1970 Men's Tennis - Year In Review

Coaching Staff
Pete Barizon, Head Coach
Bob Marcher, Assistant Coach

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1970 Florida State Signees/Newcomers

Mick Basinger, 6-1, 180, Athens, Ga.

1970 Roster - By Name

T                                       PY
R Name                  Hgt   Wgt  Cl   Ltr  Hometown (Prior School)
* Dale Baker            5-9   150  So        Coral Gables
* Mick Basinger         6-1   180  Fr        Athens, Ga.
* Scott Bristol         5-11  160  Sr   ***  Burlington, Vt. (Burlington)
* John DeZeeuw          6-4   175  Jr   **   East London, South Africa
* Hamid Faquir                     Sr        
* Neal Karadbil         5-8   155  Fr        Freehold, N.J.
* Bob Pfaender                     Fr        
* Al Procopio           5-3   125  Sr   ***  Sao Paulo, Brazil
* Herb Rapp             6-3   165  Sr   ***  Decatur, Ill.

1970 Schedule and Results

Mississippi State
Pensacola, Fla.
L 3-6
Louisiana State
W 6-3
TX AM-Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Invitational
L 1-6
Texas Tech
Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.
L 2-5
Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.
W 5-2
Oklahoma City
Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.
W 1-0
Georgia Southern
W 8-1
L 1-8
W 8-1
W 6-3
Presbyterian College
W 5-4
W 5-0
Middle Tennessee St
W 9-0
W 8-1
W 7-1
Calvin College
W 8-1
North Carolina
L 3-5
W 5-2
L 0-9
L 1-8
Georgia Tech
W 6-3
Columbus College
W 6-3
L 0-9
W 9-0
Rollins College
L 4-5
South Florida
W 9-0
Miami, Fla.
L 0-9
Cape Coral Invitational
April 24-25, 1970, Coral Gables, Fla.
1st Place
W 9-0
Florida A&M
W 5-1
Columbus College
W 5-4
EOY Stats Ref

                Overall   Home    Away   Neutral
FSU record is   20-10    13- 3     5- 5     2- 2

Individual Results        Highest   vs          3    Fall/Spring
Name                        Rank   Rank  ACC   Sets  Tournaments   1     2     3     4     5     6    NCAA Total
------------------------- ------- ----- ----- -----  ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Dale Baker                                     3-2                            0-1   1-0   1-2  10-5        12-8
Mick Basinger                                                                       1-0   3-1   2-1         6-2
Scott Bristol                                  7-2                            4-2  14-4                    18-6
John DeZeeuw                                   2-3        0-1     2-4  10-6                                12-11
Hamid Faquir                                   8-1                      1-0         2-1  11-6   1-0        15-7
Bob Pfaender                                   0-1                                              1-3         1-3
Al Procopio                                    6-2        0-1     1-0   3-1  12-7   2-0                    18-9
Herb Rapp                                      4-6        3-0    10-9   2-2                                15-11
Totals                                                    3-2    13-13 16-9  16-10 20-5  15-9  14-9        97-57

Doubles Results Highest vs Tie Fall/Spring Name Rank Rank ACC Break Tournaments 1 2 3 NCAA Total --------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Dale Baker/Mick Basinger 1-0 4-2 5-2 Dale Baker/Scott Bristol 2-1 2-1 Dale Baker/Hamid Faquir 2-2 2-2 Dale Baker/Herb Rapp 0-2 0-1 0-3 Mick Basinger/Scott Bristol 0-1 0-1 Mick Basinger/Hamid Faquir 1-0 1-1 2-1 Mick Basinger/Bob Pfaender 3-1 3-1 Mick Basinger/Herb Rapp 0-1 0-1 Scott Bristol/Hamid Faquir 1-0 1-0 3-0 5-0 Scott Bristol/Al Procopio 2-1 1-0 3-1 6-2 Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp 1-4 2-1 3-5 John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio 3-3 5-3 8-6 John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp 3-0 1-3 4-3 Neal Karadbil/Bob Pfaender 1-0 1-0 2-0 Al Procopio/Herb Rapp 2-0 1-0 3-0 Totals 5-1 10-13 16-7 14-7 45-28

Dale Baker
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            5  Bobby Rend                Mississippi State      L 6-3, 6-3               0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            6  Bill Hudson               Louisiana State      W   6-1, 6-3               1-1   1-1
02/27/1970            5  Joe Whittenberg           Texas Tech             L 0-6, 6-2, 6-1          1-2   1-2
03/07/1970            6  Ralph Hart                Florida                L 6-3, 6-4               1-3   1-3
03/11/1970            6  Dave McKenzie             Presbyterian College W   6-4, 6-1               2-3   2-3
03/21/1970            6  Rocky Huffman             Georgia              W   6-1, 6-4               3-3   3-3
03/23/1970            6  Burgener                  Middle Tennessee St  W   6-2, 6-0               4-3   4-3
03/24/1970            6  Paul James                Northwestern         W   6-1, 6-1               5-3   5-3
03/25/1970            5  Ken Cohen                 Northwestern         W   6-2, 3-6, 6-3          6-3   6-3
03/26/1970            4  John Lappenga             Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-1               7-3   7-3
03/27/1970            6  Allan Lassiter            North Carolina       W   3-6, 6-3, 6-1          8-3   8-3
03/30/1970            6  Barry Maxwell             Illinois               L 6-4, 6-4               8-4   8-4
03/31/1970            6  Szen Ginman               Miami                  L 7-5, 6-4               8-5   8-5
04/03/1970            6  Rocky Huffman             Georgia                L 6-4, 6-4               8-6   8-6
04/04/1970            6  George Keister            Georgia Tech         W   6-2, 6-3               9-6   9-6
04/20/1970            6  Wilson                    Rollins College      W   6-0, 9-7              10-6  10-6
04/21/1970            6  Joel Racker               South Florida        W   7-5, 6-0              11-6  11-6
04/22/1970            6  Ben Bishop                Miami                  L 6-4, 6-1              11-7  11-7
05/05/1970            3  Roscoe Warner             Florida A&M            L 4-6, 6-4, 6-4         11-8  11-8
05/12/1970            6  Amjid Faquir              Columbus College     W   6-3, 4-6, 6-4         12-8  12-8

Mick Basinger
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
03/05/1970            5  Jim Armstrong             Houston                L 6-4, 6-4               0-1   0-1
03/06/1970            5  Alan Pregnall             Furman               W   6-4, 6-4               1-1   1-1
03/25/1970            6  Paul James                Northwestern         W   6-1, 6-2               2-1   2-1
03/26/1970            5  Jim Bolt                  Calvin College       W   6-3, 6-2               3-1   3-1
04/05/1970            6  Gilbert Rincon            Columbus College       L 6-4, 8-6               3-2   3-2
04/18/1970            6  Bruce Kretley             Tampa                W   6-0, 6-0               4-2   4-2
05/04/1970            5  Jim Rychly                Jacksonville         W   6-1, 6-0               5-2   5-2
05/05/1970            4  Ron Anderson              Florida A&M          W   6-1, 6-1               6-2   6-2

