FSU Basketball Record

Don Loucks
Record from 1948
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
Erskine College                             1-  1       50.00
Florida Southern Col                        1-  1       50.00
Georgia Southern                            0-  2        0.00
Georgia-Savannah                            0-  2        0.00
Mercer                                      0-  2        0.00
Spring Hill College                         1-  1       50.00
Stetson                                     1-  1       50.00
Troy                                        1-  1       50.00
Wofford College                             0-  2        0.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                          0-  0       5- 13       27.78
J.K. "Bud" Kennedy
Record from 1949-66
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
Air Force                                   0-  1        0.00
Alabama                                     6-  4       60.00
Arkansas State                              1-  1       50.00
Army                                        0-  1        0.00
Auburn                          0-  3       3- 13       18.75
Baylor                                      1-  0      100.00
Beloit College                              0-  1        0.00
Birmingham So Coll                          0-  2        0.00
Boston                                      1-  0      100.00
Bradley                                     0-  1        0.00
Cal-Santa Barbara                           1-  0      100.00
Centenary College                           2-  3       40.00
Central CT State                            1-  0      100.00
Central Methodist                           0-  2        0.00
Citadel                                     1-  4       20.00
Clemson                                     2-  5       28.57
Coll of Charleston                          2-  0      100.00
Creighton                                   0-  1        0.00
Culver-Stockton Coll                        0-  1        0.00
DePaul                          0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Drury College                               0-  1        0.00
Duke                            0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Duquesne                                    1-  1       50.00
East Tennessee State                        0-  2        0.00
Florida                                     4- 14       22.22
Florida Southern Col                       14-  6       70.00
Furman                                      5-  2       71.43
Georgia                                    18-  9       66.67
Georgia Southern                            7-  2       77.78
Georgia Tech                    0-  1       2-  4       33.33
Houston                                     1-  1       50.00
Jacksonville                                4-  1       80.00
Jacksonville State                          2-  0      100.00
Kentucky                        1-  2       1-  2       33.33
Lamar                                       1-  0      100.00
Lambuth                                     0-  2        0.00
Lipscomb                                    1-  1       50.00
Louisiana State                             1-  2       33.33
Loyola-New Orleans                          8- 13       38.10
Manhattan College                           1-  0      100.00
Marshall                                    0-  1        0.00
Memphis                         0-  2       4-  9       30.77
Mercer                                      7-  6       53.85
Miami                           0-  3      15- 18       45.45
Millikin                                    0-  1        0.00
Millsaps College                            2-  0      100.00
Mississippi                                 1-  1       50.00
Mississippi College                         5-  1       83.33
Mississippi State                           3-  3       50.00
Missouri State                              0-  1        0.00
Montana State                               1-  0      100.00
Morehead State                              1-  1       50.00
Morningside College                         1-  0      100.00
Murray State                                1-  1       50.00
New York                                    1-  0      100.00
North Carolina                              0-  1        0.00
North Carolina State            0-  1       0-  2        0.00
Oglethorpe                                  1-  1       50.00
Ohio                                        0-  1        0.00
Ohio State                      0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Oklahoma City                   0-  2       3-  2       60.00
Oklahoma State                              0-  1        0.00
Panama Nationals                            1-  0      100.00
Parris Island USMC                          0-  2        0.00
Pepperdine                                  1-  0      100.00
Rhodes College                              0-  1        0.00
Rice                                        2-  1       66.67
Richmond                                    0-  2        0.00
Rollins College                            17-  2       89.47
Samford                                     6-  0      100.00
Santa Clara                                 0-  1        0.00
Sewanee                                     3-  3       50.00
South Carolina                              1-  1       50.00
South Dakota State                          1-  0      100.00
Southern Mississippi                        2-  3       40.00
Spring Hill College                         2-  2       50.00
Stetson                                    16-  9       64.00
Steubenville, Col of                        0-  1        0.00
Tampa                                      26-  8       76.47
Tennessee                       0-  1       1-  4       20.00
Tennessee Tech                              1-  0      100.00
Texas A&M                                   0-  1        0.00
Texas Christian                             0-  1        0.00
Troy                                        5-  0      100.00
Tulsa                                       2-  0      100.00
Union, TN                                   0-  1        0.00
UT-Chattanooga                              1-  0      100.00
Valdosta State                              6-  0      100.00
Vanderbilt                                  0-  1        0.00
Virginia Military                           2-  1       66.67
Wake Forest                                 0-  1        0.00
West Virginia                   0-  2       0-  3        0.00
Wisconsin                                   0-  1        0.00
Xavier                                      0-  1        0.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                          1- 20     234-208       52.94
Hugh Durham
Record from 1967-78
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
Alabama                         0-  1       0-  3        0.00
Arizona                                     2-  0      100.00
Army                                        1-  1       50.00
Auburn                                      0-  1        0.00
Austin Peay State                           1-  0      100.00
Baylor                                      1-  0      100.00
Brigham Young                   0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Cal St-Bakersfield                          1-  0      100.00
Cal-Irvine                                  1-  0      100.00
Canisius College                            1-  1       50.00
Charleston Southern                         2-  0      100.00
Cincinnati                      0-  1       2-  3       40.00
Citadel                                     3-  0      100.00
Clemson                                     3-  1       75.00
