Robert Hugh Merry Obituary.
Published by The Morning News, Wilmington,
Del., on Dec 13, 1954, page 19. PFC R.H. Merry Funeral Today
GROVE, N.J., Dec. 12 - Private funeral services will be conducted tomorrow
morning in the Asheraft Funeral Home here for PFC Robert H. Merry, who was
fatally injured last Sunday in an auto accident in Oklahoma.
The victim,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Merry, 307 Riverwalk here, was stationed at Fort
Sill, Okla., where he was with the Headquarters Company of the 55th Field
Artillery Company.
Details of the accident were vague but information
learned through the Fort Sill commandant showed the young serviceman, a
former high school athlete, met his death when his automobile left a
highway near Chickasha and went down an embankment.
He attended schools
here and was graduated from a Louisville, Ky. high school while the elder
Merry was stationed with the DuPont Company.