2017  (2)North Carolina 4, (15)Duke 0                     Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/21/2017  (1)Florida 4, (9)Oklahoma State 1                   Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2017  (4)Vanderbilt 4, (12)Pepperdine 2                   Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2017  (3)Ohio State 4, (6)Texas Tech 0                    Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/21/2017  (7)Stanford 7, (2)North Carolina 2                  Athens, Ga.               Round 4
05/22/2017  (1)Florida 4, (4)Vanderbilt 2                       Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/22/2017  (7)Stanford 4, (3)Ohio State 3                      Athens, Ga.               Round 5
05/23/2017  (1)Florida 4, (7)Stanford 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Florida                      6-0
2 Stanford                     5-1
3 Ohio State                   4-1
3 Vanderbilt                   4-1
  North Carolina               3-1
  Oklahoma State               3-1
  Texas Tech                   3-1
  Pepperdine                   3-1
  Auburn                       2-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  California                   2-1
  Duke                         2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Georgia                      2-1
  South Carolina               2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  North Carolina State         1-1
  Mississippi                  1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Arkansas                     1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Texas Christian              1-1
  Denver                       1-1
  Southern California          0-1
  Kansas                       0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Mississippi State            0-1
  Tulsa                        0-1
  San Jose State               0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Wichita State                0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Dartmouth College            0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Oregon                       0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            0-1
  DePaul                       0-1
  South Florida                0-1
  Alabama State                0-1
  Massachusetts                0-1
  Idaho                        0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Louisiana-Monroe             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  Buffalo                      0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Missouri-Kansas City         0-1
  So IL-Edwardsville           0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/11/2018  (1)Vanderbilt 4, Alabama State 0                    Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/11/2018  Clemson 4, Ohio State 1                             Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/11/2018  Central Florida 4, FL International 3               Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/11/2018  (16)Miami 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0                 Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/11/2018  (9)Florida 4, Youngstown State 0                    Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/2018  Florida State 4, North Florida 0                    Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/11/2018  Tulsa 4, Louisiana State 2                          Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/11/2018  (8)Oklahoma State 4, Missouri-Kansas City 1         Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/11/2018  (5)Mississippi 4, Missouri State 0                  Oxford, Miss.             Round 1
05/11/2018  Wichita State 4, Syracuse 1                         Oxford, Miss.             Round 1
05/11/2018  Baylor 4, North Carolina State 3                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2018  (12)UCLA 4, Fresno State 0                          Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/11/2018  (13)Pepperdine 4, Idaho 0                           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/11/2018  Kansas 4, Denver 3                                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/11/2018  Winthrop 4, Auburn 3                                Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/11/2018  (4)Georgia Tech 4, Eastern Kentucky 0               Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/11/2018  (3)Duke 4, Furman 0                                 Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2018  Oregon 4, Tennessee 2                               Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/11/2018  Kansas State 4, Kentucky 3                          Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2018  (14)Northwestern 4, Buffalo 0                       Evanston, Ill.            Round 1
05/11/2018  (11)Texas Tech 4, Army 0                            Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/11/2018  Illinois 4, Princeton 3                             Lubbock, Tex.             Round 1
05/11/2018  Texas A&M 4, Rice 3                                 Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/11/2018  (6)Texas 4, McNeese State 0                         Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/11/2018  (7)Georgia 4, Georgia State 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2018  Wake Forest 4, Arizona State 2                      Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/11/2018  Virginia 4, VA Commonwealth 2                       Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/11/2018  (10)South Carolina 4, Quinnipiac 0                  Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/11/2018  (15)Stanford 4, Saint John's 0                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2018  Michigan 4, Hawaii 0                                Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/11/2018  Mississippi State 4, William & Mary 2               Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/11/2018  (2)North Carolina 4, Morgan State 0                 Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/12/2018  (1)Vanderbilt 4, Clemson 0                          Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/12/2018  (16)Miami 4, Central Florida 3                      Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/12/2018  Florida State 4, (9)Florida 3                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/12/2018  Tulsa 4, (8)Oklahoma State 2                        Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/12/2018  (5)Mississippi 4, Wichita State 2                   Oxford, Miss.             Round 2
05/12/2018  (12)UCLA 4, Baylor 0                                Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/12/2018  (13)Pepperdine 4, Kansas 1                          Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/12/2018  (4)Georgia Tech 4, Winthrop 0                       Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/12/2018  (3)Duke 4, Oregon 2                                 Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/12/2018  (14)Northwestern 4, Kansas State 0                  Evanston, Ill.            Round 2
05/12/2018  (11)Texas Tech 4, Illinois 2                        Lubbock, Tex.             Round 2
05/12/2018  (6)Texas 4, Texas A&M 0                             Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/12/2018  (7)Georgia 4, Wake Forest 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/12/2018  (10)South Carolina 4, Virginia 0                    Columbia, S.C.            Round 2
05/12/2018  (15)Stanford 4, Michigan 0                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/12/2018  (2)North Carolina 4, Mississippi State 0            Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/17/2018  (1)Vanderbilt 4, (16)Miami 0                        Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  Florida State 4, Tulsa 3                            Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  (12)UCLA 4, (5)Mississippi 1                        Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  (4)Georgia Tech 4, (13)Pepperdine 3                 Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  (3)Duke 4, (14)Northwestern 2                       Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  (11)Texas Tech 4, (6)Texas 1                        Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  (7)Georgia 4, (10)South Carolina 3                  Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/17/2018  (15)Stanford 4, (2)North Carolina 1                 Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 3
05/19/2018  (1)Vanderbilt 4, Florida State 0                    Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 4
05/19/2018  (4)Georgia Tech 4, (12)UCLA 3                       Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 4