Colorado State                              1-  0      100.00
Connecticut                                 1-  0      100.00
Dayton                          1-  0       3-  1       75.00
Denver                                      1-  0      100.00
East Carolina                               1-  0      100.00
East Tennessee State                        1-  1       50.00
Eastern Kentucky                            6-  1       85.71
Eckerd College                              1-  0      100.00
Evansville                                  0-  1        0.00
Fairleigh-Dickinson                         2-  0      100.00
Florida                                     1-  4       20.00
Florida Southern Col                        6-  0      100.00
George Washington                           1-  0      100.00
Georgetown                                  2-  0      100.00
Georgia Southern                            5-  0      100.00
Georgia State                               3-  0      100.00
Georgia Tech                               11-  5       68.75
Hawaii                                      1-  2       33.33
Hofstra                                     3-  0      100.00
Houston                                     1-  2       33.33
Illinois State                              2-  1       66.67
Indiana                         0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Indiana State                               0-  1        0.00
Jacksonville                    3-  5      14- 11       56.00
James Madison                               2-  0      100.00
Kansas                                      0-  1        0.00
Kansas State                                0-  1        0.00
Kent State                                  1-  1       50.00
Kentucky                        1-  2       1-  2       33.33
Louisiana                                   2-  0      100.00
Louisiana State                             1-  0      100.00
Louisville                      3-  6       3-  6       33.33
Manhattan College                           1-  0      100.00
Marquette                                   0-  1        0.00
Marshall                                    1-  2       33.33
Memphis                         1-  2       5-  3       62.50
Mercer                                      5-  0      100.00
Miami                                       8-  3       72.73
Miami of Ohio                               0-  1        0.00
Minnesota                       1-  0       1-  1       50.00
Missouri                                    1-  1       50.00
MO Western St Coll                          1-  0      100.00
Navy                                        1-  0      100.00
New Hampshire                               1-  0      100.00
New Mexico                      1-  0       1-  1       50.00
North Carolina                  1-  7       1-  7       12.50
Northwestern                                1-  0      100.00
Oglethorpe                                  1-  0      100.00
Ohio                                        1-  0      100.00
Ohio State                      0-  1       0-  2        0.00
Oklahoma City                               1-  0      100.00
Oral Roberts                                2-  0      100.00
Oregon                                      1-  0      100.00
Oregon State                                2-  1       66.67
Palm Beach Atlantic                         1-  0      100.00
Penn State                                  1-  0      100.00
Pepperdine                                  2-  0      100.00
Pittsburgh                                  0-  1        0.00
Princeton                                   0-  1        0.00
Purdue                          1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Rice                                        1-  1       50.00
Richmond                                    1-  1       50.00
Rollins College                             3-  0      100.00
Rutgers                                     1-  0      100.00
Saint Leo                                   1-  0      100.00
Saint Louis                                 3-  0      100.00
Saint Thomas                                6-  0      100.00
Samford                                     3-  0      100.00
San Francisco                   0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Santa Clara                                 1-  0      100.00
Seton Hall                                  2-  0      100.00
South Alabama                               6-  1       85.71
South Carolina                  1-  0       1-  0      100.00
South Dakota                                1-  0      100.00
South Florida                               9-  2       81.82
Southern California             1-  2       1-  2       33.33
Southern Illinois                           1-  1       50.00
Southern Mississippi                        1-  0      100.00
Stetson                                    10-  1       90.91
Tampa                                       2-  0      100.00
Texas                                       2-  0      100.00
Texas A&M                                   2-  0      100.00
Texas-Pan American                          2-  0      100.00
Toledo                                      1-  0      100.00
Troy                                        2-  0      100.00
Tulane                                      9-  2       81.82
UCLA                            0-  1       0-  1        0.00
UNC-Charlotte                               0-  2        0.00
UT-Chattanooga                              1-  0      100.00
Valdosta State                              8-  0      100.00
Vermont                                     1-  0      100.00
Virginia Tech                               2-  2       50.00
Wake Forest                                 1-  0      100.00
Washington                      0-  1       1-  1       50.00
Washington State                            1-  0      100.00
Western Kentucky                            3-  0      100.00
Wisconsin-Milwaukee                         3-  0      100.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                         15- 32     229- 96       70.46
Joe Williams
Record from 1979-86
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
Alabama                                     0-  1        0.00
Alabama-Birmingham                          2-  0      100.00
Auburn                                      2-  4       33.33
California, PA                              1-  0      100.00
Central Florida                             3-  0      100.00
Charleston Southern                         2-  0      100.00
Cincinnati                                 12-  7       63.16
Cleveland State                             1-  0      100.00
Dayton                                      0-  2        0.00
Eckerd College                              1-  0      100.00
FL Institute of Tech                        1-  0      100.00
FL International                            2-  0      100.00
Florida                                     6-  6       50.00
Florida A&M                                 4-  0      100.00
Florida Southern Col                        2-  0      100.00
Furman                                      2-  0      100.00
George Washington                           1-  0      100.00
Georgia                                     1-  1       50.00
Georgia Southern                            1-  0      100.00
Georgia Tech                                1-  1       50.00
Jacksonville                               11-  6       64.71
Kentucky                        0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Louisville                      1- 11       2- 16       11.11
Marquette                                   1-  1       50.00
Memphis                         2- 10       9- 12       42.86
Miami                                       1-  1       50.00