Scott Bristol
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            3  Carlos Feldstedt          Mississippi State      L 8-6, 6-0               0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            4  Max Begme                 Louisiana State      W   5-7, 6-2, 6-1          1-1   1-1
02/27/1970            3  Joe Williams              Texas Tech             L 6-2, 6-3               1-2   1-2
02/28/1970            4                            Baylor               W                          2-2   2-2
03/05/1970            4  Ron Flores                Houston              W   7-5, 3-6, 6-3          3-2   3-2
03/06/1970            4  John Harrison             Furman               W   6-2, 6-2               4-2   4-2
03/07/1970            4  Ken Terry                 Florida              W   6-2, 6-2               5-2   5-2
03/11/1970            4  Jan Kofol                 Presbyterian College W   6-8, 6-3, 6-3          6-2   6-2
03/21/1970            4  Brant Bailey              Georgia              dnf 6-1, 1-6, 6-6 dnf      6-2   6-2
03/23/1970            4  Parsons                   Middle Tennessee St  W   6-2, 6-3               7-2   7-2
03/24/1970            4  John Vegosen              Northwestern         W   6-2, 6-3               8-2   8-2
03/25/1970            3  Doug Conant               Northwestern         W   6-2, 3-6, 6-3          9-2   9-2
03/26/1970            3  Mark VanFaten             Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-2              10-2  10-2
03/27/1970            4  Jim Corn                  North Carolina       W   1-6, 8-6, 13-11       11-2  11-2
03/30/1970            4  Tom Dunlap                Illinois             W   6-2, 6-3              12-2  12-2
03/31/1970            4  Raz Reid                  Miami                  L 6-4, 6-4              12-3  12-3
04/03/1970            4  Ant Bailey                Georgia                L 6-1, 4-6, 6-2         12-4  12-4
04/04/1970            4  Chuck Sloans              Georgia Tech         W   6-1, 6-4              13-4  13-4
04/05/1970            4  John Sinnott              Columbus College     W   6-8, 9-7, 6-0         14-4  14-4
04/18/1970            4  John McNeil               Tampa                W   6-0, 6-0              15-4  15-4
04/20/1970            4  England                   Rollins College      W   6-0, 6-3              16-4  16-4
04/21/1970            3  Dan Perkins               South Florida        W   6-0, 6-8, 6-4         17-4  17-4
04/22/1970            4  Raz Reid                  Miami                  L 6-0, 6-3              17-5  17-5
05/04/1970            3  Alex Steuben              Jacksonville         W   6-1, 6-0              18-5  18-5
05/12/1970            4  Randy Scott               Columbus College       L 6-3, 6-8, 10-8        18-6  18-6

John DeZeeuw
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            1  Bob Caldwalder            Mississippi State      L 6-3, 8-6               0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            1  Steve Faulk               Louisiana State        L 6-3, 6-2               0-2   0-2
03/05/1970            2  Kris Bovett               Houston                L 6-2, 6-1               0-3   0-3
03/06/1970            2  Glen Gould                Furman               W   6-4, 6-2               1-3   1-3
03/07/1970            2  Buddy Miles               Florida              W   4-6, 6-3, 7-5          2-3   2-3
03/11/1970            2  Milan Kofol               Presbyterian College   L 6-3, 6-2               2-4   2-4
03/21/1970            2  Dan Birchmore             Georgia              W   6-3, 6-3               3-4   3-4
03/23/1970            2  Mayo                      Middle Tennessee St  W   6-1, 8-6               4-4   4-4
03/24/1970            2  Steve Vegina              Northwestern         W   9-7, 6-1               5-4   5-4
03/25/1970            1  Don Lutz                  Northwestern           L 6-4, 3-6, 6-4          5-5   5-5
03/26/1970            1  Ben Pekelder              Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-0               6-5   6-5
03/27/1970            2  Joe Dorn                  North Carolina       W   6-2, 4-6, 6-3          7-5   7-5
03/30/1970            1  Chip Clements             Illinois             W   10-8, 6-3              8-5   8-5
03/31/1970            1  Pat Crammer               Miami                  L 6-1, 6-3               8-6   8-6
04/03/1970            2  Dan Birchmore             Georgia                L 6-1, 6-3               8-7   8-7
04/04/1970            2  Steve Yellin              Georgia Tech         W   10-8, 14-12            9-7   9-7
04/05/1970            2  Bobby Babcock             Columbus College     W   6-4, 10-8             10-7  10-7
04/18/1970            2  Gene Rebow                Tampa                W   6-1, 6-0              11-7  11-7
04/20/1970            2  Strickland                Rollins College        L 6-4, 7-5              11-8  11-8
04/21/1970            2  Bob Boland                South Florida        W   6-4, 6-3              12-8  12-8
04/22/1970            2  Luis Garcia               Miami                  L 6-1, 6-1              12-9  12-9
04/24/1970            T  Greg Hilley               Florida                L 6-3, 3-6, 6-4         12-10
05/12/1970            2  Stanley Shanborn          Columbus College       L 6-0, 4-6, 6-2         12-11 12-10

Hamid Faquir
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            6  Carl Oden                 Mississippi State    W   6-2, 4-6, 6-2          1-0   1-0
02/23/1970            5  Ted Bourg                 Louisiana State      W   6-4, 4-6, 6-1          2-0   2-0
02/27/1970            4  Mike Nye                  Texas Tech             L default                2-1   2-1
03/07/1970            5  Will Sherwood             Florida                L 6-1, 6-0               2-2   2-2
03/11/1970            5  Don Lay                   Presbyterian College W   2-6, 6-1, 6-3          3-2   3-2
03/21/1970            5  Bob Tamis                 Georgia              W   6-2, 6-1               4-2   4-2
03/23/1970            5  Fuggle                    Middle Tennessee St  W   6-2, 6-4               5-2   5-2
03/24/1970            5  Ken Cohen                 Northwestern         W   7-5, 6-4               6-2   6-2
03/25/1970            4  John Vegosen              Northwestern         W   6-3, 4-6, 6-2          7-2   7-2
03/27/1970            5  Fred Rawlings             North Carolina         L 4-6, 6-0, 6-0          7-3   7-3
03/30/1970            5  Jeff Cook                 Illinois             W   6-4, 6-3               8-3   8-3
03/31/1970            5  Steve Siegel              Miami                  L 6-1, 6-2               8-4   8-4
04/03/1970            5  Bob Tanis                 Georgia                L 6-1, 6-1               8-5   8-5
04/04/1970            5  Charles Kelley            Georgia Tech         W   11-9, 4-6, 6-1         9-5   9-5
04/05/1970            5  Randy Scott               Columbus College     W   6-4, 3-6, 6-2         10-5  10-5
04/18/1970            5  J.D. White                Tampa                W   6-0, 6-0              11-5  11-5
04/20/1970            5  Welsh                     Rollins College        L 6-4, 6-2              11-6  11-6
04/21/1970            5  Glen Brewer               South Florida        W   6-4, 6-3              12-6  12-6
04/22/1970            5  Steve Siegel              Miami                  L 7-5, 1-0 default      12-7  12-7
05/04/1970            4  Tim Pateracki             Jacksonville         W   2-6, 6-2, 6-3         13-7  13-7
05/05/1970            2  Val Heard                 Florida A&M          W   6-2, 6-4              14-7  14-7
05/12/1970            5  Gilbert Rincon            Columbus College     W   6-4, 4-6, 6-2         15-7  15-7

Neal Karadbil
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----

Bob Pfaender
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
03/05/1970            6  Lee Merry                 Houston                L 6-1, 6-1               0-1   0-1
03/06/1970            6  Kirk Sewer                Furman                 L 6-3, 6-2               0-2   0-2
03/26/1970            6  Deric Schering            Calvin College         L 6-2, 2-6, 6-4          0-3   0-3
05/04/1970            6  Dave Thompson             Jacksonville         W   6-0, 6-0               1-3   1-3