05/19/2018  (3)Duke 4, (11)Texas Tech 1                         Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 4
05/19/2018  (15)Stanford 4, (7)Georgia 0                        Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 4
05/21/2018  (1)Vanderbilt 4, (4)Georgia Tech 2                  Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 5
05/21/2018  (15)Stanford 4, (3)Duke 2                           Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 5
05/22/2018  (15)Stanford 4, (1)Vanderbilt 3                     Winston-Salem, N.C.       Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Vanderbilt                   5-1
3 Duke                         4-1
3 Georgia Tech                 4-1
  Florida State                3-1
  UCLA                         3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Texas Tech                   3-1
  Miami                        2-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  Mississippi                  2-1
  South Carolina               2-1
  Tulsa                        2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Northwestern                 2-1
  Pepperdine                   2-1
  Florida                      1-1
  Texas A&M                    1-1
  Kansas State                 1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Clemson                      1-1
  Kansas                       1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Mississippi State            1-1
  Illinois                     1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  Wichita State                1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Oregon                       1-1
  Central Florida              1-1
  Winthrop                     1-1
  Auburn                       0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Tennessee                    0-1
  North Carolina State         0-1
  Syracuse                     0-1
  Hawaii                       0-1
  Fresno State                 0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Kentucky                     0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Princeton                    0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  Eastern Kentucky             0-1
  FL International             0-1
  Missouri State               0-1
  Georgia State                0-1
  Alabama State                0-1
  Morgan State                 0-1
  Saint John's                 0-1
  Idaho                        0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  McNeese State                0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Buffalo                      0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Missouri-Kansas City         0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/04/2019  (1)Georgia 4, Alabama State 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/04/2019  Wake Forest 4, Austin Peay State 0                  Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/03/2019  Kentucky 4, DePaul 1                                Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/03/2019  (16)Michigan 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                  Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/04/2019  (9)Texas 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0                  Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/03/2019  Texas A&M 4, Rice 3                                 Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/03/2019  Georgia Tech 4, Ohio State 3                        Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/03/2019  (8)Vanderbilt 4, Miami of Ohio 0                    Nashville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/04/2019  (5)Duke 4, James Madison 0                          Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/03/2019  Arizona State 4, Illinois 0                         Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/04/2019  Tennessee 4, Furman 0                               Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/04/2019  (12)North Carolina State 4, VA Commonwealth 1       Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/04/2019  (13)Southern California 4, Illinois State 0         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2019  Nevada-Las Vegas 4, Texas Tech 3                    Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2019  Virginia 4, Old Dominion 2                          Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/03/2019  (4)South Carolina 4, North Florida 0                Columbia, S.C.            Round 1
05/04/2019  (3)Stanford 4, New Mexico State 0                   Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/04/2019  Syracuse 4, Wisconsin 2                             Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/03/2019  Florida 4, Boston College 1                         Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1
05/03/2019  (14)Kansas 4, Denver 0                              Lawrence, Kans.           Round 1
05/03/2019  (11)Florida State 4, South Alabama 0                Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/03/2019  Central Florida 4, Alabama 0                        Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/03/2019  California 4, Long Beach State 2                    Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/03/2019  (6)Pepperdine 4, Fairfield 0                        Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/04/2019  (7)UCLA 4, Northern Arizona 0                       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2019  Louisiana State 4, San Diego 2                      Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2019  Princeton 4, Northwestern 1                         Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/03/2019  (10)Washington 4, Army 0                            Seattle, Wash.            Round 1
05/03/2019  (15)Oklahoma State 4, Central Arkansas 0            Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/03/2019  Miami 4, Washington State 3                         Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/04/2019  Oklahoma 4, Winthrop 2                              Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/03/2019  (2)North Carolina 4, South Carolina State 0         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/05/2019  (1)Georgia 4, Wake Forest 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/04/2019  (16)Michigan 4, Kentucky 0                          Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/05/2019  Texas A&M 4, (9)Texas 1                             Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/04/2019  (8)Vanderbilt 4, Georgia Tech 0                     Nashville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/05/2019  (5)Duke 4, Arizona State 0                          Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/05/2019  (12)North Carolina State 4, Tennessee 0             Raleigh, N.C.             Round 2
05/05/2019  (13)Southern California 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0       Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/04/2019  (4)South Carolina 4, Virginia 1                     Columbia, S.C.            Round 2
05/05/2019  (3)Stanford 4, Syracuse 1                           Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/04/2019  (14)Kansas 4, Florida 2                             Lawrence, Kans.           Round 2
05/04/2019  Central Florida 4, (11)Florida State 1              Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 2
05/04/2019  (6)Pepperdine 4, California 0                       Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/05/2019  (7)UCLA 4, Louisiana State 0                        Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/04/2019  (10)Washington 4, Princeton 0                       Seattle, Wash.            Round 2
05/04/2019  (15)Oklahoma State 4, Miami 3                       Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/05/2019  (2)North Carolina 4, Oklahoma 0                     Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/11/2019  (1)Georgia 4, (16)Michigan 2                        Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/11/2019  (8)Vanderbilt 4, (9)Texas A&M 0                     Nashville, Tenn.          Round 3
05/10/2019  (5)Duke 4, (12)North Carolina State 0               Durham, N.C.              Round 3
05/11/2019  (4)South Carolina 4, (13)Southern California 0      Columbia, S.C.            Round 3
05/10/2019  (3)Stanford 4, (14)Kansas 3                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/10/2019  (6)Pepperdine 4, Central Florida 2                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/10/2019  (7)UCLA 4, (10)Washington 0                         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/11/2019  (2)North Carolina 4, (15)Oklahoma State 2           Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 3