Minnesota                                   1-  1       50.00
Missouri                                    1-  0      100.00
Monmouth                                    1-  0      100.00
New Mexico                                  2-  0      100.00
New Orleans                                 1-  1       50.00
North Carolina                  0-  2       0-  2        0.00
North Carolina State                        2-  1       66.67
Old Dominion                                0-  1        0.00
Penn State                                  0-  1        0.00
Pittsburgh                                  1-  4       20.00
Saint Joseph's Coll                         1-  0      100.00
Saint Leo                                   2-  0      100.00
Saint Louis                                 8-  1       88.89
San Diego State                             0-  1        0.00
South Alabama                               0-  1        0.00
South Carolina                              6-  7       46.15
South Carolina-Aiken                        1-  0      100.00
South Florida                               2-  4       33.33
Southern Mississippi                        5-  3       62.50
Tampa                                       3-  0      100.00
Tennessee-Martin                            1-  0      100.00
Toledo                                      1-  0      100.00
Tulane                                      9-  8       52.94
Tulsa                           1-  0       1-  0      100.00
UNC-Charlotte                               1-  0      100.00
Virginia Tech                   0-  2       7- 10       41.18
Western Carolina                            1-  0      100.00
Western Kentucky                            2-  0      100.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                          4- 26     129-105       55.13
Pat Kennedy
Record from 1987-97
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
Alabama                         1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Alabama State                               3-  0      100.00
Alaska-Anchorage                            1-  0      100.00
Alcorn State                                1-  0      100.00
Arizona                         0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Arkansas                        0-  1       1-  1       50.00
Arkansas-Little Rock                        1-  0      100.00
Auburn                                      1-  1       50.00
Bethune-Cookman                             1-  0      100.00
Bucknell                                    1-  0      100.00
Butler                                      1-  0      100.00
Central Florida                             5-  0      100.00
Cincinnati                                  7-  5       58.33
Clemson                         2-  1       9-  4       69.23
Connecticut                     0-  1       2-  2       50.00
DePaul                                      1-  1       50.00
Detroit-Mercy                               1-  0      100.00
Duke                            1-  7       2- 10       16.67
Duquesne                                    1-  1       50.00
Evansville                                  1-  0      100.00
FL International                            5-  0      100.00
Florida                         1-  4       6-  7       46.15
Florida A&M                                 1-  0      100.00
Florida Atlantic                            3-  0      100.00
Georgetown                                  1-  0      100.00
Georgia Tech                    3-  2       7-  5       58.33
Hardin-Simmons                              1-  0      100.00
Howard                                      1-  0      100.00
Indiana                         0-  3       0-  3        0.00
Iowa                            0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Iowa State                      1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Jacksonville                                8-  1       88.89
Kansas State                                0-  1        0.00
Kentucky                        0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Lafayette College                           1-  0      100.00
LaSalle                         0-  1       1-  1       50.00
Louisiana                                   1-  0      100.00
Louisville                      1-  4       4-  8       33.33
Marist College                              1-  0      100.00
Maryland                        1-  4       5-  8       38.46
Massachusetts                   1-  1       1-  1       50.00
MD-Baltimore County                         2-  0      100.00
MD-Eastern Shore                            1-  0      100.00
Memphis                                     4-  7       36.36
Mercer                                      1-  0      100.00
Miami                                       2-  2       50.00
Michigan                                    0-  1        0.00
Michigan State                              1-  0      100.00
Middle Tennessee St                         0-  1        0.00
Monmouth                                    1-  0      100.00
Montana                                     1-  0      100.00
Morgan State                                2-  0      100.00
Mt. St. Mary's Coll                         1-  0      100.00
Nevada-Las Vegas                0-  1       0-  1        0.00
New Orleans                                 1-  1       50.00
North Carolina                  4- 10       4- 10       28.57
North Carolina State            0-  1       9-  6       60.00
Oklahoma                        0-  2       0-  2        0.00
Penn State                                  2-  0      100.00
Pittsburgh                      0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Radford                                     1-  0      100.00
Rhode Island                                2-  0      100.00
Rice                                        1-  0      100.00
Rider                                       1-  0      100.00
Robert Morris                               1-  0      100.00
Samford                                     1-  0      100.00
SE Missouri State                           1-  0      100.00
Seton Hall                                  1-  0      100.00
Siena College                               1-  0      100.00
South Alabama                               2-  0      100.00
South Carolina                  1-  0       8-  5       61.54
South Florida                               7-  2       77.78
Southern                                    1-  0      100.00
Southern California                         1-  0      100.00
Southern Mississippi                        8-  2       80.00
Stetson                                     5-  0      100.00
Syracuse                        0-  2       1-  3       25.00
Temple                                      1-  0      100.00
Tennessee                       1-  0       2-  1       66.67
Tennessee State                             1-  0      100.00
Texas Southern                              1-  0      100.00
Tulane                                      5-  2       71.43
UCLA                            0-  1       0-  1        0.00
UNC-Asheville                               1-  0      100.00
UNC-Charlotte                               1-  0      100.00
UNC-Greensboro                              2-  0      100.00
USC-Upstate                                 1-  0      100.00
Valdosta State                              1-  0      100.00
Vanderbilt                                  0-  1        0.00
Villanova                       0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Virginia                        1-  2       4-  8       33.33
Virginia Tech                               8-  3       72.73
Wake Forest                     4-  5       6-  7       46.15