Al Procopio
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            4  Jim Boyce                 Mississippi State    W   4-6, 8-6, 6-4          1-0   1-0
02/23/1970            3  Joe Kelly                 Louisiana State      W   7-5, 6-1               2-0   2-0
02/27/1970            2  Robby Sergeant            Texas Tech             L 6-3, 4-6, 6-1          2-1   2-1
02/28/1970            3                            Baylor               W                          3-1   3-1
03/05/1970            3  Terry Neudecker           Houston                L 6-1, 6-4               3-2   3-2
03/06/1970            3  Gerald Applefield         Furman               W   6-2, 6-3               4-2   4-2
03/07/1970            3  Bruce Bartlett            Florida              W   3-6, 6-3, 6-1          5-2   5-2
03/11/1970            3  Chris Adair               Presbyterian College W   7-9, 6-4, 6-3          6-2   6-2
03/21/1970            3  Mike Omayo                Georgia              W   6-4, 6-4               7-2   7-2
03/23/1970            3  Beckham                   Middle Tennessee St  W   6-3, 6-3               8-2   8-2
03/24/1970            3  Doug Conant               Northwestern         W   6-2, 6-0               9-2   9-2
03/25/1970            2  Steve Vegina              Northwestern         W   7-5, 6-2              10-2  10-2
03/26/1970            2  Dave Prost                Calvin College       W   6-2, 6-4              11-2  11-2
03/27/1970            3  Fred McNair               North Carolina         L 6-3, 6-3              11-3  11-3
03/30/1970            3  Rod Schroeder             Illinois               L 13-11, 15-13          11-4  11-4
03/31/1970            3  Eddie Dibbs               Miami                  L 6-1, 6-0              11-5  11-5
04/03/1970            3  Mike Cmayo                Georgia              W   1-6, 6-4, 8-6         12-5  12-5
04/04/1970            3  Charles Baxter            Georgia Tech           L 6-1, 7-5              12-6  12-6
04/05/1970            3  Amjid Faquir              Columbus College     W   4-6, 6-2, 6-1         13-6  13-6
04/18/1970            3  Gary Pell                 Tampa                W   6-0, 6-0              14-6  14-6
04/20/1970            3  Lague                     Rollins College        L 6-3, 4-6, 6-2         14-7  14-7
04/21/1970            4  Mike Saine                South Florida        W   6-2, 6-4              15-7  15-7
04/22/1970            3  Eddie Dibbs               Miami                  L 6-2, 6-3              15-8  15-8
04/24/1970            T  Greg Hilley               Florida                L 6-3, 10-8             15-9
05/04/1970            2  Keith Watson              Jacksonville         W   6-4, 6-1              16-9  16-8
05/05/1970            1  Willie Whited             Florida A&M          W   6-3, 6-2              17-9  17-8
05/12/1970            3  John Sinnott              Columbus College     W   6-4, 2-6, 6-3         18-9  18-8

Herb Rapp
Singles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Opponent                  School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            2  Carlos Ayala              Mississippi State      L 2-6, 6-4, 6-4          0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            2  Tommy Ducrest             Louisiana State      W   7-5, 7-5               1-1   1-1
02/27/1970            1  Rusty Powell              Texas Tech           W   6-1, 6-1               2-1   2-1
02/28/1970            1  Jerry Luft                Baylor               W   4-6, 6-1, 6-2          3-1   3-1
03/05/1970            1  Jim Rombeau               Houston                L 6-3, 6-1               3-2   3-2
03/06/1970            1  Dave Ellison              Furman               W   3-6, 6-1, 6-2          4-2   4-2
03/07/1970            1  Greg Hilley               Florida              W   6-2, 6-3               5-2   5-2
03/11/1970            1  George Amaya              Presbyterian College   L 7-5, 6-3               5-3   5-3
03/21/1970            1  Norm Holmes               Georgia              W   8-6, 0-6, 11-9         6-3   6-3
03/23/1970            1  Magner                    Middle Tennessee St  W   6-3, 8-6               7-3   7-3
03/24/1970            1  Dan Lutz                  Northwestern           L 6-3, 6-3               7-4   7-4
03/27/1970            1  Lee Langstruth            North Carolina         L 6-4, 6-8, 6-3          7-5   7-5
03/30/1970            2  Rich Walk                 Illinois             W   6-4, 3-6, 6-2          8-5   8-5
03/31/1970            2  Louis Garcia              Miami                  L 6-1, 7-5               8-6   8-6
04/03/1970            1  Norm Holmes               Georgia                L 6-3, 9-7               8-7   8-7
04/04/1970            1  Larry Turville            Georgia Tech           L 7-5, 3-6, 8-6          8-8   8-8
04/05/1970            1  Steve Campbell            Columbus College       L 6-4, 0-6, 8-6          8-9   8-9
04/18/1970            1  Hal Stupp                 Tampa                W   6-2, 6-0               9-9   9-9
04/20/1970            1  Lowman                    Rollins College      W   6-4, 6-3              10-9  10-9
04/21/1970            1  Paul Demesquita           South Florida        W   6-3, 6-1              11-9  11-9
04/22/1970            1  Pat Cramer                Miami                  L 8-6, 3-6, 6-2         11-10 11-10
04/24/1970            T  Ken Terry                 Florida              W   6-4, 6-2              12-10
04/24/1970            T  Paul Lunetta              Florida              W   6-3, 6-0              13-10
04/25/1970            T  Greg Hilley               Florida              W   6-4, 6-4              14-10
05/04/1970            1  Danny Cox                 Jacksonville         W   6-3, 6-3              15-10 12-10
05/12/1970            1  Steve Campbell            Columbus College       L 6-2, 3-6, 6-2         15-11 12-11

Dale Baker
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Miller/Bobby Rend                        Mississippi State    W   6-1, 4-6, 6-3          1-0   1-0
02/23/1970            2  Herb Rapp                 Ted Bourg/Jere Overdyke                  Louisiana State        L 3-6, 6-4, 8-6          1-1   1-1
02/27/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Robby Sergeant/Joe Whittenberg           Texas Tech             L 5-7, 6-3, 6-0          1-2   1-2
03/06/1970            3  Mick Basinger             John Harrison/Kirk Sewers                Furman               W   0-6, 6-4, 6-0          2-2   2-2
03/07/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Ralph Hart/Ken Terry                     Florida              W   8-6, 10-8              3-2   3-2
03/11/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Don Lay/Dave McKenzie                    Presbyterian College   L 6-4, 9-7               3-3   3-3
03/23/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Harris/Parsons                           Middle Tennessee St  W   6-8, 6-4, 6-2          4-3   4-3
03/24/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Paul James/John Vegosen                  Northwestern         W   3-6, 6-1, 6-4          5-3   5-3
03/25/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Ken Cohen/Doug Conant                    Northwestern         W   7-5, 6-2               6-3   6-3
03/26/1970            2  Scott Bristol             John Lappenga/Mark VanFaten              Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-0               7-3   7-3
03/27/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Jim Corn/Fred Rawlings                   North Carolina         L 6-4, 6-4               7-4   7-4
03/30/1970            2  Herb Rapp                 Chip Clements/Tom Dunlap                 Illinois             dnf 6-2, 3-6 dnf           7-4   7-4
03/31/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Pat Crammer/Louis Garcia                 Miami                  L 6-2, 6-4               7-5   7-5
04/04/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Larry Turville/Steve Yellin              Georgia Tech           L 6-6 default            7-6   7-6
04/18/1970            2  Mick Basinger             John McNeil/Hal Stupp                    Tampa                W   8-2                    8-6   8-6
04/20/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Allison/Welsh                            Rollins College        L 6-4, 6-1               8-7   8-7
04/21/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Glen Brewer/Joel Racker                  South Florida        W   6-4, 6-4               9-7   9-7
04/22/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Tom Haser/Dave Hill                      Miami                  L 6-2, 2-6, 6-0          9-8   9-8

