Lee Langston
Full Name:  George Lee Langston
     Born:  August 12, 1942, Lexington, Ky.
     Died:  January 20, 1983, Lexington, Ky.
   School:  Lafayette High School in Lexington, Kentucky

FSU Career
Swimming & Diving
Year  Pos     Hgt  Wgt  Cl  Ltr  Hometown
61-62 BK      5-8  135  So   *   Lexington, KY                   

From the FSU Website, seminoles.com.

George Lee Langston Obituary.
Published by the Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington, Ky. on Jan 21, 1983, page 44.

Lexington law partner G. Lee Langston dies

By Jennifer Hewlett, Herald-Leader staff writer

G. Lee Langston, a partner in the law firm of Stoll Keenon & Park in Lexington, died yesterday at his home after a two-year battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as Lou Gehrig disease.

Langston, 40, had been with the law firm for the past five years. He previously served as general counsel for the state banking department and had worked as an attorney for the state insurance department.

He was a member of the board of directors of the South Lexington Little League and manager of the Giants Little League baseball team.

Lawyer Charles Shivel Jr., a coworker and friend, said yesterday that Langston dealt with his disease "like a soldier."

Langston was at work on Wednesday, he said.

"I think he tried to make a positive thing out of it," he said. "Many people were not aware of the extent of his illness."

Shivel said that Langston had lost the use of his arms and that he had difficulty breathing and speaking, "but in spite of all that, he continued doing the things he'd ordinarily done."

"The people around him had more trouble coping with the problem than he did. He talked about it frequently. He was very philosophical about it. I never hear him say, 'Why me?'"

Shivel said Langston was an excellent lawyer who specialized in banking law.

"He was very active in the Lexington Little League. He was a favorite of the children in the south end of town."

Langston was a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A.M. and the Oleika Shrine Temple. He attended Gethsemane Lutheran Church.

He was a member of the Fayette County Bar Association and the Kentucky Bar Association.

Langston attended Florida State University and was a graduate of Morehead State University. He received his law degree from the University of Kentucky College of Law.

Langston is survivied by his wife, Judie Groom Langston; a daughter, Malinda Lee Langston; two sons, Christopher Todd Langston and Matthew Brannon Langston; his parents, George B. and Malinda Fisher Langston of Lexington; and two brother.

FSU Statistics
Swimming & Diving
   Date    Opponent/Meet                  Event                         Place  Results Points
---------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ----- -------- ------
            1962 Season
02/21/1962 Texas A&M                      200-Yard Backstroke             1    2:24.3    5.00
02/23/1962 Georgia                        400-Yard Medley Relay           1    4:04.8    1.75
02/23/1962 Georgia                        200-Yard Backstroke             2              3.00
03/01/1962 East Carolina                  200-Yard Backstroke             2              3.00