West Virginia                               1-  0      100.00
Western Carolina                            1-  0      100.00
Western Kentucky                1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Wisconsin-Green Bay                         1-  0      100.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                         24- 58     202-131       60.66
Steve Robinson
Record from 1998-02
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
American                                    0-  1        0.00
Arizona                         1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Auburn                          0-  1       0-  2        0.00
Binghamton                                  1-  0      100.00
Birmingham So Coll                          1-  0      100.00
Butler                                      0-  1        0.00
Campbell                                    1-  0      100.00
Citadel                                     1-  0      100.00
Clemson                         1-  0       7-  6       53.85
Cleveland State                             1-  1       50.00
Connecticut                     1-  0       1-  0      100.00
DePaul                          0-  1       1-  1       50.00
Duke                            1-  9       1-  9       10.00
Elon                                        1-  0      100.00
Florida                         0-  3       1-  4       20.00
Florida Atlantic                            1-  0      100.00
Furman                                      0-  1        0.00
Georgia Southern                            1-  0      100.00
Georgia Tech                                5-  6       45.45
Idaho                                       1-  0      100.00
Jacksonville                                4-  0      100.00
Kansas                          0-  1       0-  1        0.00
Louisiana                                   1-  0      100.00
Loyola-Maryland                             1-  0      100.00
Maryland                        1- 11       1- 12        7.69
Massachusetts                               0-  1        0.00
Minnesota                                   0-  1        0.00
Mississippi State                           1-  0      100.00
Morgan State                                1-  0      100.00
Murray State                                1-  0      100.00
Norfolk State                               1-  0      100.00
North Carolina                  1-  6       2-  8       20.00
North Carolina State                        3-  8       27.27
Northwestern                                1-  1       50.00
Ohio State                                  0-  1        0.00
Princeton                                   0-  1        0.00
Rhode Island                                1-  0      100.00
Rice                                        1-  0      100.00
Sam Houston State                           1-  0      100.00
Savannah State                              1-  0      100.00
Seton Hall                                  0-  1        0.00
South Florida                               2-  3       40.00
Temple                          0-  1       0-  2        0.00
Texas Christian                 1-  0       1-  0      100.00
UNC-Asheville                               2-  0      100.00
Utah State                                  1-  0      100.00
Valparaiso                                  0-  1        0.00
Vanderbilt                                  1-  1       50.00
Virginia                        1-  3       5-  5       50.00
Virginia Tech                               1-  0      100.00
Wake Forest                     0-  4       4-  6       40.00
Western Carolina                            0-  1        0.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                          8- 40      64- 86       42.67
Leonard Hamilton
Record from 2003-25
                                TOP 25
       OPPONENT                 RECORD      RECORD    PERCENT
============================  ==========  ==========  =======
Akron                                       0-  1        0.00
Alabama                                     1-  0      100.00
Alabama A&M                                 1-  0      100.00
Alabama-Birmingham                          2-  0      100.00
Alcorn State                                1-  0      100.00
Auburn                                      2-  2       50.00
Baylor                          1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Birmingham So Coll                          1-  0      100.00
Boston                                      1-  1       50.00
Boston College                  0-  1      15- 10       60.00
Bowling Green State                         1-  0      100.00
Brigham Young                               1-  0      100.00
Buffalo                                     1-  0      100.00
Butler                          0-  1       1-  2       33.33
California                                  1-  1       50.00
Campbell                                    1-  0      100.00
Canisius College                            1-  0      100.00
Central Florida                             3-  2       60.00
Central Michigan                            1-  0      100.00
Charleston Southern                         7-  0      100.00
Chicago State                               2-  0      100.00
Cincinnati                                  1-  1       50.00
Citadel                                     2-  0      100.00
Clemson                         4-  5      25- 25       50.00
Cleveland State                             0-  1        0.00
Coastal Carolina                            2-  0      100.00
Coll of Charleston                          1-  0      100.00
Colorado                        2-  0       2-  0      100.00
Colorado State                              1-  0      100.00
Connecticut                     0-  1       1-  1       50.00
Davidson College                            2-  0      100.00
DePaul                                      1-  0      100.00
Detroit-Mercy                               1-  0      100.00
Duke                            8- 24       8- 24       25.00
Fairleigh-Dickinson                         1-  0      100.00
FL International                            2-  1       66.67
Florida                         7-  8      11- 12       47.83
Florida Atlantic                            1-  0      100.00
Florida Gulf Coast                          2-  0      100.00
Fordham                                     1-  0      100.00
Gardner-Webb                                2-  0      100.00
George Washington                           2-  0      100.00
Georgetown                                  1-  0      100.00
Georgetown College                          1-  0      100.00
Georgia                                     0-  1        0.00
Georgia Southern                            1-  0      100.00
Georgia State                               4-  0      100.00
Georgia Tech                    3-  2      21- 13       61.76
Gonzaga                         1-  2       1-  2       33.33
Hartford                                    1-  0      100.00
Harvard                                     0-  1        0.00
Hawaii                                      1-  0      100.00
High Point                                  1-  0      100.00
Hofstra                                     1-  1       50.00
Illinois                                    1-  0      100.00
Illinois State                              1-  0      100.00
Indiana                                     1-  1       50.00
Iona College                                2-  0      100.00
Iowa                                        1-  1       50.00
Iowa State                                  0-  1        0.00
Jacksonville                                7-  0      100.00
Jacksonville State                          1-  0      100.00