05/17/2019  (1)Georgia 4, (8)Vanderbilt 3                       Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/17/2019  (5)Duke 4, (4)South Carolina 1                      Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/17/2019  (3)Stanford 4, (6)Pepperdine 1                      Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/17/2019  (2)North Carolina 4, (7)UCLA 1                      Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/18/2019  (1)Georgia 4, (5)Duke 2                             Orlando, Fla.             Round 5
05/18/2019  (3)Stanford 4, (2)North Carolina 2                  Orlando, Fla.             Round 5
05/19/2019  (3)Stanford 4, (1)Georgia 0                         Orlando, Fla.             Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Stanford                     6-0
2 Georgia                      5-1
3 North Carolina               4-1
3 Duke                         4-1
  UCLA                         3-1
  South Carolina               3-1
  Vanderbilt                   3-1
  Pepperdine                   3-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Kansas                       2-1
  North Carolina State         2-1
  Washington                   2-1
  Oklahoma State               2-1
  Central Florida              2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Florida                      1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  California                   1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Virginia                     1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Syracuse                     1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas                        1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Princeton                    1-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             1-1
  Wisconsin                    0-1
  Ohio State                   0-1
  Boston College               0-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Washington State             0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Texas Tech                   0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Miami of Ohio                0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  New Mexico State             0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  DePaul                       0-1
  South Alabama                0-1
  Illinois State               0-1
  Austin Peay State            0-1
  Old Dominion                 0-1
  Alabama State                0-1
  Long Beach State             0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Winthrop                     0-1
  James Madison                0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Fairfield                    0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Northern Arizona             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  San Diego                    0-1
  Central Arkansas             0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/07/2021  (1)North Carolina 4, South Carolina State 0         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/07/2021  Old Dominion 4, Arkansas 2                          Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/07/2021  Kentucky 4, Syracuse 3                              Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/07/2021  (16)California 4, San Jose State 0                  Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/07/2021  (9)Central Florida 4, Charleston Southern 0         Orlando, Fla.             Round 1
05/07/2021  Miami 4, FL International 0                         Orlando, Fla.             Round 1
05/07/2021  Duke 4, Alabama 0                                   Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/07/2021  (8)Baylor 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0                 Waco, Tex.                Round 1
05/07/2021  (5)Pepperdine 4, Northern Arizona 0                 Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/07/2021  Stanford 4, Cal-Santa Barbara 0                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/07/2021  Michigan 4, Rice 1                                  Baton Rouge, La.          Round 1
05/07/2021  (12)Louisiana State 4, Boston 0                     Baton Rouge, La.          Round 1
05/07/2021  (13)Georgia Tech 4, Georgia Southern 0              Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/07/2021  North Florida 4, Mississippi 3                      Atlanta, Ga.              Round 1
05/07/2021  Texas Tech 4, San Diego 0                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/07/2021  (4)UCLA 4, Grand Canyon 0                           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/07/2021  (2)Georgia 4, Austin Peay State 0                   Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/07/2021  Wake Forest 4, Furman 2                             Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/07/2021  Tennessee 4, James Madison 0                        Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/07/2021  (14)Virginia 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/07/2021  (11)Florida 4, Siena College 0                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/07/2021  Southern California 4, Oklahoma 3                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/07/2021  Iowa State 4, South Carolina 2                      Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/07/2021  (6)North Carolina State 4, VA Commonwealth 0        Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/07/2021  (7)Florida State 4, Alabama State 0                 Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/07/2021  Auburn 4, Oklahoma State 2                          Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 1
05/07/2021  Northwestern 4, Xavier 0                            College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/07/2021  (10)Texas A&M 4, Drake 0                            College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/07/2021  (15)Ohio State 4, Illinois-Chicago 0                Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/07/2021  Vanderbilt 4, Ball State 0                          Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/07/2021  Arizona State 4, Mississippi State 0                Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/07/2021  (2)Texas 4, Denver 0                                Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/08/2021  (1)North Carolina 4, Old Dominion 0                 Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/08/2021  (16)California 4, Kentucky 2                        Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/08/2021  (9)Central Florida 4, Miami 1                       Orlando, Fla.             Round 2
05/08/2021  Duke 4, (8)Baylor 3                                 Waco, Tex.                Round 2
05/08/2021  (5)Pepperdine 4, Stanford 2                         Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/08/2021  Michigan 4, (12)Louisiana State 3                   Baton Rouge, La.          Round 2
05/08/2021  (13)Georgia Tech 4, North Florida 0                 Atlanta, Ga.              Round 2
05/08/2021  (4)UCLA 4, Texas Tech 0                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/08/2021  (3)Georgia 4, Wake Forest 1                         Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/08/2021  (14)Virginia 4, Tennessee 0                         Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/08/2021  Southern California 4, (11)Florida 1                Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/08/2021  (6)North Carolina State 4, Iowa State 2             Raleigh, N.C.             Round 2
05/08/2021  (7)Florida State 4, Auburn 1                        Tallahassee, Fla.         Round 2
05/08/2021  (10)Texas A&M 4, Northwestern 1                     College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/08/2021  (15)Ohio State 4, Vanderbilt 3                      Columbus, Ohio            Round 2
05/08/2021  (2)Texas 4, Arizona State 0                         Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/16/2021  (1)North Carolina 4, (16)California 0               Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  Duke 4, (9)Central Florida 3                        Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  (5)Pepperdine 4, Michigan 0                         Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  (4)UCLA 4, (13)Georgia Tech 0                       Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  (3)Georgia 4, (14)Virginia 1                        Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  (6)North Carolina State 4, Southern California 1    Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  (7)Florida State 4, (10)Texas A&M 2                 Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/16/2021  (2)Texas 4, (15)Ohio State 1                        Orlando, Fla.             Round 3