Mick Basinger
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
03/05/1970            3  Bob Pfaender              Kris Bovett/Ron Flores                   Houston                L 8-6, 6-2               0-1   0-1
03/06/1970            3  Dale Baker                John Harrison/Kirk Sewers                Furman               W   0-6, 6-4, 6-0          1-1   1-1
03/23/1970            3  Dale Baker                Harris/Parsons                           Middle Tennessee St  W   6-8, 6-4, 6-2          2-1   2-1
03/24/1970            3  Dale Baker                Paul James/John Vegosen                  Northwestern         W   3-6, 6-1, 6-4          3-1   3-1
03/25/1970            3  Bob Pfaender              Paul James/John Vegosen                  Northwestern         W   6-2, 6-4               4-1   4-1
03/26/1970            3  Bob Pfaender              Jim Bolt/Rick Bruinooge                  Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-2               5-1   5-1
03/30/1970            3  John DeZeeuw              Rod Schroeder/Rich Walk                  Illinois             dnf 6-4, 2-2 dnf           5-1   5-1
03/31/1970            3  Scott Bristol             Szen Ginman/Steve Siegel                 Miami                  L 6-4, 6-4               5-2   5-2
04/03/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Rocky Huffman/Bob Tanis                  Georgia                L 6-4, 6-3               5-3   5-3
04/05/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Bobby Badcock/Steve Campbell             Columbus College       L 6-4, 6-3               5-4   5-4
04/18/1970            2  Dale Baker                John McNeil/Hal Stupp                    Tampa                W   8-2                    6-4   6-4
04/20/1970            3  Dale Baker                Allison/Welsh                            Rollins College        L 6-4, 6-1               6-5   6-5
04/21/1970            3  Dale Baker                Glen Brewer/Joel Racker                  South Florida        W   6-4, 6-4               7-5   7-5
04/22/1970            3  Dale Baker                Tom Haser/Dave Hill                      Miami                  L 6-2, 2-6, 6-0          7-6   7-6
05/04/1970            3  Bob Pfaender              Danny Cox/Dave Thompson                  Jacksonville         W   6-3, 10-8              8-6   8-6
05/05/1970            1  Hamid Faquir              Val Heard/Willie Whited                  Florida A&M          W   6-4, 6-4               9-6   9-6
05/12/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Amjid Faquir/John Sinnott                Columbus College     W   2-6, 7-5, 6-2         10-6  10-6

Scott Bristol
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            2  Herb Rapp                 Carlos Ayala/Carlos Feldstedt            Mississippi State      L 6-4, 2-6, 6-4          0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Max Begme/Joe Kelly                      Louisiana State      W   6-2, 6-2               1-1   1-1
02/27/1970            2  Dale Baker                Robby Sergeant/Joe Whittenberg           Texas Tech             L 5-7, 6-3, 6-0          1-2   1-2
03/05/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Terry Neudecker/Jim Rombeau              Houston                L 6-3, 6-2               1-3   1-3
03/06/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Gerald Applefield/Dave Ellinson          Furman               W   3-6, 6-1, 6-2          2-3   2-3
03/07/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Greg Hilley/Buddy Miles                  Florida                L 6-4, 7-5               2-4   2-4
03/11/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 George Amaya/Milan Kofol                 Presbyterian College   L 4-6, 6-3, 6-4          2-5   2-5
03/23/1970            2  Herb Rapp                 Fuggle/Mayo                              Middle Tennessee St  W   6-2, 6-3               3-5   3-5
03/24/1970            2  Herb Rapp                 Ken Cohen/Doug Contant                   Northwestern         W   2-6, 6-1, 6-2          4-5   4-5
03/25/1970            2  Dale Baker                Ken Cohen/Doug Conant                    Northwestern         W   7-5, 6-2               5-5   5-5
03/26/1970            2  Dale Baker                John Lappenga/Mark VanFaten              Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-0               6-5   6-5
03/27/1970            2  Herb Rapp                 Allan Lassiter/Forrest Simmons           North Carolina       dnf 6-6 dnf                6-5   6-5
03/30/1970            1  Hamid Faquir              Jeff Cook/Ron Harris                     Illinois             W   6-3, 8-6               7-5   7-5
03/31/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Szen Ginman/Steve Siegel                 Miami                  L 6-4, 6-4               7-6   7-6
04/03/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Mike Cmayo/Norm Holmes                   Georgia                L 6-4, 3-6, 6-3          7-7   7-7
04/04/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Charles Kelley/Mel Hood                  Georgia Tech         W   6-3, 6-4               8-7   8-7
04/05/1970            3  Hamid Faquir              Amijd Faquir/John Riley                  Columbus College     W   6-8, 9-7, 6-2          9-7   9-7
04/18/1970            1  Al Procopio               Gary Pell/Gene Rebow                     Tampa                W   8-1                   10-7  10-7
04/20/1970            2  Al Procopio               England/Strickland                       Rollins College      W   6-2, 5-7, 6-4         11-7  11-7
04/21/1970            2  Al Procopio               Dan Perkins/Mike Saine                   South Florida        W   6-2, 6-0              12-7  12-7
04/22/1970            2  Al Procopio               Eddie Dibbs/Lee Steele                   Miami                  L 6-4, 6-2              12-8  12-8
04/24/1970            T  Al Procopio               Dan Cox/Tim Pateracki                    Jacksonville         W                         13-8
04/24/1970            T  Al Procopio               Phil Hart/Buddy Miles                    Florida              W                         14-8
04/25/1970            T  Al Procopio               Greg Hilley/Ken Terry                    Florida                L                       14-9
05/04/1970            2  Hamid Faquir              Jim Rychly/Alex Steuben                  Jacksonville         W   6-0, 9-7              15-9  13-8
05/12/1970            2  Al Procopio               Gilbert Rincon/Randy Scott               Columbus College     W   6-3, 6-4              16-9  14-8

John DeZeeuw
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            1  Al Procopio               Jim Boyce/Bob Caldwalder                 Mississippi State      L 6-3, 6-3               0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            1  Al Procopio               Tommy Ducrest/Steve Faulk                Louisiana State        L 6-2, 6-4               0-2   0-2
03/05/1970            2  Al Procopio               Jim Armstrong/Lee Merry                  Houston                L 4-6, 6-4, 6-4          0-3   0-3
03/06/1970            2  Al Procopio               Glen Gould/Alan Pregnall                 Furman               W   6-3, 7-5               1-3   1-3
03/07/1970            2  Al Procopio               Bruce Bartlett/Will Sherwood             Florida              W   6-4, 6-3               2-3   2-3
03/11/1970            2  Al Procopio               Chris Adair/Jan Kofol                    Presbyterian College W   6-3, 6-0               3-3   3-3
03/23/1970            1  Al Procopio               Burgener/Magner                          Middle Tennessee St  W   6-3, 6-3               4-3   4-3
03/24/1970            1  Al Procopio               Dan Lutz/Steve Vegina                    Northwestern         W   3-6, 6-4, 6-4          5-3   5-3
03/25/1970            1  Al Procopio               Don Lutz/Steve Vegina                    Northwestern         dnf 6-4, 3-6, 12-12 dnf    5-3   5-3
03/26/1970            1  Al Procopio               Ben Pekelder/Dave Prost                  Calvin College       W   6-0, 6-4               6-3   6-3
03/27/1970            1  Al Procopio               Joe Dorn/Fred McNair                     North Carolina         L 6-4, 6-3               6-4   6-4
03/30/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Rod Schroeder/Rich Walk                  Illinois             dnf 6-4, 2-2 dnf           6-4   6-4
03/31/1970            2  Al Procopio               Eddie Dibbs/Raz Reid                     Miami                  L 6-2, 7-5               6-5   6-5
04/03/1970            2  Al Procopio               Ant Bailey/Dan Birchmore                 Georgia                L 6-4, 6-2               6-6   6-6
04/04/1970            2  Al Procopio               Charles Baxter/Chuck Sloans              Georgia Tech         W   6-1, 6-4               7-6   7-6
04/05/1970            2  Al Procopio               Gilbert Rincon/Randy Scott               Columbus College     W   6-2, 10-8              8-6   8-6
04/20/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Lague/Lowman                             Rollins College        L 4-6, 6-3, 6-4          8-7   8-7
04/21/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Bob Boland/Paul Demesquita               South Florida        W   6-4, 6-3               9-7   9-7
04/22/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Pat Creamer/Luis Garcia                  Miami                  L 6-3, 6-0               9-8   9-8
04/24/1970            T  Herb Rapp                 Paul Lunetta/Will Sherwood               Florida              W                         10-8
04/25/1970            T  Herb Rapp                 Bob Boland/Dave Demesquitta              South Florida        W                         11-8
04/25/1970            T  Herb Rapp                 Greg Hilley/Ken Terry                    Florida              W   6-4, 6-4              12-8
05/12/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Steve Campbell/Stanley Shanborn          Columbus College       L 4-6, 6-3, 9-7         12-9   9-9