Kennesaw State                              2-  0      100.00
Kent State                                  0-  1        0.00
LaSalle                                     2-  0      100.00
Lipscomb                                    1-  1       50.00
Louisiana State                 1-  0       1-  2       33.33
Louisiana Tech                              1-  1       50.00
Louisiana-Monroe                            2-  0      100.00
Louisville                      4-  2       9-  7       56.25
Loyola-Maryland                             1-  0      100.00
Loyola-Marymount                            3-  0      100.00
Maine                                       3-  0      100.00
Manhattan College                           2-  0      100.00
Marquette                                   1-  0      100.00
Maryland                        1-  3       9- 10       47.37
Massachusetts                   1-  0       4-  2       66.67
McNeese State                               1-  0      100.00
Mercer                                      4-  1       80.00
Miami                           4-  6      32- 13       71.11
Michigan                        0-  3       1-  3       25.00
Michigan State                              0-  1        0.00
Minnesota                       0-  1       3-  3       50.00
Mississippi                                 2-  0      100.00
Mississippi State                           1-  2       33.33
Missouri                                    2-  0      100.00
Murray State                                1-  0      100.00
Nebraska                                    1-  2       33.33
Nevada-Las Vegas                            1-  0      100.00
New Orleans                                 1-  0      100.00
Nicholls State                              4-  0      100.00
North Alabama                               1-  0      100.00
North Carolina                  5- 20       9- 29       23.68
North Carolina State            0-  3      17- 16       51.52
North Florida                               8-  0      100.00
Northeastern                                1-  1       50.00
Northern Kentucky                           1-  0      100.00
Northwestern                                1-  1       50.00
Notre Dame                      3-  3      12-  5       70.59
Ohio                                        1-  0      100.00
Ohio State                      0-  2       0-  2        0.00
Oklahoma State                              0-  1        0.00
Pennsylvania                                1-  0      100.00
Pittsburgh                      0-  4       7- 11       38.89
Princeton                                   0-  1        0.00
Providence College                          1-  2       33.33
Purdue                          1-  2       3-  2       60.00
Rice                                        1-  0      100.00
Rutgers                                     1-  0      100.00
Saint Bonaventure                           1-  0      100.00
Saint John's                                0-  1        0.00
Saint Joseph's                              1-  0      100.00
Saint Louis                                 1-  0      100.00
Saint Peter's Coll                          1-  0      100.00
Samford                                     2-  0      100.00
Savannah State                              2-  0      100.00
SE Missouri State                           1-  0      100.00
Shawnee State                               1-  0      100.00
Siena College                               0-  1        0.00
South Alabama                               2-  1       66.67
South Carolina                              0-  2        0.00
South Carolina State                        1-  0      100.00
South Florida                               2-  2       50.00
Southeastern LA                             2-  0      100.00
Southern Methodist                          2-  1       66.67
Southern Mississippi                        2-  0      100.00
St. Francis Coll, Pa                        1-  0      100.00
Stanford                                    0-  2        0.00
Stetson                                    11-  1       91.67
Syracuse                        0-  1       7-  7       50.00
Tarleton State                              1-  0      100.00
Temple                                      1-  1       50.00
Tennessee                       1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Tennessee Tech                              1-  0      100.00
Tennessee-Martin                            2-  0      100.00
Texas A&M                       1-  0       1-  0      100.00
Texas Christian                             0-  1        0.00
Texas Southern                              2-  0      100.00
Toledo                                      1-  0      100.00
Troy                                        1-  1       50.00
Tulane                                      4-  0      100.00
Tulsa                                       1-  0      100.00
TX AM-Corpus Christi                        3-  1       75.00
UNC-Charlotte                               2-  0      100.00
UNC-Greensboro                              3-  0      100.00
USC-Upstate                                 1-  0      100.00
UT-Chattanooga                              1-  0      100.00
VA Commonwealth                 1-  0       2-  1       66.67
Valparaiso                                  0-  1        0.00
Vermont                                     1-  0      100.00
Villanova                                   0-  1        0.00
Virginia                        6-  7      19- 17       52.78
Virginia Tech                   4-  0      20- 11       64.52
Wagner College                              1-  0      100.00
Wake Forest                     2-  6      20- 14       58.82
Western Carolina                            2-  0      100.00
Western Illinois                            1-  0      100.00
Western Kentucky                            1-  0      100.00
Wichita State                               1-  0      100.00
Winthrop                                    4-  0      100.00
Wisconsin                       0-  1       0-  2        0.00
Xavier                          1-  0       1-  1       50.00
                              ==========  ==========  =======
Totals                         62-108     460-295       60.93
FSU Basketball All-Time Coaching Results

Record from 1948 to 2025
                                                   TOP 25
       OPPONENT                                    RECORD    RECORD   PERCENT
================================================= ========  ========  =======
Air Force              Colorado Springs, Colo.                0-   1     0.00
Akron                  Akron, Ohio                            0-   1     0.00
Alabama                Tuscaloosa, Ala.             1-  2     8-   8    50.00
Alabama A&M            Huntsville, Ala.                       1-   0   100.00
Alabama State          Montgomery, Ala.                       3-   0   100.00
Alabama-Birmingham     Birmingham, Ala.                       4-   0   100.00
Alaska-Anchorage       Anchorage, Alaska                      1-   0   100.00
Alcorn State           Lorman, Miss.                          2-   0   100.00
American               Washington, D.C.                       0-   1     0.00
Arizona                Tucson, Ariz.                1-  1     3-   1    75.00
Arkansas               Fayetteville, Ark.           1-  1     1-   1    50.00
Arkansas State         Jonesboro, Ark.                        1-   1    50.00
Arkansas-Little Rock   Little Rock, Ark.                      1-   0   100.00
Army                   West Point, N.Y.                       1-   2    33.33
Auburn                 Auburn, Ala.                 0-  7     8-  23    25.81
Austin Peay State      Clarksville, Tenn.                     1-   0   100.00