05/19/2021  (1)North Carolina 4, Duke 1                         Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/19/2021  (5)Pepperdine 4, (4)UCLA 3                          Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/19/2021  (6)North Carolina State 4, (3)Georgia 2             Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/19/2021  (2)Texas 4, (7)Florida State 0                      Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/21/2021  (5)Pepperdine 4, (1)North Carolina 3                Orlando, Fla.             Round 5
05/21/2021  (2)Texas 4, (6)North Carolina State 0               Orlando, Fla.             Round 5
05/22/2021  (2)Texas 4, (5)Pepperdine 3                         Orlando, Fla.             Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Texas                        6-0
2 Pepperdine                   5-1
4 North Carolina               4-1
4 North Carolina State         4-1
  Florida State                3-1
  UCLA                         3-1
  Duke                         3-1
  Georgia                      3-1
  Texas A&M                    2-1
  Ohio State                   2-1
  Michigan                     2-1
  California                   2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  Georgia Tech                 2-1
  Virginia                     2-1
  Central Florida              2-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Florida                      1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Stanford                     1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas Tech                   1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Kentucky                     1-1
  Iowa State                   1-1
  Northwestern                 1-1
  Vanderbilt                   1-1
  Old Dominion                 1-1
  North Florida                1-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Oklahoma                     0-1
  Syracuse                     0-1
  Mississippi                  0-1
  Mississippi State            0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  San Jose State               0-1
  Georgia Southern             0-1
  Oklahoma State               0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  Rice                         0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            0-1
  FL International             0-1
  Xavier                       0-1
  Austin Peay State            0-1
  Alabama State                0-1
  Siena College                0-1
  Drake                        0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Ball State                   0-1
  Charleston Southern          0-1
  James Madison                0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Illinois-Chicago             0-1
  Northern Arizona             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  San Diego                    0-1
  Grand Canyon                 0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/07/2022  (1)North Carolina 4, South Carolina State 0         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/07/2022  South Carolina 4, Iowa State 0                      Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/07/2022  Florida State 4, FL International 2                 Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/07/2022  (16)Florida 4, South Alabama 0                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/06/2022  (9)Miami 4, Stetson 0                               Miami, Fla.               Round 1
05/06/2022  Central Florida 4, Alabama 0                        Miami, Fla.               Round 1
05/06/2022  Southern California 4, San Diego State 0            Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/06/2022  (8)Pepperdine 4, Denver 0                           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/07/2022  (5)Virginia 4, Youngstown State 0                   Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/07/2022  Princeton 4, Army 0                                 Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/07/2022  UCLA 4, Arkansas 1                                  Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/07/2022  (12)Oklahoma State 4, New Mexico State 0            Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/06/2022  (13)Auburn 5, Jackson State 0                       Auburn, Ala.              Round 1
05/06/2022  Georgia Tech 4, Memphis 1                           Auburn, Ala.              Round 1
05/06/2022  Michigan 4, Oregon 0                                Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/06/2022  (4)Texas 4, Ball State 0                            Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/06/2022  (3)Duke 4, Quinnipiac 0                             Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/06/2022  Old Dominion 5, Furman 0                            Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/07/2022  Wake Forest 4, Northwestern 2                       Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/07/2022  (14)Georgia 4, Charleston Southern 0                Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/06/2022  (11)California 4, Northern Arizona 0                Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/06/2022  Texas Tech 4, Loyola-Marymount 1                    Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/07/2022  Tennessee 4, VA Commonwealth 1                      Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/07/2022  (6)North Carolina State 4, William & Mary 0         Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/06/2022  (7)Texas A&M 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0              College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/06/2022  Baylor 4, Washington 2                              College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/07/2022  Vanderbilt 4, Xavier 0                              Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/07/2022  (10)Ohio State 4, Illinois State 0                  Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/06/2022  (15)Stanford 4, SE Missouri State 0                 Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/06/2022  Cal-Santa Barbara 4, Kansas 3                       Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/06/2022  Arizona State 4, San Diego 1                        Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/06/2022  (2)Oklahoma 4, Bryant 0                             Norman, Okla.             Round 1
05/08/2022  (1)North Carolina 4, South Carolina 0               Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/08/2022  (16)Florida 4, Florida State 1                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/07/2022  (9)Miami 4, Central Florida 1                       Miami, Fla.               Round 2
05/07/2022  (8)Pepperdine 4, Southern California 1              Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/08/2022  (5)Virginia 4, Princeton 0                          Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/08/2022  (12)Oklahoma State 4, UCLA 2                        Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/07/2022  (13)Auburn 4, Georgia Tech 3                        Auburn, Ala.              Round 2
05/07/2022  (4)Texas 4, Michigan 0                              Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/07/2022  (3)Duke 4, Old Dominion 1                           Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/08/2022  (14)Georgia 4, Wake Forest 0                        Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/07/2022  (11)California 4, Texas Tech 0                      Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/08/2022  (6)North Carolina State 4, Tennessee 1              Raleigh, N.C.             Round 2
05/07/2022  (7)Texas A&M 4, Baylor 1                            College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/08/2022  Vanderbilt 4, (10)Ohio State 2                      Columbus, Ohio            Round 2
05/07/2022  (15)Stanford 4, Cal-Santa Barbara 0                 Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/07/2022  (2)Oklahoma 4, Arizona State 3                      Norman, Okla.             Round 2
05/13/2022  (1)North Carolina 4, (16)Florida 0                  Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 3
05/13/2022  (8)Pepperdine 4, (9)Miami 0                         Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/14/2022  (5)Virginia 4, (12)Oklahoma State 1                 Charlottesville, Va.      Round 3
05/13/2022  (4)Texas 4, (13)Auburn 1                            Austin, Tex.              Round 3
05/13/2022  (3)Duke 4, (14)Georgia 1                            Durham, N.C.              Round 3
05/14/2022  (6)North Carolina State 4, (11)California 0         Raleigh, N.C.             Round 3
05/14/2022  (7)Texas A&M 4, Vanderbilt 0                        College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/13/2022  (2)Oklahoma 4, (15)Stanford 1                       Norman, Okla.             Round 3