Hamid Faquir
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            3  Dale Baker                Miller/Bobby Rend                        Mississippi State    W   6-1, 4-6, 6-3          1-0   1-0
02/23/1970            3  Scott Bristol             Max Begme/Joe Kelly                      Louisiana State      W   6-2, 6-2               2-0   2-0
03/07/1970            3  Dale Baker                Ralph Hart/Ken Terry                     Florida              W   8-6, 10-8              3-0   3-0
03/11/1970            3  Dale Baker                Don Lay/Dave McKenzie                    Presbyterian College   L 6-4, 9-7               3-1   3-1
03/27/1970            3  Dale Baker                Jim Corn/Fred Rawlings                   North Carolina         L 6-4, 6-4               3-2   3-2
03/30/1970            1  Scott Bristol             Jeff Cook/Ron Harris                     Illinois             W   6-3, 8-6               4-2   4-2
04/03/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Rocky Huffman/Bob Tanis                  Georgia                L 6-4, 6-3               4-3   4-3
04/04/1970            3  Scott Bristol             Charles Kelley/Mel Hood                  Georgia Tech         W   6-3, 6-4               5-3   5-3
04/05/1970            3  Scott Bristol             Amijd Faquir/John Riley                  Columbus College     W   6-8, 9-7, 6-2          6-3   6-3
05/04/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Jim Rychly/Alex Steuben                  Jacksonville         W   6-0, 9-7               7-3   7-3
05/05/1970            1  Mick Basinger             Val Heard/Willie Whited                  Florida A&M          W   6-4, 6-4               8-3   8-3
05/12/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Amjid Faquir/John Sinnott                Columbus College     W   2-6, 7-5, 6-2          9-3   9-3

Neal Karadbil
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
04/18/1970            3  Bob Pfaender              Kretley/Whyte                            Tampa                W   8-2                    1-0   1-0
05/05/1970            2  Bob Pfaender              Ron Anderson/Roscoe Warner               Florida A&M          W   6-4, 6-4               2-0   2-0

Bob Pfaender
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
03/05/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Kris Bovett/Ron Flores                   Houston                L 8-6, 6-2               0-1   0-1
03/25/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Paul James/John Vegosen                  Northwestern         W   6-2, 6-4               1-1   1-1
03/26/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Jim Bolt/Rick Bruinooge                  Calvin College       W   6-1, 6-2               2-1   2-1
04/18/1970            3  Neal Karadbil             Kretley/Whyte                            Tampa                W   8-2                    3-1   3-1
05/04/1970            3  Mick Basinger             Danny Cox/Dave Thompson                  Jacksonville         W   6-3, 10-8              4-1   4-1
05/05/1970            2  Neal Karadbil             Ron Anderson/Roscoe Warner               Florida A&M          W   6-4, 6-4               5-1   5-1

Al Procopio
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Jim Boyce/Bob Caldwalder                 Mississippi State      L 6-3, 6-3               0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Tommy Ducrest/Steve Faulk                Louisiana State        L 6-2, 6-4               0-2   0-2
02/26/1970            2  Herb Rapp                                                          TX AM-Corpus Christi W                          1-2   1-2
02/27/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Rusty Powell/Joe Williams                Texas Tech           W                          2-2   2-2
03/05/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Jim Armstrong/Lee Merry                  Houston                L 4-6, 6-4, 6-4          2-3   2-3
03/06/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Glen Gould/Alan Pregnall                 Furman               W   6-3, 7-5               3-3   3-3
03/07/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Bruce Bartlett/Will Sherwood             Florida              W   6-4, 6-3               4-3   4-3
03/11/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Chris Adair/Jan Kofol                    Presbyterian College W   6-3, 6-0               5-3   5-3
03/23/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Burgener/Magner                          Middle Tennessee St  W   6-3, 6-3               6-3   6-3
03/24/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Dan Lutz/Steve Vegina                    Northwestern         W   3-6, 6-4, 6-4          7-3   7-3
03/25/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Don Lutz/Steve Vegina                    Northwestern         dnf 6-4, 3-6, 12-12 dnf    7-3   7-3
03/26/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Ben Pekelder/Dave Prost                  Calvin College       W   6-0, 6-4               8-3   8-3
03/27/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Joe Dorn/Fred McNair                     North Carolina         L 6-4, 6-3               8-4   8-4
03/31/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Eddie Dibbs/Raz Reid                     Miami                  L 6-2, 7-5               8-5   8-5
04/03/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Ant Bailey/Dan Birchmore                 Georgia                L 6-4, 6-2               8-6   8-6
04/04/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Charles Baxter/Chuck Sloans              Georgia Tech         W   6-1, 6-4               9-6   9-6
04/05/1970            2  John DeZeeuw              Gilbert Rincon/Randy Scott               Columbus College     W   6-2, 10-8             10-6  10-6
04/18/1970            1  Scott Bristol             Gary Pell/Gene Rebow                     Tampa                W   8-1                   11-6  11-6
04/20/1970            2  Scott Bristol             England/Strickland                       Rollins College      W   6-2, 5-7, 6-4         12-6  12-6
04/21/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Dan Perkins/Mike Saine                   South Florida        W   6-2, 6-0              13-6  13-6
04/22/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Eddie Dibbs/Lee Steele                   Miami                  L 6-4, 6-2              13-7  13-7
04/24/1970            T  Scott Bristol             Dan Cox/Tim Pateracki                    Jacksonville         W                         14-7
04/24/1970            T  Scott Bristol             Phil Hart/Buddy Miles                    Florida              W                         15-7
04/25/1970            T  Scott Bristol             Greg Hilley/Ken Terry                    Florida                L                       15-8
05/04/1970            1  Herb Rapp                 Tim Pateracki/Keith Watson               Jacksonville         W   6-3, 8-6              16-8  14-7
05/12/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Gilbert Rincon/Randy Scott               Columbus College     W   6-3, 6-4              17-8  15-7