Baylor                 Waco, Tex.                             3-   0   100.00
Beloit College         Beloit, Wis.                           0-   1     0.00
Bethune-Cookman        Daytona Beach, Fla.                    1-   0   100.00
   Formerly Bethune-Cookman Coll from 1941 through 2007
Binghamton             Binghamton, N.Y.                       1-   0   100.00
Birmingham So Coll     Birmingham, Ala.                       2-   2    50.00
Boston                 Boston, Mass.                          2-   1    66.67
Boston College         Chestnut Hill, Mass.         0-  1    15-  10    60.00
Bowling Green State    Bowling Green, Ohio                    1-   0   100.00
Bradley                Peoria, Ill.                 0-  1     0-   1     0.00
Brigham Young          Provo, Utah                            1-   1    50.00
Bucknell               Lewisburg, Pa.                         1-   0   100.00
Buffalo                Buffalo, N.Y.                          1-   0   100.00
Butler                 Indianapolis, Ind.           0-  2     2-   3    40.00
Cal St-Bakersfield     Bakersfield, Calif.                    1-   0   100.00
Cal-Irvine             Irvine, Calif.                         1-   0   100.00
Cal-Santa Barbara      Santa Barbara, Calif.                  1-   0   100.00
California             Berkeley, Calif.                       1-   1    50.00
California, PA         California, Pa.                        1-   0   100.00
Campbell               Buies Creek, N.C.                      2-   0   100.00
Canisius College       Buffalo, N.Y.                          2-   1    66.67
Centenary College      Shreveport, La.                        2-   3    40.00
Central CT State       New Britain, Conn.                     1-   0   100.00
   Formerly CT State Teachers from 1849 through 1959
   Formerly Central CT State Col from 1959 through 1983
Central Florida        Orlando, Fla.                         11-   2    84.62
   Formerly Florida Tech from 1966 through 1978
Central Methodist      Fayette, Mo.                           0-   2     0.00
   Formerly Central College from 1854 through 1961
   Formerly Cent Methodist Coll from 1961 through 2004
Central Michigan       Mount Pleasant, Mich.                  1-   0   100.00
Charleston Southern    Charleston, S.C.                      11-   0   100.00
   Formerly Baptist College from 1960 through 1990
Chicago State          Chicago, Ill.                          2-   0   100.00
Cincinnati             Cincinnati, Ohio             0-  1    22-  16    57.89
Citadel                Charleston, S.C.                       7-   4    63.64
Clemson                Clemson, S.C.                5-  7    46-  41    52.87
Cleveland State        Cleveland, Ohio                        2-   2    50.00
Coastal Carolina       Conway, S.C.                           2-   0   100.00
Coll of Charleston     Charleston, S.C.                       3-   0   100.00
Colorado               Boulder, Colo.               1-  0     2-   0   100.00
Colorado State         Fort Collins, Colo.                    2-   0   100.00
Connecticut            Storrs, Conn.                1-  2     5-   3    62.50
Creighton              Omaha, Neb.                            0-   1     0.00
Culver-Stockton Coll   Canton, Mo.                            0-   1     0.00
Davidson College       Davidson, N.C.                         2-   0   100.00
Dayton                 Dayton, Ohio                           3-   3    50.00
Denver                 Denver, Colo.                          1-   0   100.00
DePaul                 Chicago, Ill.                0-  1     3-   3    50.00
Detroit-Mercy          Detroit, Mich.                         2-   0   100.00
   Formerly Detroit from 1911 through 1990
Drury College          Springfield, Mo.                       0-   1     0.00
Duke                   Durham, N.C.                 9- 40    11-  44    20.00
Duquesne               Pittsburgh, Pa.                        2-   2    50.00
East Carolina          Greenville, N.C.                       1-   0   100.00
East Tennessee State   Johnson City, Tenn.                    1-   3    25.00
Eastern Kentucky       Richmond, Ky.                          6-   1    85.71
Eckerd College         Saint Petersburg, Fla.                 2-   0   100.00
   Formerly Florida Presbyterian from 1958 through 1972
Elon                   Elon, N.C.                             1-   0   100.00
   Formerly Elon College from 1889 through 2001
Erskine College        Due West, S.C.                         1-   1    50.00
Evansville             Evansville, Ind.                       1-   1    50.00
Fairleigh-Dickinson    Teaneck, N.J.                          3-   0   100.00
FL Institute of Tech   Melbourne, Fla.                        1-   0   100.00
FL International       Miami, Fla.                            9-   1    90.00
Florida                Gainesville, Fla.            5- 14    29-  47    38.16
Florida A&M            Tallahassee, Fla.                      5-   0   100.00
Florida Atlantic       Boca Raton, Fla.                       5-   0   100.00
Florida Gulf Coast     Fort Myers, Fla.                       2-   0   100.00
Florida Southern Col   Lakeland, Fla.                        23-   7    76.67
   Formerly Southern College from 1906 through 1949
Fordham                Bronx, N.Y.                            1-   0   100.00
Furman                 Greenville, S.C.                       7-   3    70.00
Gardner-Webb           Boiling Springs, S.C.                  2-   0   100.00
George Washington      Washington, D.C.                       4-   0   100.00
Georgetown             Washington, D.C.             1-  0     4-   0   100.00
Georgetown College     Georgetown, Ky.                        1-   0   100.00
Georgia                Athens, Ga.                           19-  11    63.33
Georgia Southern       Statesboro, Ga.                       15-   4    78.95
   Formerly Georgia Teachers from 1939 through 1959
Georgia State          Atlanta, Ga.                           7-   0   100.00
Georgia Tech           Atlanta, Ga.                 3-  5    47-  34    58.02
Georgia-Savannah       Savannah, Ga.                          0-   2     0.00
Gonzaga                Spokane, Wash.               1-  2     1-   2    33.33
Hardin-Simmons         Abilene, Tex.                          1-   0   100.00
Hartford               West Hartford, Conn.                   1-   0   100.00
Harvard                Cambridge, Mass.                       0-   1     0.00
Hawaii                 Honolulu, Hawaii                       2-   2    50.00
High Point             High Point, N.C.                       1-   0   100.00
Hofstra                Hempstead, N.Y.                        4-   1    80.00
Houston                Houston, Tex.                          2-   3    40.00
Howard                 Washington, D.C.                       1-   0   100.00
Idaho                  Moscow, Idaho                          1-   0   100.00
Illinois               Champaign, Ill.                        1-   0   100.00
Illinois State         Normal, Ill.                           3-   1    75.00
Indiana                Bloomington, Ind.            0-  4     1-   5    16.67
Indiana State          Terre Haute, Ind.                      0-   1     0.00
Iona College           New Rochelle, N.Y.                     2-   0   100.00
Iowa                   Iowa City, Iowa              0-  2     1-   2    33.33
Iowa State             Ames, Iowa                             1-   1    50.00
Jacksonville           Jacksonville, Fla.           1-  4    48-  19    71.64
Jacksonville State     Jacksonville, Ala.                     3-   0   100.00
James Madison          Harrisonburg, Va.                      2-   0   100.00
   Formerly Madison from 1938 through 1978