05/20/2022  (1)North Carolina 4, (8)Pepperdine 3                Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/20/2022  (4)Texas 4, (5)Virginia 2                           Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/20/2022  (3)Duke 4, (6)North Carolina State 3                Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/20/2022  (2)Oklahoma 4, (7)Texas A&M 3                       Champaign, Ill.           Round 4
05/21/2022  (4)Texas 4, (1)North Carolina 2                     Champaign, Ill.           Round 5
05/21/2022  (2)Oklahoma 4, (3)Duke 3                            Champaign, Ill.           Round 5
05/22/2022  (4)Texas 4, (2)Oklahoma 1                           Champaign, Ill.           Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Texas                        6-0
2 Oklahoma                     5-1
3 North Carolina               4-1
3 Duke                         4-1
  Texas A&M                    3-1
  Virginia                     3-1
  North Carolina State         3-1
  Pepperdine                   3-1
  Auburn                       2-1
  Florida                      2-1
  Miami                        2-1
  California                   2-1
  Georgia                      2-1
  Stanford                     2-1
  Oklahoma State               2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Ohio State                   1-1
  Tennessee                    1-1
  UCLA                         1-1
  Michigan                     1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  South Carolina               1-1
  Texas Tech                   1-1
  Arizona State                1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Princeton                    1-1
  Central Florida              1-1
  Cal-Santa Barbara            1-1
  Old Dominion                 1-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Kansas                       0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  Memphis                      0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Furman                       0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Iowa State                   0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  New Mexico State             0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Stetson                      0-1
  Army                         0-1
  Oregon                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  FL International             0-1
  South Alabama                0-1
  Xavier                       0-1
  Illinois State               0-1
  SE Missouri State            0-1
  VA Commonwealth              0-1
  Loyola-Marymount             0-1
  Ball State                   0-1
  Charleston Southern          0-1
  Jackson State                0-1
  Northern Arizona             0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  San Diego                    0-1
  Bryant                       0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/05/2023  (1)North Carolina 4, Charleston Southern 0          Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/05/2023  Old Dominion 4, South Carolina 2                    Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/05/2023  Georgia Tech 4, Central Florida 1                   Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/05/2023  (16)Florida 4, North Florida 0                      Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/05/2023  (9)Pepperdine 4, Grand Canyon 0                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/05/2023  Southern California 4, Nevada-Las Vegas 0           Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/05/2023  San Diego 4, California 1                           Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/05/2023  (8)Texas 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0                  Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/05/2023  (5)Michigan 4, Youngstown State 0                   Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/05/2023  Notre Dame 4, Ball State 0                          Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/05/2023  Princeton 4, Fordham 0                              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/05/2023  (12)Virginia 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0              Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/05/2023  (13)Oklahoma 4, Hawaii 0                            Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/05/2023  Washington 4, Arkansas 2                            Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/05/2023  Florida State 4, Illinois 2                         Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/05/2023  (4)Georgia 4, Florida A&M 0                         Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/05/2023  (3)North Carolina State 4, South Carolina State 0   Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/05/2023  Kansas 4, UNC-Charlotte 2                           Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/05/2023  Auburn 4, FL International 3                        Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/05/2023  (14)Miami 4, Boston 0                               Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 1
05/05/2023  (11)Iowa State 4, Drake 0                           Ames, Iowa                Round 1
05/05/2023  Wisconsin 4, Louisiana State 1                      Ames, Iowa                Round 1
05/05/2023  UCLA 4, Texas Tech 1                                Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/05/2023  (6)Duke 4, William & Mary 0                         Durham, N.C.              Round 1
05/05/2023  (7)Stanford 4, Weber State 0                        Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/05/2023  Oklahoma State 4, Denver 1                          Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/05/2023  Vanderbilt 4, East Tennessee State 0                Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/05/2023  (10)Ohio State 4, Xavier 0                          Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/05/2023  (15)Tennessee 4, SE Missouri State 0                Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/05/2023  Wake Forest 4, Arizona State 3                      Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/05/2023  Baylor 4, Southern Methodist 3                      College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/05/2023  (2)Texas A&M 4, Quinnipiac 0                        College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/06/2023  (1)North Carolina 4, Old Dominion 0                 Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/06/2023  (16)Florida 4, Georgia Tech 1                       Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/06/2023  (9)Pepperdine 4, Southern California 1              Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/06/2023  (8)Texas 4, San Diego 0                             Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/06/2023  (5)Michigan 4, Notre Dame 1                         Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/06/2023  (12)Virginia 4, Princeton 0                         Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/06/2023  (13)Oklahoma 4, Washington 1                        Norman, Okla.             Round 2
05/06/2023  (4)Georgia 4, Florida State 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/06/2023  (3)North Carolina State 4, Kansas 0                 Raleigh, N.C.             Round 2
05/06/2023  Auburn 4, (14)Miami 3                               Coral Gables, Fla.        Round 2
05/06/2023  (11)Iowa State 4, Wisconsin 1                       Ames, Iowa                Round 2
05/06/2023  UCLA 4, (6)Duke 3                                   Durham, N.C.              Round 2
05/06/2023  (7)Stanford 4, Oklahoma State 1                     Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/06/2023  (10)Ohio State 4, Vanderbilt 2                      Columbus, Ohio            Round 2
05/06/2023  (15)Tennessee 4, Wake Forest 1                      Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/06/2023  (2)Texas A&M 4, Baylor 0                            College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/12/2023  (1)North Carolina 4, (16)Florida 1                  Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 3
05/13/2023  (8)Texas 4, (9)Pepperdine 3                         Austin, Tex.              Round 3
05/13/2023  (5)Michigan 4, (12)Virginia 0                       Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 3
05/12/2023  (4)Georgia 4, (13)Oklahoma 1                        Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/13/2023  (3)North Carolina State 4, Auburn 0                 Raleigh, N.C.             Round 3
05/12/2023  (11)Iowa State 4, UCLA 1                            Ames, Iowa                Round 3
05/12/2023  (7)Stanford 4, (10)Ohio State 1                     Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/12/2023  (2)Texas A&M 4, (15)Tennessee 1                     College Station, Tex.     Round 3