Herb Rapp
Doubles          Opp
  Date     Rank Rank Pos Partner                   Opponent                                 School               W-L Score                Record  Dual  Conf
---------- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ------ ----- -----
02/21/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Carlos Ayala/Carlos Feldstedt            Mississippi State      L 6-4, 2-6, 6-4          0-1   0-1
02/23/1970            2  Dale Baker                Ted Bourg/Jere Overdyke                  Louisiana State        L 3-6, 6-4, 8-6          0-2   0-2
02/26/1970            2  Al Procopio                                                        TX AM-Corpus Christi W                          1-2   1-2
02/27/1970            1  Al Procopio               Rusty Powell/Joe Williams                Texas Tech           W                          2-2   2-2
03/05/1970            1  Scott Bristol             Terry Neudecker/Jim Rombeau              Houston                L 6-3, 6-2               2-3   2-3
03/06/1970            1  Scott Bristol             Gerald Applefield/Dave Ellinson          Furman               W   3-6, 6-1, 6-2          3-3   3-3
03/07/1970            1  Scott Bristol             Greg Hilley/Buddy Miles                  Florida                L 6-4, 7-5               3-4   3-4
03/11/1970            1  Scott Bristol             George Amaya/Milan Kofol                 Presbyterian College   L 4-6, 6-3, 6-4          3-5   3-5
03/23/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Fuggle/Mayo                              Middle Tennessee St  W   6-2, 6-3               4-5   4-5
03/24/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Ken Cohen/Doug Contant                   Northwestern         W   2-6, 6-1, 6-2          5-5   5-5
03/27/1970            2  Scott Bristol             Allan Lassiter/Forrest Simmons           North Carolina       dnf 6-6 dnf                5-5   5-5
03/30/1970            2  Dale Baker                Chip Clements/Tom Dunlap                 Illinois             dnf 6-2, 3-6 dnf           5-5   5-5
03/31/1970            1  Dale Baker                Pat Crammer/Louis Garcia                 Miami                  L 6-2, 6-4               5-6   5-6
04/03/1970            1  Scott Bristol             Mike Cmayo/Norm Holmes                   Georgia                L 6-4, 3-6, 6-3          5-7   5-7
04/04/1970            1  Dale Baker                Larry Turville/Steve Yellin              Georgia Tech           L 6-6 default            5-8   5-8
04/05/1970            1  Mick Basinger             Bobby Badcock/Steve Campbell             Columbus College       L 6-4, 6-3               5-9   5-9
04/20/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Lague/Lowman                             Rollins College        L 4-6, 6-3, 6-4          5-10  5-10
04/21/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Bob Boland/Paul Demesquita               South Florida        W   6-4, 6-3               6-10  6-10
04/22/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Pat Creamer/Luis Garcia                  Miami                  L 6-3, 6-0               6-11  6-11
04/24/1970            T  John DeZeeuw              Paul Lunetta/Will Sherwood               Florida              W                          7-11
04/25/1970            T  John DeZeeuw              Bob Boland/Dave Demesquitta              South Florida        W                          8-11
04/25/1970            T  John DeZeeuw              Greg Hilley/Ken Terry                    Florida              W   6-4, 6-4               9-11
05/04/1970            1  Al Procopio               Tim Pateracki/Keith Watson               Jacksonville         W   6-3, 8-6              10-11  7-11
05/12/1970            1  John DeZeeuw              Steve Campbell/Stanley Shanborn          Columbus College       L 4-6, 6-3, 9-7         10-12  7-12

Mississippi State 6, Florida State 3
02/21/1970, Pensacola, Fla.

No. 1: Jim Boyce/Bob Caldwalder (MsSt) d. John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: Carlos Ayala/Carlos Feldstedt (MsSt) d. Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-4, 2-6, 6-4
No. 3: Dale Baker/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Miller/Bobby Rend (MsSt) 6-1, 4-6, 6-3
No. 1: Bob Caldwalder (MsSt) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-3, 8-6
No. 2: Carlos Ayala (MsSt) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 2-6, 6-4, 6-4
No. 3: Carlos Feldstedt (MsSt) d. Scott Bristol (FSU) 8-6, 6-0
No. 4: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Jim Boyce (MsSt) 4-6, 8-6, 6-4
No. 5: Bobby Rend (MsSt) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 6: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Carl Oden (MsSt) 6-2, 4-6, 6-2

Florida State 6, Louisiana State 3
02/23/1970, Baton Rouge, La.

No. 1: Tommy Ducrest/Steve Faulk (LSU) d. John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) 6-2, 6-4
No. 2: Ted Bourg/Jere Overdyke (LSU) d. Dale Baker/Herb Rapp (FSU) 3-6, 6-4, 8-6
No. 3: Scott Bristol/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Max Begme/Joe Kelly (LSU) 6-2, 6-2
No. 1: Steve Faulk (LSU) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 2: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Tommy Ducrest (LSU) 7-5, 7-5
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Joe Kelly (LSU) 7-5, 6-1
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Max Begme (LSU) 5-7, 6-2, 6-1
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Ted Bourg (LSU) 6-4, 4-6, 6-1
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Bill Hudson (LSU) 6-1, 6-3

TX AM-Corpus Christi 6, Florida State 1
02/26/1970, Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.

No. 2: Al Procopio/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. (TXCC)
Stats **Error** 1 0
Texas Tech 5, Florida State 2
02/27/1970, Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.

No. 1: Al Procopio/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Rusty Powell/Joe Williams (TTU)
No. 2: Robby Sergeant/Joe Whittenberg (TTU) d. Dale Baker/Scott Bristol (FSU) 5-7, 6-3, 6-0
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Rusty Powell (TTU) 6-1, 6-1
No. 2: Robby Sergeant (TTU) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-3, 4-6, 6-1
No. 3: Joe Williams (TTU) d. Scott Bristol (FSU) 6-2, 6-3
No. 4: Mike Nye (TTU) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) default
No. 5: Joe Whittenberg (TTU) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 0-6, 6-2, 6-1

Florida State 5, Baylor 2
02/28/1970, Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.

No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Jerry Luft (BU) 4-6, 6-1, 6-2
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. (BU)
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. (BU)
Stats **Error** 3 0
Florida State 1, Oklahoma City 0
02/28/1970, Corpus Christi Invitational, Corpus Christi, Tex.

Oklahoma City was forced to default the match because of travel commitments.
Team (FSU) d. (OCU)

Houston 8, Florida State 1
03/05/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Terry Neudecker/Jim Rombeau (Hou) d. Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 2: Jim Armstrong/Lee Merry (Hou) d. John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) 4-6, 6-4, 6-4
No. 3: Kris Bovett/Ron Flores (Hou) d. Mick Basinger/Bob Pfaender (FSU) 8-6, 6-2
No. 1: Jim Rombeau (Hou) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-3, 6-1
No. 2: Kris Bovett (Hou) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-2, 6-1
No. 3: Terry Neudecker (Hou) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-1, 6-4
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Ron Flores (Hou) 7-5, 3-6, 6-3
No. 5: Jim Armstrong (Hou) d. Mick Basinger (FSU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 6: Lee Merry (Hou) d. Bob Pfaender (FSU) 6-1, 6-1

Florida State 8, Furman 1
03/06/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Gerald Applefield/Dave Ellinson (FU) 3-6, 6-1, 6-2
No. 2: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Glen Gould/Alan Pregnall (FU) 6-3, 7-5
No. 3: Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) d. John Harrison/Kirk Sewers (FU) 0-6, 6-4, 6-0
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Dave Ellison (FU) 3-6, 6-1, 6-2
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Glen Gould (FU) 6-4, 6-2
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Gerald Applefield (FU) 6-2, 6-3
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. John Harrison (FU) 6-2, 6-2
No. 5: Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Alan Pregnall (FU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 6: Kirk Sewer (FU) d. Bob Pfaender (FSU) 6-3, 6-2

Florida State 6, Florida 3
03/07/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Greg Hilley/Buddy Miles (UF) d. Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-4, 7-5
No. 2: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Bruce Bartlett/Will Sherwood (UF) 6-4, 6-3
No. 3: Dale Baker/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Ralph Hart/Ken Terry (UF) 8-6, 10-8
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Greg Hilley (UF) 6-2, 6-3
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Buddy Miles (UF) 4-6, 6-3, 7-5
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Bruce Bartlett (UF) 3-6, 6-3, 6-1
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Ken Terry (UF) 6-2, 6-2
No. 5: Will Sherwood (UF) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-1, 6-0
No. 6: Ralph Hart (UF) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 6-3, 6-4