Kansas                 Lawrence, Kans.              0-  2     0-   2     0.00
Kansas State           Manhattan, Kans.                       0-   2     0.00
Kennesaw State         Kennesaw, Ga.                          2-   0   100.00
Kent State             Kent, Ohio                             1-   2    33.33
Kentucky               Lexington, Ky.               2-  5     2-   6    25.00
Lafayette College      Easton, Pa.                            1-   0   100.00
Lamar                  Beaumont, Tex.                         1-   0   100.00
   Formerly Lamar Tech from 1932 through 1971
Lambuth                Jackson, Tenn.                         0-   2     0.00
   Formerly Lambuth College from 1923 through 1991
LaSalle                Philadelphia, Pa.                      3-   1    75.00
Lipscomb               Nashville, Tenn.                       2-   2    50.00
   Formerly David Lipscomb Coll from 1918 through 1988
Louisiana              Lafayette, La.                         4-   0   100.00
   Formerly Southwestern La. from 1901 through 1999
   Formerly Louisiana-Lafayette from 1999 through 2017
Louisiana State        Baton Rouge, La.             1-  0     3-   4    42.86
Louisiana Tech         Ruston, La.                            1-   1    50.00
Louisiana-Monroe       Monroe, La.                            2-   0   100.00
   Formerly Northeast Louisiana from 1950 through 1999
Louisville             Louisville, Ky.              7- 27    18-  37    32.73
Loyola-Maryland        Baltimore, Md.                         2-   0   100.00
   Formerly Loyola College-MD from 1852 through 2009
Loyola-Marymount       Los Angeles, Calif.                    3-   0   100.00
Loyola-New Orleans     New Orleans, La.                       8-  13    38.10
Maine                  Orono, Maine                           3-   0   100.00
Manhattan College      Riverdale, N.Y.                        4-   0   100.00
Marist College         Poughkeepsie, N.Y.                     1-   0   100.00
Marquette              Milwaukee, Wis.              0-  1     2-   2    50.00
Marshall               Huntington, W.Va.                      1-   3    25.00
Maryland               College Park, Md.            4- 24    15-  30    33.33
Massachusetts          Amherst, Mass.               1-  1     5-   4    55.56
McNeese State          Lake Charles, La.                      1-   0   100.00
MD-Baltimore County    Baltimore, Md.                         2-   0   100.00
MD-Eastern Shore       Princess Anne, Md.                     1-   0   100.00
Memphis                Memphis, Tenn.               2- 12    22-  31    41.51
   Formerly Memphis State from 1912 through 1994
Mercer                 Macon, Ga.                            17-   9    65.38
Miami                  Coral Gables, Fla.           5-  9    58-  37    61.05
Miami of Ohio          Oxford, Ohio                           0-   1     0.00
Michigan               Ann Arbor, Mich.             0-  4     1-   4    20.00
Michigan State         East Lansing, Mich.          0-  1     1-   1    50.00
Middle Tennessee St    Murfreesboro, Tenn.                    0-   1     0.00
Millikin               Decatur, Ill.                          0-   1     0.00
Millsaps College       Jackson, Miss.                         2-   0   100.00
Minnesota              Minneapolis, Minn.           1-  0     5-   6    45.45
Mississippi            Oxford, Miss.                          3-   1    75.00
Mississippi College    Clinton, Miss.                         5-   1    83.33
Mississippi State      Starkville, Miss.                      5-   5    50.00
   Formerly Mississippi A&M from 1878 through 1932
Missouri               Columbia, Mo.                          4-   1    80.00
Missouri State         Springfield, Mo.                       0-   1     0.00
   Formerly SW Missouri State from 1945 through 2005
MO Western St Coll     Saint Joseph, Mo.                      1-   0   100.00
Monmouth               West Long Branch, N.J.                 2-   0   100.00
Montana                Missoula, Mont.                        1-   0   100.00
Montana State          Bozeman, Mont.                         1-   0   100.00
Morehead State         Morehead, Ky.                          1-   1    50.00
Morgan State           Baltimore, Md.                         3-   0   100.00
Morningside College    Sioux City, Iowa                       1-   0   100.00
Mt. St. Mary's Coll    Emmitsburg, Md.                        1-   0   100.00
Murray State           Murray, Ky.                            3-   1    75.00
Navy                   Annapolis, Md.                         1-   0   100.00
Nebraska               Lincoln, Neb.                          1-   2    33.33
Nevada-Las Vegas       Las Vegas, Nev.              0-  1     1-   1    50.00
New Hampshire          Durham, N.H.                           1-   0   100.00
New Mexico             Albuquerque, N.Mex.          1-  0     3-   1    75.00
New Orleans            New Orleans, La.                       3-   2    60.00
New York               New York, N.Y.                         1-   0   100.00
Nicholls State         Thibodaux, La.                         4-   0   100.00
Norfolk State          Norfolk, Va.                           1-   0   100.00
North Alabama          Florence, Ala.                         1-   0   100.00
   Formerly Florence State from 1956 through 1974
North Carolina         Chapel Hill, N.C.           11- 46    16-  57    21.92
North Carolina State   Raleigh, N.C.                3-  9    31-  33    48.44
North Florida          Jacksonville, Fla.                     8-   0   100.00
Northeastern           Boston, Mass.                          1-   1    50.00
Northern Kentucky      Highland Heights, Ky.                  1-   0   100.00
Northwestern           Evanston, Ill.                         3-   2    60.00
Notre Dame             Notre Dame, Ind.             3-  3    12-   5    70.59
Oglethorpe             Atlanta, Ga.                           2-   1    66.67
Ohio                   Athens, Ohio                           2-   1    66.67
Ohio State             Columbus, Ohio               0-  3     0-   6     0.00
Oklahoma               Norman, Okla.                0-  2     0-   2     0.00
Oklahoma City          Oklahoma City, Okla.         0-  2     4-   2    66.67
Oklahoma State         Stillwater, Okla.            0-  1     0-   2     0.00
   Formerly Oklahoma A&M from 1890 through 1958
Old Dominion           Norfolk, Va.                           0-   1     0.00
Oral Roberts           Tulsa, Okla.                           2-   0   100.00
Oregon                 Eugene, Ore.                           1-   0   100.00
Oregon State           Corvallis, Ore.                        2-   1    66.67
Palm Beach Atlantic    West Palm Beach, Fla.                  1-   0   100.00
   Formerly Palm Bch Atl College from 1968 through 2002
Panama Nationals       Panama Canal Zone,                     1-   0   100.00
Parris Island USMC     Parris Island, N.C.                    0-   2     0.00
Penn State             University Park, Pa.                   3-   1    75.00
Pennsylvania           Philadelphia, Pa.                      1-   0   100.00
Pepperdine             Malibu, Calif.                         3-   0   100.00
Pittsburgh             Pittsburgh, Pa.              0-  5     8-  17    32.00
Princeton              Princeton, N.J.                        0-   3     0.00
Providence College     Providence, R.I.                       1-   2    33.33
Purdue                 West Lafayette, Ind.         1-  2     4-   2    66.67
Radford                Radford, Va.                           1-   0   100.00
Rhode Island           Kingston, R.I.                         3-   0   100.00
Rhodes College         Memphis, Tenn.                         0-   1     0.00
   Formerly Southwestern-Memphis from 1945 through 1984