05/17/2023  (1)North Carolina 4, (8)Texas 2                     Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/17/2023  (4)Georgia 4, (5)Michigan 0                         Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/17/2023  (3)North Carolina State 4, (11)Iowa State 3         Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/17/2023  (7)Stanford 4, (2)Texas A&M 0                       Orlando, Fla.             Round 4
05/19/2023  (1)North Carolina 4, (4)Georgia 0                   Orlando, Fla.             Round 5
05/19/2023  (3)North Carolina State 4, (7)Stanford 0            Orlando, Fla.             Round 5
05/20/2023  (1)North Carolina 4, (3)North Carolina State 1      Orlando, Fla.             Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 North Carolina               6-0
2 North Carolina State         5-1
3 Georgia                      4-1
3 Stanford                     4-1
  Texas A&M                    3-1
  Michigan                     3-1
  Texas                        3-1
  Iowa State                   3-1
  Auburn                       2-1
  Florida                      2-1
  Ohio State                   2-1
  Tennessee                    2-1
  Oklahoma                     2-1
  UCLA                         2-1
  Virginia                     2-1
  Pepperdine                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Wisconsin                    1-1
  Miami                        1-1
  Southern California          1-1
  Kansas                       1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Wake Forest                  1-1
  Washington                   1-1
  Oklahoma State               1-1
  Baylor                       1-1
  Vanderbilt                   1-1
  Princeton                    1-1
  Old Dominion                 1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  California                   0-1
  Hawaii                       0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Louisiana State              0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Arkansas                     0-1
  Texas Tech                   0-1
  Arizona State                0-1
  Southern Methodist           0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Central Florida              0-1
  Fordham                      0-1
  Boston                       0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  FL International             0-1
  Xavier                       0-1
  UNC-Charlotte                0-1
  Florida A&M                  0-1
  SE Missouri State            0-1
  Nevada-Las Vegas             0-1
  Drake                        0-1
  Weber State                  0-1
  Ball State                   0-1
  Charleston Southern          0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  Youngstown State             0-1
  Quinnipiac                   0-1
  North Florida                0-1
  Grand Canyon                 0-1


   Date                    Score                                     Location                 Comments
==========  ==================================================  ========================  ==================================
05/04/2024  (1)Oklahoma State 4, Fairfield 0                    Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/04/2024  Southern Methodist 4, Alabama 3                     Stillwater, Okla.         Round 1
05/04/2024  Duke 4, East Tennessee State 0                      Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/04/2024  (16)Tennessee 4, Murray State 0                     Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 1
05/04/2024  (9)Texas 4, Harvard 0                               Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/04/2024  Georgia Tech 4, Illinois 1                          Austin, Tex.              Round 1
05/03/2024  Texas Tech 4, San Diego State 1                     Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2024  (8)UCLA 4, Denver 0                                 Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/04/2024  (5)Virginia 4, Long Island-Brooklyn 0               Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/04/2024  Princeton 4, Washington 3                           Charlottesville, Va.      Round 1
05/04/2024  Vanderbilt 4, Wake Forest 1                         Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/04/2024  (12)Ohio State 4, Toledo 0                          Columbus, Ohio            Round 1
05/04/2024  (13)Texas A&M 4, TX AM-Corpus Christi 0             College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/04/2024  Oklahoma 4, Arizona 0                               College Station, Tex.     Round 1
05/03/2024  Wisconsin 4, William & Mary 0                       Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/03/2024  (4)North Carolina 4, Navy 0                         Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 1
05/04/2024  (3)Michigan 4, Chicago State 0                      Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/04/2024  Notre Dame 4, Xavier 3                              Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 1
05/04/2024  Miami 4, FL International 1                         Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/04/2024  (14)Florida 4, Stetson 0                            Gainesville, Fla.         Round 1
05/03/2024  (11)Southern California 4, Cal Poly-SLO 0           Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2024  San Diego 4, Grand Canyon 0                         Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 1
05/03/2024  Arizona State 4, Northwestern 3                     Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/03/2024  Pepperdine 4, So IL-Edwardsville 0                  Malibu, Calif.            Round 1
05/03/2024  (7)Georgia 4, Alabama State 0                       Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/03/2024  Florida State 4, UNC-Asheville 0                    Athens, Ga.               Round 1
05/03/2024  Auburn 4, Brigham Young 0                           Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/03/2024  (10)California 4, Sacramento State 0                Berkeley, Calif.          Round 1
05/03/2024  (15)North Carolina State 4, South Carolina State 0  Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/03/2024  Old Dominion 4, South Carolina 3                    Raleigh, N.C.             Round 1
05/03/2024  Louisiana State 4, Baylor 3                         Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/03/2024  (2)Stanford 4, Massachusetts 0                      Stanford, Calif.          Round 1
05/05/2024  (1)Oklahoma State 4, Southern Methodist 0           Stillwater, Okla.         Round 2
05/05/2024  (16)Tennessee 4, Duke 0                             Knoxville, Tenn.          Round 2
05/05/2024  (9)Texas 4, Georgia Tech 3                          Austin, Tex.              Round 2
05/04/2024  (8)UCLA 4, Texas Tech 0                             Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/05/2024  (5)Virginia 4, Princeton 0                          Charlottesville, Va.      Round 2
05/05/2024  Vanderbilt 4, (12)Ohio State 3                      Columbus, Ohio            Round 2
05/05/2024  (13)Texas A&M 4, Oklahoma 0                         College Station, Tex.     Round 2
05/04/2024  (4)North Carolina 4, Wisconsin 0                    Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 2
05/05/2024  (3)Michigan 4, Notre Dame 2                         Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 2
05/05/2024  Miami 4, (14)Florida 3                              Gainesville, Fla.         Round 2
05/04/2024  (11)Southern California 4, San Diego 0              Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 2
05/04/2024  (6)Pepperdine 4, Purdue 1                           Malibu, Calif.            Round 2
05/04/2024  (7)Georgia 4, Florida State 1                       Athens, Ga.               Round 2
05/04/2024  (10)California 4, Auburn 0                          Berkeley, Calif.          Round 2
05/04/2024  (15)North Carolina State 4, Old Dominion 0          Raleigh, N.C.             Round 2
05/04/2024  (2)Stanford 4, Louisiana State 0                    Stanford, Calif.          Round 2
05/11/2024  (16)Tennessee 4, (1)Oklahoma State 2                Stillwater, Okla.         Round 3
05/10/2024  (8)UCLA 4, (9)Texas 1                               Los Angeles, Calif.       Round 3
05/11/2024  (5)Virginia 4, Vanderbilt 1                         Charlottesville, Va.      Round 3
05/10/2024  (13)Texas A&M 4, (4)North Carolina 1                Chapel Hill, N.C.         Round 3
05/11/2024  (3)Michigan 4, Miami 0                              Ann Arbor, Mich.          Round 3
05/10/2024  (6)Pepperdine 4, (11)Southern California 0          Malibu, Calif.            Round 3
05/10/2024  (7)Georgia 4, (10)California 2                      Athens, Ga.               Round 3
05/10/2024  (2)Stanford 4, (15)North Carolina State 0           Stanford, Calif.          Round 3
05/17/2024  (16)Tennessee 4, (8)UCLA 3                          Stillwater, Okla.         Round 4
05/17/2024  (13)Texas A&M 4, (5)Virginia 1                      Stillwater, Okla.         Round 4