Florida State 5, Presbyterian College 4
03/11/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: George Amaya/Milan Kofol (PC) d. Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) 4-6, 6-3, 6-4
No. 2: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Chris Adair/Jan Kofol (PC) 6-3, 6-0
No. 3: Don Lay/Dave McKenzie (PC) d. Dale Baker/Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-4, 9-7
No. 1: George Amaya (PC) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 7-5, 6-3
No. 2: Milan Kofol (PC) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Chris Adair (PC) 7-9, 6-4, 6-3
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Jan Kofol (PC) 6-8, 6-3, 6-3
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Don Lay (PC) 2-6, 6-1, 6-3
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Dave McKenzie (PC) 6-4, 6-1

Florida State 5, Georgia 0
03/21/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Norm Holmes (UGa) 8-6, 0-6, 11-9
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Dan Birchmore (UGa) 6-3, 6-3
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Mike Omayo (UGa) 6-4, 6-4
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) vs. Brant Bailey (UGa) 6-1, 1-6, 6-6 dnf
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Bob Tamis (UGa) 6-2, 6-1
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Rocky Huffman (UGa) 6-1, 6-4

Florida State 9, Middle Tennessee St 0
03/23/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Burgener/Magner (MTSU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Fuggle/Mayo (MTSU) 6-2, 6-3
No. 3: Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Harris/Parsons (MTSU) 6-8, 6-4, 6-2
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Magner (MTSU) 6-3, 8-6
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Mayo (MTSU) 6-1, 8-6
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Beckham (MTSU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Parsons (MTSU) 6-2, 6-3
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Fuggle (MTSU) 6-2, 6-4
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Burgener (MTSU) 6-2, 6-0

Florida State 8, Northwestern 1
03/24/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Dan Lutz/Steve Vegina (NW) 3-6, 6-4, 6-4
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Ken Cohen/Doug Contant (NW) 2-6, 6-1, 6-2
No. 3: Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Paul James/John Vegosen (NW) 3-6, 6-1, 6-4
No. 1: Dan Lutz (NW) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Steve Vegina (NW) 9-7, 6-1
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Doug Conant (NW) 6-2, 6-0
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. John Vegosen (NW) 6-2, 6-3
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Ken Cohen (NW) 7-5, 6-4
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Paul James (NW) 6-1, 6-1

Florida State 7, Northwestern 1
03/25/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) vs. Don Lutz/Steve Vegina (NW) 6-4, 3-6, 12-12 dnf
No. 2: Dale Baker/Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Ken Cohen/Doug Conant (NW) 7-5, 6-2
No. 3: Mick Basinger/Bob Pfaender (FSU) d. Paul James/John Vegosen (NW) 6-2, 6-4
No. 1: Don Lutz (NW) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-4, 3-6, 6-4
No. 2: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Steve Vegina (NW) 7-5, 6-2
No. 3: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Doug Conant (NW) 6-2, 3-6, 6-3
No. 4: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. John Vegosen (NW) 6-3, 4-6, 6-2
No. 5: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Ken Cohen (NW) 6-2, 3-6, 6-3
No. 6: Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Paul James (NW) 6-1, 6-2

Florida State 8, Calvin College 1
03/26/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Ben Pekelder/Dave Prost (CC) 6-0, 6-4
No. 2: Dale Baker/Scott Bristol (FSU) d. John Lappenga/Mark VanFaten (CC) 6-1, 6-0
No. 3: Mick Basinger/Bob Pfaender (FSU) d. Jim Bolt/Rick Bruinooge (CC) 6-1, 6-2
No. 1: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Ben Pekelder (CC) 6-1, 6-0
No. 2: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Dave Prost (CC) 6-2, 6-4
No. 3: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Mark VanFaten (CC) 6-1, 6-2
No. 4: Dale Baker (FSU) d. John Lappenga (CC) 6-1, 6-1
No. 5: Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Jim Bolt (CC) 6-3, 6-2
No. 6: Deric Schering (CC) d. Bob Pfaender (FSU) 6-2, 2-6, 6-4

North Carolina 5, Florida State 3
03/27/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Joe Dorn/Fred McNair (UNC) d. John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) 6-4, 6-3
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) vs. Allan Lassiter/Forrest Simmons (UNC) 6-6 dnf
No. 3: Jim Corn/Fred Rawlings (UNC) d. Dale Baker/Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 1: Lee Langstruth (UNC) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-4, 6-8, 6-3
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Joe Dorn (UNC) 6-2, 4-6, 6-3
No. 3: Fred McNair (UNC) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Jim Corn (UNC) 1-6, 8-6, 13-11
No. 5: Fred Rawlings (UNC) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) 4-6, 6-0, 6-0
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Allan Lassiter (UNC) 3-6, 6-3, 6-1

Florida State 5, Illinois 2
03/30/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Scott Bristol/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Jeff Cook/Ron Harris (Ill) 6-3, 8-6
No. 2: Dale Baker/Herb Rapp (FSU) vs. Chip Clements/Tom Dunlap (Ill) 6-2, 3-6 dnf
No. 3: Mick Basinger/John DeZeeuw (FSU) vs. Rod Schroeder/Rich Walk (Ill) 6-4, 2-2 dnf
No. 1: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Chip Clements (Ill) 10-8, 6-3
No. 2: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Rich Walk (Ill) 6-4, 3-6, 6-2
No. 3: Rod Schroeder (Ill) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 13-11, 15-13
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Tom Dunlap (Ill) 6-2, 6-3
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Jeff Cook (Ill) 6-4, 6-3
No. 6: Barry Maxwell (Ill) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 6-4, 6-4

Miami 9, Florida State 0
03/31/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Pat Crammer/Louis Garcia (UM) d. Dale Baker/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-2, 6-4
No. 2: Eddie Dibbs/Raz Reid (UM) d. John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) 6-2, 7-5
No. 3: Szen Ginman/Steve Siegel (UM) d. Mick Basinger/Scott Bristol (FSU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 1: Pat Crammer (UM) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-1, 6-3
No. 2: Louis Garcia (UM) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-1, 7-5
No. 3: Eddie Dibbs (UM) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-1, 6-0
No. 4: Raz Reid (UM) d. Scott Bristol (FSU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 5: Steve Siegel (UM) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-1, 6-2
No. 6: Szen Ginman (UM) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 7-5, 6-4

Georgia 8, Florida State 1
04/03/1970, Athens, Ga.

No. 1: Mike Cmayo/Norm Holmes (UGa) d. Scott Bristol/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-4, 3-6, 6-3
No. 2: Ant Bailey/Dan Birchmore (UGa) d. John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) 6-4, 6-2
No. 3: Rocky Huffman/Bob Tanis (UGa) d. Mick Basinger/Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-4, 6-3
No. 1: Norm Holmes (UGa) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-3, 9-7
No. 2: Dan Birchmore (UGa) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-1, 6-3
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Mike Cmayo (UGa) 1-6, 6-4, 8-6
No. 4: Ant Bailey (UGa) d. Scott Bristol (FSU) 6-1, 4-6, 6-2
No. 5: Bob Tanis (UGa) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-1, 6-1
No. 6: Rocky Huffman (UGa) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 6-4, 6-4

Florida State 6, Georgia Tech 3
04/04/1970, Atlanta, Ga.

