Memories of the Garnet and Gold,
Seminole Spotlight,
Garnet and Old and
Tallahassee Democrat
by Jim Joanos

Memories of the Garnet and Gold

Judge Joanos, who passed away on January 20, 2024, was my friend and mentor. He loved everything FSU, especially athletics. He and his wife, Betty Lou, could be found at most FSU athletic competition, including many away games. He had an amazing memory and could remember different games and plays from many years ago. He was also a great storyteller and almost 200 of his articles are published on this site. After going through his FSU papers, I found these four additional articles which were never published.

Seminole Spotlight...found in the Wakulla Area Times

Garnet and Old...found in the Seminole Boosters' "Report to Boosters"

Tallahassee Democrat Artices