Rice                   Houston, Tex.                          6-   2    75.00
Richmond               Richmond, Va.                          1-   3    25.00
Rider                  Lawrenceville, N.J.                    1-   0   100.00
   Formerly Rider College from 1920 through 1994
Robert Morris          Pittsburgh, Pa.                        1-   0   100.00
Rollins College        Winter Park, Fla.                     20-   2    90.91
Rutgers                New Brunswick, N.J.                    2-   0   100.00
Saint Bonaventure      Saint Bonaventure, N.Y.                1-   0   100.00
Saint John's           Jamaica, N.Y.                          0-   1     0.00
Saint Joseph's         Philadelphia, Pa.                      1-   0   100.00
Saint Joseph's Coll    Windham, Maine                         1-   0   100.00
Saint Leo              Saint Leo, Fla.                        3-   0   100.00
   Formerly Saint Leo College from 1889 through 1999
Saint Louis            Saint Louis, Mo.                      12-   1    92.31
Saint Peter's Coll     Jersey City, N.J.                      1-   0   100.00
Saint Thomas           Miami, Fla.                            6-   0   100.00
   Formerly Biscayne from 1961 through 1984
Sam Houston State      Huntsville, Tex.                       1-   0   100.00
Samford                Birmingham, Ala.                      12-   0   100.00
   Formerly Howard from 1841 through 1965
San Diego State        San Diego, Calif.                      0-   1     0.00
San Francisco          San Francisco, Calif.        0-  1     0-   1     0.00
Santa Clara            Santa Clara, Calif.                    1-   1    50.00
Savannah State         Savannah, Ga.                          3-   0   100.00
SE Missouri State      Cape Girardeau, Mo.                    2-   0   100.00
Seton Hall             South Orange, N.J.                     3-   1    75.00
Sewanee                Sewanee, Tenn.                         3-   3    50.00
Shawnee State          Portsmouth, Ohio                       1-   0   100.00
Siena College          Loudonville, N.Y.                      1-   1    50.00
South Alabama          Mobile, Ala.                          10-   3    76.92
South Carolina         Columbia, S.C.               1-  0    16-  15    51.61
South Carolina State   Orangeburg, S.C.                       1-   0   100.00
South Carolina-Aiken   Aiken, S.C.                            1-   0   100.00
South Dakota           Vermillion, S.Dak.                     1-   0   100.00
South Dakota State     Brookings, S.Dak.                      1-   0   100.00
South Florida          Tampa, Fla.                           22-  13    62.86
Southeastern LA        Hammond, La.                           2-   0   100.00
Southern               Baton Rouge, La.                       1-   0   100.00
Southern California    Los Angeles, Calif.          0-  2     2-   2    50.00
Southern Illinois      Carbondale, Ill.                       1-   1    50.00
Southern Methodist     Dallas, Tex.                           2-   1    66.67
Southern Mississippi   Hattiesburg, Miss.           1-  1    18-   8    69.23
   Formerly Mississippi Southern from 1912 through 1962
Spring Hill College    Mobile, Ala.                           3-   3    50.00
St. Francis Coll, Pa   Loretto, Pa.                           1-   0   100.00
Stanford               Stanford, Calif.                       0-   2     0.00
Stetson                DeLand, Fla.                          43-  12    78.18
Steubenville, Col of   Steubenville, Ohio                     0-   1     0.00
Syracuse               Syracuse, N.Y.               1-  5     8-  10    44.44
Tampa                  Tampa, Fla.                           31-   8    79.49
Tarleton State         Stephenville, Tex.                     1-   0   100.00
Temple                 Philadelphia, Pa.            1-  2     2-   3    40.00
Tennessee              Knoxville, Tenn.             0-  1     4-   5    44.44
Tennessee State        Nashville, Tenn.                       1-   0   100.00
Tennessee Tech         Cookeville, Tenn.                      2-   0   100.00
Tennessee-Martin       Martin, Tenn.                          3-   0   100.00
Texas                  Austin, Tex.                           2-   0   100.00
Texas A&M              College Station, Tex.        1-  0     3-   1    75.00
Texas Christian        Fort Worth, Tex.             1-  0     1-   2    33.33
Texas Southern         Houston, Tex.                          3-   0   100.00
Texas-Pan American     Edinburg, Tex.                         2-   0   100.00
   Formerly Pan American College from 1951 through 1988
Toledo                 Toledo, Ohio                           3-   0   100.00
Troy                   Troy, Ala.                             9-   2    81.82
   Formerly Troy State from 1929 through 2005
Tulane                 New Orleans, La.                      27-  12    69.23
Tulsa                  Tulsa, Okla.                           4-   0   100.00
TX AM-Corpus Christi   Corpus Christi, Tex.                   3-   1    75.00
UCLA                   Los Angeles, Calif.          0-  2     0-   2     0.00
UNC-Asheville          Asheville, N.C.                        3-   0   100.00
UNC-Charlotte          Charlotte, N.C.              0-  1     4-   2    66.67
UNC-Greensboro         Greensboro, N.C.                       5-   0   100.00
Union, TN              Jackson, Tenn.                         0-   1     0.00
USC-Upstate            Spartanburg, S.C.                      2-   0   100.00
   Formerly USC-Spartanburg from 1967 through 2004
UT-Chattanooga         Chattanooga, Tenn.                     3-   0   100.00
Utah State             Logan, Utah                            1-   0   100.00
VA Commonwealth        Richmond, Va.                1-  1     2-   1    66.67
Valdosta State         Valdosta, Ga.                         15-   0   100.00
   Formerly Valdosta State Coll from 1950 through 1993
Valparaiso             Valparaiso, Ind.             0-  1     0-   2     0.00
Vanderbilt             Nashville, Tenn.                       1-   3    25.00
Vermont                Burlington, Vt.                        2-   0   100.00
Villanova              Villanova, Pa.               0-  1     0-   2     0.00
Virginia               Charlottesville, Va.         6- 16    28-  30    48.28
Virginia Military      Lexington, Va.                         2-   1    66.67
Virginia Tech          Blacksburg, Va.              3-  0    38-  26    59.38
Wagner College         Staten Island, N.Y.                    1-   0   100.00
Wake Forest            Winston-Salem, N.C.          6- 13    31-  28    52.54
Washington             Seattle, Wash.               0-  1     1-   1    50.00
Washington State       Pullman, Wash.                         1-   0   100.00
West Virginia          Morgantown, W.Va.            0-  3     1-   3    25.00
Western Carolina       Cullowhee, N.C.                        4-   1    80.00
Western Illinois       Macomb, Ill.                           1-   0   100.00
Western Kentucky       Bowling Green, Ky.           1-  0     7-   0   100.00
Wichita State          Wichita, Kans.                         1-   0   100.00
Winthrop               Rock Hill, S.C.                        4-   0   100.00
Wisconsin              Madison, Wis.                0-  1     0-   3     0.00
Wisconsin-Green Bay    Green Bay, Wis.                        1-   0   100.00
Wisconsin-Milwaukee    Milwaukee, Wis.                        3-   0   100.00
Wofford College        Spartanburg, S.C.                      0-   2     0.00
Xavier                 Cincinnati, Ohio             1-  1     1-   2    33.33
                                                  ========  ========  =======
Totals                                             96-310  1323- 934    58.62