05/17/2024  (6)Pepperdine 4, (3)Michigan 1                      Stillwater, Okla.         Round 4
05/17/2024  (7)Georgia 4, (2)Stanford 1                         Stillwater, Okla.         Round 4
05/18/2024  (13)Texas A&M 4, (16)Tennessee 1                    Stillwater, Okla.         Round 5
05/18/2024  (7)Georgia 4, (6)Pepperdine 0                       Stillwater, Okla.         Round 5
05/19/2024  (13)Texas A&M 4, (7)Georgia 1                       Stillwater, Okla.         Round 6

  Team                        Record
===========================  =======
1 Texas A&M                    6-0
2 Georgia                      5-1
3 Tennessee                    4-1
3 Pepperdine                   4-1
  Arizona State                1-0
  UCLA                         3-1
  Michigan                     3-1
  Virginia                     3-1
  Stanford                     3-1
  Miami                        2-1
  North Carolina               2-1
  California                   2-1
  Southern California          2-1
  North Carolina State         2-1
  Texas                        2-1
  Oklahoma State               2-1
  Vanderbilt                   2-1
  Florida State                1-1
  Notre Dame                   1-1
  Auburn                       1-1
  Florida                      1-1
  Wisconsin                    1-1
  Ohio State                   1-1
  Oklahoma                     1-1
  Duke                         1-1
  Georgia Tech                 1-1
  Louisiana State              1-1
  Texas Tech                   1-1
  Southern Methodist           1-1
  Princeton                    1-1
  Old Dominion                 1-1
  San Diego                    1-1
  Arizona                      0-1
  Alabama                      0-1
  Wake Forest                  0-1
  Washington                   0-1
  South Carolina               0-1
  Brigham Young                0-1
  Illinois                     0-1
  Toledo                       0-1
  Baylor                       0-1
  Purdue                       0-1
  Navy                         0-1
  San Diego State              0-1
  Northwestern                 0-1
  William & Mary               0-1
  Stetson                      0-1
  Denver                       0-1
  Harvard                      0-1
  East Tennessee State         0-1
  Murray State                 0-1
  FL International             0-1
  Xavier                       0-1
  Alabama State                0-1
  Massachusetts                0-1
  UNC-Asheville                0-1
  Long Island-Brooklyn         0-1
  Chicago State                0-1
  Fairfield                    0-1
  South Carolina State         0-1
  TX AM-Corpus Christi         0-1
  Cal Poly-SLO                 0-1
  Sacramento State             0-1
  Grand Canyon                 0-1
  So IL-Edwardsville           0-1
Team                       Years   Record      Pct    1   2   3   4
=========================  =====  =======    ======  ==  ==  ==  ==
Stanford                    45    176- 25     87.56  21   8   6   1
Florida                     43    125- 37     77.16   7   8  11   1
UCLA                        45    108- 44     71.05   2   7   7   1
Georgia                     38    101- 37     73.19   2   3   9   0
Southern California         43     90- 40     69.23   4   3   4   1
Duke                        36     82- 35     70.09   1   1   9   0
California                  42     82- 44     65.08   0   3   6   1
Texas                       41     71- 38     65.14   4   2   3   1
North Carolina              26     68- 25     73.12   1   1   3   1
Vanderbilt                  29     67- 28     70.53   1   2   3   0
Miami                       41     63- 41     60.58   0   2   1   0
Pepperdine                  41     53- 41     56.38   0   1   1   0
Georgia Tech                24     41- 23     64.06   1   0   1   0
Texas A&M                   29     41- 28     59.42   1   1   0   0
Tennessee                   31     41- 31     56.94   0   0   2   0
Northwestern                34     41- 34     54.67   0   0   0   0
Michigan                    25     38- 25     60.32   0   0   0   0
Baylor                      25     38- 25     60.32   0   0   2   0
Notre Dame                  26     37- 26     58.73   0   0   2   0
Clemson                     28     36- 28     56.25   0   0   2   0
South Carolina              34     34- 34     50.00   0   0   0   0
Arizona State               39     34- 37     47.89   0   0   0   0
Virginia                    23     32- 23     58.18   0   0   0   0
Oklahoma State              24     27- 24     52.94   0   1   0   0
Mississippi                 23     26- 24     52.00   0   0   0   0
Florida State               26     23- 27     46.00   0   0   0   0
Kentucky                    28     23- 28     45.10   0   0   0   0
William & Mary              26     21- 26     44.68   0   0   0   0
Trinity                     10     20- 11     64.52   0   1   4   1
Louisiana State             27     20- 27     42.55   0   0   0   0
North Carolina State        14     19- 14     57.58   0   1   0   1
Wake Forest                 23     19- 23     45.24   0   0   0   0
Washington                  18     17- 18     48.57   0   0   0   0
Arkansas                    19     17- 20     45.95   0   0   0   0
Fresno State                17     16- 17     48.48   0   0   0   0
Ohio State                  21     16- 21     43.24   0   0   1   0
Arizona                     24     16- 24     40.00   0   0   1   0
Auburn                      16     15- 16     48.39   0   0   0   0
Texas Tech                  12     14- 12     53.85   0   0   0   0
Oklahoma                    15     14- 15     48.28   0   1   0   0
Indiana                     25     13- 24     35.14   1   0   0   0
San Diego State             26     13- 27     32.50   0   0   0   1
Kansas                      13     12- 13     48.00   0   0   0   0
South Alabama               13     12- 13     48.00   0   0   0   0
Alabama                     19     12- 20     37.50   0   0   0   0
Texas Christian             20     11- 20     35.48   0   0   0   0
Southern Methodist          12     10- 13     43.48   0   0   1   0
Wisconsin                   11      9- 11     45.00   0   0   0   0
VA Commonwealth             20      9- 20     31.03   0   0   0   0
Rollins College              4      8-  5     61.54   0   0   2   0
Tulsa                       14      8- 14     36.36   0   0   0   0
Harvard                     15      8- 15     34.78   0   0   0   0
Brigham Young               21      8- 22     26.67   0   0   0   1
Princeton                   14      7- 15     31.82   0   0   0   0
San Diego                   17      7- 17     29.17   0   0   0   0
Tulane                       6      6-  6     50.00   0   0   0   0
Mississippi State            9      6-  9     40.00   0   0   0   0
Central Florida              9      6-  9     40.00   0   0   0   0
Rice                        13      6- 13     31.58   0   0   0   0
Oregon                      10      5- 10     33.33   0   0   0   0
South Florida               15      5- 16     23.81   0   0   0   0
Iowa State                   3      4-  3     57.14   0   0   0   0
Kansas State                 4      4-  4     50.00   0   0   0   0
Nebraska                     6      4-  6     40.00   0   0   0   0
Old Dominion                 6      4-  6     40.00   0   0   0   0
FL International            13      4- 13     23.53   0   0   0   0
Nevada-Las Vegas            14      4- 14     22.22   0   0   0   0
Illinois                    15      4- 15     21.05   0   0   0   0
Pennsylvania                 6      3-  6     33.33   0   0   0   0
Long Beach State            13      3- 13     18.75   0   0   0   0
Syracuse                     4      2-  4     33.33   0   0   0   0
Houston                      4      2-  4     33.33   0   0   0   0
Virginia Tech                7      2-  7     22.22   0   0   0   0
Washington State             7      2-  7     22.22   0   0   0   0
Yale                         6      2-  7     22.22   0   0   0   0
Cal-Santa Barbara            7      2-  7     22.22   0   0   0   0
Boise State                  7      2-  7     22.22   0   0   0   0
Iowa                         8      2-  9     18.18   0   0   0   0
Purdue                       9      2-  9     18.18   0   0   0   0
Denver                      13      2- 13     13.33   0   0   0   0
Wichita State               13      2- 14     12.50   0   0   0   0
Cornell                      1      1-  1     50.00   0   0   0   0
Brown                        1      1-  1     50.00   0   0   0   0
Memphis                      2      1-  2     33.33   0   0   0   0
Dartmouth College            2      1-  2     33.33   0   0   0   0
Marquette                    3      1-  3     25.00   0   0   0   0
Cal-Irvine                   3      1-  3     25.00   0   0   0   0
Georgia State                4      1-  4     20.00   0   0   0   0
Louisiana-Monroe             4      1-  4     20.00   0   0   0   0
DePaul                       5      1-  5     16.67   0   0   0   0
Colorado                     6      1-  6     14.29   0   0   0   0
Utah                         6      1-  6     14.29   0   0   0   0
Minnesota                    8      1-  8     11.11   0   0   0   0