No. 1: Larry Turville/Steve Yellin (GT) d. Dale Baker/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-6 default
No. 2: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Charles Baxter/Chuck Sloans (GT) 6-1, 6-4
No. 3: Scott Bristol/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Charles Kelley/Mel Hood (GT) 6-3, 6-4
No. 1: Larry Turville (GT) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 7-5, 3-6, 8-6
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Steve Yellin (GT) 10-8, 14-12
No. 3: Charles Baxter (GT) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-1, 7-5
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Chuck Sloans (GT) 6-1, 6-4
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Charles Kelley (GT) 11-9, 4-6, 6-1
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. George Keister (GT) 6-2, 6-3

Florida State 6, Columbus College 3
04/05/1970, Columbus, Ga.

No. 1: Bobby Badcock/Steve Campbell (CSU) d. Mick Basinger/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-4, 6-3
No. 2: John DeZeeuw/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Gilbert Rincon/Randy Scott (CSU) 6-2, 10-8
No. 3: Scott Bristol/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Amijd Faquir/John Riley (CSU) 6-8, 9-7, 6-2
No. 1: Steve Campbell (CSU) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-4, 0-6, 8-6
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Bobby Babcock (CSU) 6-4, 10-8
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Amjid Faquir (CSU) 4-6, 6-2, 6-1
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. John Sinnott (CSU) 6-8, 9-7, 6-0
No. 5: (FSU) vs. (CSU)
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Randy Scott (CSU) 6-4, 3-6, 6-2
No. 6: Gilbert Rincon (CSU) d. Mick Basinger (FSU) 6-4, 8-6

Florida State 9, Tampa 0
04/18/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Gary Pell/Gene Rebow (UT) 8-1
No. 2: Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) d. John McNeil/Hal Stupp (UT) 8-2
No. 3: Neal Karadbil/Bob Pfaender (FSU) d. Kretley/Whyte (UT) 8-2
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Hal Stupp (UT) 6-2, 6-0
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Gene Rebow (UT) 6-1, 6-0
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Gary Pell (UT) 6-0, 6-0
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. John McNeil (UT) 6-0, 6-0
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. J.D. White (UT) 6-0, 6-0
No. 6: Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Bruce Kretley (UT) 6-0, 6-0

Rollins College 5, Florida State 4
04/20/1970, Winter Park, Fla.

No. 1: Lague/Lowman (RC) d. John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) 4-6, 6-3, 6-4
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) d. England/Strickland (RC) 6-2, 5-7, 6-4
No. 3: Allison/Welsh (RC) d. Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) 6-4, 6-1
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Lowman (RC) 6-4, 6-3
No. 2: Strickland (RC) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-4, 7-5
No. 3: Lague (RC) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-3, 4-6, 6-2
No. 4: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. England (RC) 6-0, 6-3
No. 5: Welsh (RC) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) 6-4, 6-2
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Wilson (RC) 6-0, 9-7

Florida State 9, South Florida 0
04/21/1970, Tampa, Fla.

No. 1: John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Bob Boland/Paul Demesquita (USF) 6-4, 6-3
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Dan Perkins/Mike Saine (USF) 6-2, 6-0
No. 3: Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Glen Brewer/Joel Racker (USF) 6-4, 6-4
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Paul Demesquita (USF) 6-3, 6-1
No. 2: John DeZeeuw (FSU) d. Bob Boland (USF) 6-4, 6-3
No. 3: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Dan Perkins (USF) 6-0, 6-8, 6-4
No. 4: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Mike Saine (USF) 6-2, 6-4
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Glen Brewer (USF) 6-4, 6-3
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Joel Racker (USF) 7-5, 6-0

Miami 9, Florida State 0
04/22/1970, Miami, Fla.

No. 1: Pat Creamer/Luis Garcia (UM) d. John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-3, 6-0
No. 2: Eddie Dibbs/Lee Steele (UM) d. Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) 6-4, 6-2
No. 3: Tom Haser/Dave Hill (UM) d. Dale Baker/Mick Basinger (FSU) 6-2, 2-6, 6-0
No. 1: Pat Cramer (UM) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 8-6, 3-6, 6-2
No. 2: Luis Garcia (UM) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-1, 6-1
No. 3: Eddie Dibbs (UM) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-2, 6-3
No. 4: Raz Reid (UM) d. Scott Bristol (FSU) 6-0, 6-3
No. 5: Steve Siegel (UM) d. Hamid Faquir (FSU) 7-5, 1-0 default
No. 6: Ben Bishop (UM) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 6-4, 6-1

Cape Coral Invitational, 1st place
04/25/1970, April 24-25, 1970, Coral Gables, Fla.

John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Paul Lunetta/Will Sherwood (UF)
Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Dan Cox/Tim Pateracki (JU)
Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Phil Hart/Buddy Miles (UF)
Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Ken Terry (UF) 6-4, 6-2
Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Paul Lunetta (UF) 6-3, 6-0
Greg Hilley (UF) d. Al Procopio (FSU) 6-3, 10-8
Greg Hilley (UF) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-3, 3-6, 6-4

John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Bob Boland/Dave Demesquitta (USF)
Greg Hilley/Ken Terry (UF) d. Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU)
John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Greg Hilley/Ken Terry (UF) 6-4, 6-4
Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Greg Hilley (UF) 6-4, 6-4

Florida State 9, Jacksonville 0
05/04/1970, Jacksonville, Fla.

No. 1: Al Procopio/Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Tim Pateracki/Keith Watson (JU) 6-3, 8-6
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Jim Rychly/Alex Steuben (JU) 6-0, 9-7
No. 3: Mick Basinger/Bob Pfaender (FSU) d. Danny Cox/Dave Thompson (JU) 6-3, 10-8
No. 1: Herb Rapp (FSU) d. Danny Cox (JU) 6-3, 6-3
No. 2: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Keith Watson (JU) 6-4, 6-1
No. 3: Scott Bristol (FSU) d. Alex Steuben (JU) 6-1, 6-0
No. 4: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Tim Pateracki (JU) 2-6, 6-2, 6-3
No. 5: Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Jim Rychly (JU) 6-1, 6-0
No. 6: Bob Pfaender (FSU) d. Dave Thompson (JU) 6-0, 6-0

Florida State 5, Florida A&M 1
05/05/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Mick Basinger/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Val Heard/Willie Whited (FAMU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 2: Neal Karadbil/Bob Pfaender (FSU) d. Ron Anderson/Roscoe Warner (FAMU) 6-4, 6-4
No. 1: Al Procopio (FSU) d. Willie Whited (FAMU) 6-3, 6-2
No. 2: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Val Heard (FAMU) 6-2, 6-4
No. 3: Roscoe Warner (FAMU) d. Dale Baker (FSU) 4-6, 6-4, 6-4
No. 4: Mick Basinger (FSU) d. Ron Anderson (FAMU) 6-1, 6-1

Florida State 5, Columbus College 4
05/12/1970, Tallahassee, Fla.

No. 1: Steve Campbell/Stanley Shanborn (CSU) d. John DeZeeuw/Herb Rapp (FSU) 4-6, 6-3, 9-7
No. 2: Scott Bristol/Al Procopio (FSU) d. Gilbert Rincon/Randy Scott (CSU) 6-3, 6-4
No. 3: Mick Basinger/Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Amjid Faquir/John Sinnott (CSU) 2-6, 7-5, 6-2
No. 1: Steve Campbell (CSU) d. Herb Rapp (FSU) 6-2, 3-6, 6-2
No. 2: Stanley Shanborn (CSU) d. John DeZeeuw (FSU) 6-0, 4-6, 6-2
No. 3: Al Procopio (FSU) d. John Sinnott (CSU) 6-4, 2-6, 6-3
No. 4: Randy Scott (CSU) d. Scott Bristol (FSU) 6-3, 6-8, 10-8
No. 5: Hamid Faquir (FSU) d. Gilbert Rincon (CSU) 6-4, 4-6, 6-2
No. 6: Dale Baker (FSU) d. Amjid Faquir (CSU) 6-3, 4-6, 6-4