New Mexico                   8      1-  8     11.11   0   0   0   0
North Florida               10      1- 10      9.09   0   0   0   0
Furman                      14      1- 14      6.67   0   0   0   0
Winthrop                    17      1- 17      5.56   0   0   0   0
Louisville                   1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Middle Tennessee St          1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Georgia Southern             1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Toledo                       1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Missouri                     1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Navy                         1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Tennessee Tech               1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Troy                         1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Jacksonville State           1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Fordham                      1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Indiana State                1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Lamar                        1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Seton Hall                   1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
UNC-Charlotte                1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Florida A&M                  1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Tennessee-Martin             1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Montana                      1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Morgan State                 1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Texas Southern               1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
UNC-Asheville                1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Saint John's                 1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Eastern Michigan             1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Cal St-Northridge            1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
McNeese State                1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Chicago State                1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
UNC-Wilmington               1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Campbell                     1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Texas-San Antonio            1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Elon                         1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Alabama A&M                  1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Albany                       1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Stephen F. Austin            1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Salisbury State Coll         1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Texas-Permian Basin          1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Central Arkansas             1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
TX-Rio Grande Valley         1      0-  1      0.00   0   0   0   0
Penn State                   2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Boston College               2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Temple                       2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Stetson                      2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Columbia                     2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Pacific                      2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Jacksonville                 2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Missouri State               2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Florida Atlantic             2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
SE Missouri State            2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Siena College                2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Niagara                      2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Weber State                  2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Loyola-Marymount             2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Coastal Carolina             2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Akron                        2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
James Madison                2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Valparaiso                   2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
American                     2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
IU-PU-Indianapolis           2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Missouri-Kansas City         2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Alliant Int'l                2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Bryant                       2      0-  2      0.00   0   0   0   0
Hawaii                       3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
San Jose State               3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
North Texas                  3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
New Mexico State             3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Austin Peay State            3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Massachusetts                3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Southeastern LA              3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Jackson State                3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Buffalo                      3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Northwestern State           3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Hampton                      3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Cal Poly-SLO                 3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
IU-PU-Fort Wayne             3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Grand Canyon                 3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
So IL-Edwardsville           3      0-  3      0.00   0   0   0   0
Western Michigan             4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Eastern Kentucky             4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Fairleigh-Dickinson          4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Marshall                     4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Samford                      4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Bethune-Cookman              4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Drake                        4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Ball State                   4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Charleston Southern          4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Marist College               4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Loyola-Maryland              4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
New York-Stony Brook         4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Northern Arizona             4      0-  4      0.00   0   0   0   0
Saint Mary's College         5      0-  5      0.00   0   0   0   0
Xavier                       5      0-  5      0.00   0   0   0   0
MD-Baltimore County          5      0-  5      0.00   0   0   0   0
Alcorn State                 5      0-  5      0.00   0   0   0   0
Alabama State                5      0-  5      0.00   0   0   0   0
Idaho                        5      0-  5      0.00   0   0   0   0
Miami of Ohio                6      0-  6      0.00   0   0   0   0
Coll of Charleston           6      0-  6      0.00   0   0   0   0
Illinois State               6      0-  6      0.00   0   0   0   0
Fairfield                    6      0-  6      0.00   0   0   0   0
Texas-Arlington              6      0-  6      0.00   0   0   0   0
Maryland                     7      0-  7      0.00   0   0   0   0
East Tennessee State         7      0-  7      0.00   0   0   0   0
Murray State                 7      0-  7      0.00   0   0   0   0
TX AM-Corpus Christi         7      0-  7      0.00   0   0   0   0
Youngstown State             7      0-  7      0.00   0   0   0   0
Oral Roberts                 8      0-  8      0.00   0   0   0   0
Southern                     8      0-  8      0.00   0   0   0   0
Long Island-Brooklyn         8      0-  8      0.00   0   0   0   0
Richmond                    11      0- 11      0.00   0   0   0   0
Quinnipiac                  13      0- 13      0.00   0   0   0   0
Sacramento State            14      0- 14      0.00   0   0   0   0
Army                        16      0- 16      0.00   0   0   0   0
Illinois-Chicago            17      0- 17      0.00   0   0   0   0
South Carolina State        17      0- 17      0.00   0   0   0   0
Boston                      19      0- 19      0.00   0   0   0   0